This Present Evil World!

Galatians 1:4  Greek Translation: “Who gave himself for our sins who we missing the mark or missing God with our offensive behavior towards God ignorant of God’s expectations of us. He has delivered us from this present evil world and has given us an eternal future according to the will and purpose of God our Father.” Comment: Present evil world? Whether the first Century or the twenty first Century good and evil transcend time! Heaven and Hell are past, present and future! Jesus said the closer we get to his second coming the worse the evil would get! So what did God do about this present evil world the Apostle Paul is speaking about? Evil has to be judged so God gave himself as a sacrifice for our redemption taking the judgment of death upon himself! So good has overcome evil! The good suffering for the evil! The good taking the guilt and punishment for the evil doers! This is really beyond our comprehension? In my natural mind the evil should get evil for their deeds! This would be fair! If I follow this line of thinking then we are all condemned! We could by ourselves could never meet God’s expectation of righteousness by our works! Therefore God had to do it for us! The Cross! Every generation has the same opportunity to receive Salvation through Christ! We have all chosen evil but we can chose our way out of it! Everyone will make a choice for or against Christ! Everyone has the freedom to chose life or death! So why would some chose death over life? Because they are deceived into believing there is no God! There is no Satan! There is no Heaven or Hell! There is no judgment! The biggest lie of deception in the 20th and 21st Century has been the teaching of our children in public schools the Theory of Evolution! This atheistic ideology was foundational to Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler with a list of followers too long to describe here! However sadly this big lie is not challenged by the Church much and even accepted as some how reconcilable with Creation? If we are to save America we have to save our children from the public schools and get government out of the schools and privatize our school system! Take the five thousand dollars every tax payer pays to public schools and give that money to the parents to choose their own school! James and Hamsa Sasse.

John 3:16 Word Study “Everlasting”

Everlasting (Aionios) Strongs #166 Everlasting meaning eternal abiding forever! A constant abiding duration in reference to time! It is the life which is God’s not affected by the limitations of time! It is a quality of life that is not belonging to the transitory! It has neither beginning or end! Without end! God has everlasting life! He has everlasting blessings, everlasting salvation, everlasting life, everlasting fire and everlasting judgment! No end! World without end! This everlasting includes our natural life here on earth and forever after! It includes the past, present and future ages of this world and the world to come! This word over time has had an unfavorable reception to the perishing but of great value to the believer’s in Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

John 3:16 Word Study “Believeth”

Believeth (Pisteuo) Strongs #4100 Believe in what? Yourself? Your shady relatives? The state? Republican or Democratic party? Money? Women? Men? Your dog? To believe is to have a mental persuasion towards something or someone! To have a confidence in! It is to have knowledge and experience that leads to an ascent to Christ with his words and actions! It is a belief that leads to good works even though we are not saved by our good works! A false belief leads to destruction! Never trust in someone that is not trustworthy! That excludes most humans! A belief and trust in Christ for our justification and salvation both past, present and future! To trust the work of God on the Cross for us as a substitute for the condemnation of our sin! You can believe the truth or you can believe a lie! What you believe is very important because your outcome in life is determined by what you believe today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Someone Else Baked Your Cake! Isaiah 2:19

“And they shall go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth as dust blown by the wind, for fear of the Lord, and for the Glory of His Majesty when He ariseth to the terrorism of the Lord’s judgment!” Comment: In Isaiah Chapter 2 God is contrasting His love and peace with the foolishness, pride and sin of man! Why is this important? Salvation means nothing without Judgment! If you leave out the Judgment of God as some modern day preachers do then there is no reason for Salvation? Saved for what? Saved from what? There are two sides of the coin when in comes to the Gospel. Salvation on one side and Judgment on the other side! You will have Judgment without Salvation but you cannot have Salvation without Judgment! Christ took our Judgment on the Cross! The problem with the prosperity Gospel is that it can lead people to believe that their success is based upon their works rather than God’s work! If we leave God’s Judgment out of the equation then good works circles around again and can lead people to a false Gospel! The challenge today is witnessing to Muslims! They do not believe they are sinners! They believe they have no need of Salvation even though they kill people following their Koran! Did you ever notice no condemnation comes from the Muslim community following these terrorist attacks? Why? They believe they are instruments of Judgment for God to remove the infidels! If we do not include Judgment for all men and only present a prosperity Gospel we will not get their attention! James and Hamsa Sasse.

