God Had to Die Once! Romans 6:9

“Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more: death hath no more dominion or rule over him.” Commentary: Yes God had to die once for your sin so you could live with him forever! Remember some of Jesus words while on the Cross? My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me? Not my will but thy will be done! It is finished! To better understand these sayings let us examine the Greek Word used in this passage of scripture. The Strong’s Number for “dead” is number 3498. It means to die in sin separated from the vivifying grace of God having one’s soul separated from the enliving influence of the living light and spirit as a dead body is from the material light and air having no hope of eternal life.” We know from the scriptures that Jesus during his death descended during those three days down to hell. Now we better understand the words of Jesus on the Cross to his Father in heaven! Death without redemption is more horrible than death itself! God’s incarnation into flesh was so necessary and our only solution to our sin! God is perfect without sin yet in love became the sacrifice for our sin! Jesus had to carry our sin to the grave! The Father had to look the other way with his only Son on the Cross for me! No mortal was up to the task unless the immortal God took on mortal flesh! This was the only way sinners could be inducted into the Hall of Fame! At Jesus resurrection from the dead all hell broke loose! People came out of the graves! The earth shook! The veil of death and religion split in two! After his resurrection his own disciples did not recognize him! Peter went back to fishing! Jesus had to fetch Peter from the shoreline and tell him he was to be fishers of men! Peter who denied him becomes the leader of the church at Jerusalem! We who live in this dying flesh know the resurrection from the dead is coming for us! O’ Death where is thy sting? Where is thy victory? Death to have no more dominion over us! No more rule over us! To live for Christ in the here and now! You cannot live for Christ unless he gives you the power to do so! At Jesus ascension he instructed his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit! You shall be endued with power from on high! If you die without Christ it is only because you choose to do so! Then your sin will separate you from God! Cast off your pride and humble yourself to receive the eternal gift of grace where you do not get what you deserve death but what God did for you that he did not deserve! Death! Jesus will resurrect all from the dead some to eternal life and some to judgment and eternal death separated from God forever! The choice is yours to make! Heaven or Hell? It is your call! James & Hamsa Sasse, IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Do You Have a Biblical Worldview?

This study, released Tuesday builds on an earlier report from CRC’s “American Inventory 2022”, which shows that just 37 % of Christian Pastors here in America bring a Biblical worldview with them to their pulpits. Source: The Christian Post, May 29, 2022. Commentary: What is a Biblical worldview? It shapes your belief about God, Creation, Humanity, moral order and our purpose here on earth. So according to these studies including Barna how do you defend yourself against a Pastor who has a secular worldview? That is man is the center of the universe not God. It is all about me! Your best life is now? If you worship God you will be rich and famous! All about me! Your best defense is to know and believe your Bible! Know your scriptures! Read and study or you will be deceived! When error comes from anywhere you will recognize it! Putin was quoted back in 2013 as saying, “If you have faith in God then you have faith in Satan.” You cannot trust God and Satan? Putin’s actions show he has a secular worldview! An atheist, Darwinist, destroying lives in Ukraine! Blocking wheat food supplies in Ukraine to starve the world into submission to him! Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Putin are all Darwinists! Without a Biblical foundation your Pastor could lead you into wokism, self worship, promoting abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, transgenderism, one world government and so many other ideologies opposed to Christ and his Kingdom! If according to Darwin we are all evolving and getting better then why do we need Christ? Why should he come back at his second coming if we are getting better on our own? God does not need to intervene since we are just fine on our own and we do not need his help! The Darwinist Hitler had the same thoughts! Survival of the fittest so we just have to get rid of some people and the world will be a better place? This is what Hitler, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hiroshito and the likes of Putin believe! They were Darwinists! Did you know everyone will believe something whether the truth or a lie! The Biblical worldview says we need to save people! The opposite is we need to get rid of people then the world will be a better place? Just elect me then things will get better? If you reject creation then you will reject the creator! Then you will make yourself God and you will do bad things! No Biblical moral order will lead to anarchy and the destruction of any culture! Did Jesus disciples retire rich and famous? Was that there best life now? They were not interested in book sales! They were all martyred for their faith except John who was boiled in a pot of oil and then exiled to Patmos a slave labor camp where his night job was writing the Book of Revelation! Jesus said if you try to save your life you will lose it! In these last days before the return of Christ stand for his truth whatever it may cost you! Stand for the Holy Scriptures whether in the dungeon or the fire! Jesus is going to raise you from the dead whether evil or good! Why not have a good testimony for him as you appear before him after this life ends here on earth! Love conquers all! Love your God and love men who need the Savior! They do not deserve the Savior and neither did I. While Satan destroys lives you through Christ rescue people out of the fires of hell! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

