Earthquakes! Redemption or Judgment?

In your Bible there are about 15 scriptures on earthquakes in the Old and New Testaments. What is interesting about these scriptures is in some God brought redemption and to some he brought judgment! Another example is water and the flood in the days of Noah! Noah and his family were saved by the water and the rest of the world was drowned by the same water! Moses and 2 million Jews were saved by water at the Red Sea yet Pharoah and his army was drowned by the same water! Paul and Silas were awaiting execution in a Roman prison and an earthquake broke the prison foundation and the gates fell off their hinges! Peter was saved in a prison the same way! The Cross brought death to Jesus and the two thieves yet it brought the resurrection from the dead for Jesus and the rest of the human race! Some to the resurrection to life and some to judgment depending on what they did with Jesus! Jesus at the Cross there was an earthquake renting the Holy of Holy curtain in two in the Jewish Temple signifying salvation and access to God is now available to all! An earthquake shook Jesus tomb and broke the seal on his grave and then the angel rolled the stone away! At the Cross some graves were opened up by the earthquake and they came alive from the dead! Our redemption was purchased by the blood of Jesus for we cannot save ourselves! Our salvation comes from outside of our selves! If we oppose redemption then we oppose God the creator of all things including our gender! He made you to save you! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! To end up on the wrong side of God is to end up on the wrong side of an earthquake! No one wins that one! God Bless! James & Hamsa WhoisGod.UK
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