State Of The Ruin The Union Speech!

What can we expect? More of the same! Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! Blame, Blame, Blame. No responsibility taken for anything. Lies, deception and unfaithfulness to American’s. Betrayal! Foreign Policy and Domestic Policy detrimental to American’s. He also wants to be a hero to the Muslim World? We as American’s will pay a big price for this one! The great divider is busy! How can I end on a positive note? Trust God! Every foundation that we have learned to trust here in America is coming down! If we trust any foundation other than Christ in these last days fear and terror will move into your soul! James Sasse.

Micah Nails Down Place of His Birth! Micah 5: 1-2

Micah prophesized the Messiah’s birth place about 700 years before the event! The chief priest’s and scribes quoted it to Herod when they were asked where Christ was to be born. The prophet Isaiah had a lot of revelation about Christ hundreds of years before He came including birth, death and resurrection! It is interesting that the revelation of Christ was spread out among several old testament prophets. This is also true in the Body of Christ today! Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all prophecy! He is the Chief Prophet and it says in Revelation 19:10, “Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy!” Remember Christmas is more than about His birth! Remember that during the future tribulation period (7 years), the religious ruler of the world (false prophet), will force the inhabitant’s of earth to worship the anti-Christ (World political ruler). If you have rejected Christmas and Christ then you have chosen to follow the false prophet and worship the false Christ or anti-Christ! This will lead to your destruction! Micah a old testament prophet prophesized the coming righteous and Holy Prophet and Savior who pre-existed time and created all things both visible and invisible! Christmas is not just a point in time and a place in time but all time and all history past, present and future revolves around Him! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Faith in Who? Faith in What? Ephesians Chapter 3 Verses 11-12

I have translated the two verses above by going back to the original Greek and then reinserting the English translation from Greek back into the text. Verse 11 and 12 reads as follows; According to the past, present and future intension by visibly showing forth something which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. In whom we have boldness and admission with reliance by the belief in the truth of salvation by Christ. God has given every man a measure of faith! Faith is a Gift from God! So our Faith is not really my faith or your faith but God’s Faith! This is the Faith Paul is speaking about. Not faith in yourself, wife, husband, bank account, job, father, mother, son, daughter, government, retirment, church, pastor but Faith in God! Faith in Jesus Christ alone secures our Salvation both now and forever and nothing else will! Although our family, jobs, ect, are important to us they must never be idols in worship before God! Thankyou. James Sasse.


Sometimes i wish God would have made salvation mandatory instead of optional? You know like paying your taxes is mandatory. I suppose that just like you have tax cheats you would have salvation cheats like Judas! Options are an important part of democratic liberties but when time runs out all options end! Like 2 seconds left on the clock in a football game if you are behind you finish the game in defeat! In a game you have next season but in life we play for keeps! In life the stakes are high and if we do not choose God and His Christ then eternity is a long time to be seperated from them. The options in this life is Heaven or Hell! In Hell you have no otions but in Heaven you still have options. You can choose to stay or you can rebel like Lucifer and join him in Hell! Options are about choices. We choose either good or evil. Choices determine your present future and past. We by our choices are going to serve God or Satan. Choose this day who you are going to serve! This Christmas think about God and His Mercy to give us the right choice in sending His Son Jesus to us! How we can live with love, peace and joy in the midst of a lost and destructive human race! Merry Christmas! James, Hamsa and Anita.