A Man Without God! Romans 3:15

“Their feet are swift to shed blood.” Commentary: The Apostle Paul recorded this revelation or else obvious point that still holds true today 21 centuries later! We have to look no further than the Texas school shooter or the Russian invasion of Ukraine! Look no further than your own city and state! From the Jihadist killing people in the name of religion whether in New York or North Africa! Even if we have to go back to the beginning where Adam and Eve produced two sons Cain and Abel yet Cain murdered Abel! God looked down from heaven and said we need to destroy these folks for I repent I have created them! Yet Noah and his family found favor with God! He built an ark yet it had never yet rained on the earth! The rest of the world mocked them just before the flood! God’s anger turned to love as a sacrifice was prepared for our sin in sending his only begotten Son into the earth to die for us the only way to redemption for mortal men! The Apostle Paul who helped to kill the first Christian martyr Steven got revelation from God on the Road to Damascus blinded by the Light of Christ for three days then seeing his error and repenting becoming the leader of the first Century church across Europe and writing about one third of our New Testament! Later martyred himself in Rome by Caesar for his confession of Christ as his savior! When men reject the blood of Christ for their redemption then they shed the blood of men and even their own blood in rebellion against the living God! Jesus promised us peace in the midst of the storms and tribulations of this life on earth! My peace I give you! A gift from God! Each generation must make a choice between Christ or Satan! God produces life and Satan death! The Cross is a bridge to heaven for those that decide to travel down that road! There is a detour to hell but everyone chooses that road or takes a turn following the bridge that leads to heaven! Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword! A lesson to those who commit gun violence! Jesus will turn your sword into plow shares producing fruit for a lost and dying world! Your war with men can end today! Your war against God can end today by just one choice! Repent of your sin and cast yourself into the loving arms of my Christ! Your worst mistake is not your sin but to reject the sinless one Christ who made the perfect sacrifice for your sin! That is the only fatal mistake you could ever make! Christ nullified the anger of the living God but to reject him is to cast yourself into the hands of an angry God! Plant righteousness into the earth bring a harvest of souls delivered from the jaws of sin and death! Surrender your sword and bring life back to yourself and like Paul redeemed from sin to do great things for God! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Justice with Redemption! Romans 1:18

Greek Translation: “For the wrath, the passionate grief anger with revenge of the true God creator of heaven and earth from the residence of God against all ungodliness by the lack of reverence of God by sinful men, who hold fast the unveiled truth in unrighteousness contrary to justice and law.” Commentary: So what provision did God make to resolve for sinful men who war against God? What resolution did God make for all sin including abortion, homosexualism, lesbianism, gay marriage, transgenderism and the list goes on and on? How is God’s revenge satisfied? How is justice rendered? Justice could never be accomplished unless applied to all men! The penalty of death is required to satisfy the living God! Did you ever notice when men apply justice in their own efforts they murder one another! Like the school shooting in Texas! This young man wanted justice for injustices against him so he killed the innocent! Christ was not sinful and was innocent yet he sacrificed himself the only Son of God to purchase redemption for all! Jesus says we must forgive as God has forgiven us our sins! Jesus took our sin on a cruel Cross! Those that reject Christ reject their own path to redemption! To reject Christ is to reject heaven and embrace hell! Your attitude towards Christ reveals your spiritual condition! God sacrificed himself for all men yet some reject the gift of life! Sin is redemptive but not the sin of rejection of the redemptive God Christ! Either way heaven or hell is determined by whether or not you reject the grace of God! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! You cannot save yourself! Only the immortal God can fix your mortality! Can you fix your sin that leads to death? No! Only God can do this! Christ satisfied the law of sin and death! Justice came to us from God himself! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

The Demonization of America through Public Schools!

I am 73 years old by God’s grace and have seen sea changes in American culture! Back in the 1950’s when I was in a public school security guards were not required! So what changed? Public schools have over time have become the ward of the State! The safeguards of faith have been removed! In the 1950’s the public school I attended as a youth had the Ten Commandments posted on the entry wall of our school. Every class room had an American flag posted on the wall ! First thing every morning before classes we would all stand together including the teacher cross our heart and recite the Pledge Allegiance to the flag and the United States of America! Bibles were on some teacher desks and the principle had one on his desk in his office! Prayer was encouraged! Remember the sixth Commandment? Thou shall not kill! Then gradually court decisions went to war on God! Removing prayer! Removing the Ten Commandments! Flags removed! So what is left? A hell hole is today what parents send their children to today in our public schools! When social engineering has replaced reading, writing and arithmetic! Millions of parents are pulling their children out of public schools! These schools are not worthy to have custody of your children! They are in danger ideologically and physically! Even if you want to home school do it! Plenty of on line help available! Teacher unions in public schools donate millions of dollars to the Democratic Party! Most of your public school teachers are an arm of the Democratic Party preaching their ideology! Promotion of homosexuality, abortion, transgenderism, lesbianism, sex or gender changes for children and every other wicked ideology is their trade! CRT training teaching children to hate America and each other! Millions of parents are pulling their children out of public schools and rightly so! If a parent disagrees with a school board member about a policy he gets an FBI referral as a terrorist? When the light of the scriptures is removed from our culture darkness moves into the void! Speaker Nancy said there are not words to describe the Texas shooting! She is wrong! The words of our scriptures support a healthy ideology to our children and their teachers! Wrong words lead to wrong actions! When children are led away from the light of Christ darkness fills the void that leads people to an everlasting hell on earth! Taking guns away and demolishing our precious second amendment is more of the same darkness from the Democrats! Guns do not kill people only people kill people whether with knives, vehicles driven through crowds, drugs or any education system that promotes death! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Unchained! Galatians 5:1

Greek Translation: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty, freedom, blessings of his grace, delivered from corruption both past, present and future, with the freedom of generosity as the judge shows you generosity in proportion to the grace of God ; wherewith Christ our anointed redemptive Savior as our High Priest head of his body the church hath made us free, and not entangled again with the yoke of bondage a state opposed to liberty not being able to enjoy life.” Commentary: I must say that I did not really begin to live in this life until I died to my sin and through Christ I was free from me! That was a pure miracle from God! Yes I kept my personality and all he made me to be but without the chains and bondages of sin where my potential in life was limited by guilt! Once guilt was removed a new day for me! Born again! The world I was once living in became new! Old things were passed away and all things made new! My mind was cleared to think positively with no condemnation! Any condemnation or actions by anyone was cleared from my hard drive! All viruses were removed! My mind worked at full speed! Not delayed by the aberrations of sin! I could focus my worship on my Christ not inhibited by the opinions of others! Secure in Christ with no religious persecutions from the church or any other religion! His word became paramount in my pursuit of life! What he said mattered with all other voices muted! My future and all promotions were committed to Christ and Christ alone! If I were a door keeper in his kingdom I was elated to do that job with the best of my ability! All that I did in any job became a passion to do the best for him! My prophetic leanings were enhanced! Yesterday after being born again he became my hero! Today he is my Savior and tomorrow my future! Yes the chains are gone yet with the control and freedom of his love living in me! Blessings abound with death at my door knowing more blessings await me on the other side from his resurrection of my soul and body! Death could not hold him and neither those in Christ! Victory over the grave! No one else but the God creator of heaven and earth can do this for you! What love unmatched for any mortal? I can die for someone and may live for them but only mimicking what the immortal one has already done for me! Freedom is costly and for those that gave their lives for me whether mortal or immortal have my worship! Only one will raise you from the dead and no one else can! Christ is worthy of my praise! Mortals have my respect but not my worship! My praise and worship of him will continue forever! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com