GPS Lost in Space!

It is reported that Joe Biden may have been infected by the Coronavirus from a cockroach in his basement! Joe got on the phone and called King Kong exterminating company! They asked Joe where he was? He told them he was in his basement! Where in your basement? In the corner room next to the bathroom! No sir your address please! I am in the White House! In the basement of the White House! Sir, is there an adult in the room we could talk to? Honey take the phone they do not know where they are? It is reported even with the roach infestation Joe will not come up to the ground floor of his home because a reporter might ask him a question through the window! More updates as they are available at


In the military we call this a ‘Self Inflicted Wound.’ A coward who wants to get out of the military shoots himself in the foot! This is what the Democrats are doing to themselves! The normal way a legal conclusion is reached is you gather evidence and make a conclusion based upon evidence! They have reversed the process! They concluded Trump committed collusion  with the Russians in the 2016 elections and have been on a two year search of evidence to try to prove their theory! They are searching every barn yard and hen house across America! They cannot accept the will of the American people and still searching for an excuse as to why Hillary lost! The American people are sick of this and will vent their frustrations at the polls in 2020 towards the Democrats! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sheep without a Shepherd!

Zechariah 10:2 “For your idols domestic and household gods have spoken falsehood and wickedness, and the diviners and false prophets of foreign nations have selected a divide, and have told false empty disappointing dreams; they repent and grieve in vain: Therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.” Comment: Does this describe America today? No shepherd? Lost sheep? If a sheep has no shepherd they fall prey to the wolves! The prey on our young people! Told lies by our educators! Told lies by our politicians! Told lies by our social media! Millions of babies have been sacrificed by abortion on the altar of child sacrifice! Seventy three thousand of our youth have died with drug overdose in 2017! Since 1999 over six hundred thousand youth have died from drug overdose! This is greater numbers than any war we have fought in American history! To make matters worse now states legalizing drugs which will increase these numbers! Drugs and criminals invading our nation through open borders! Policies made in Washington to destroy our youth! Law enforcement under attack everyday! Prayer evicted from our schools! Atheistic ideologies such as evolution taught our children in public education! The Ten Commandments removed from our institutions! Crosses taken down across our land! Is it any wonder our children have no hope? Their most precious hope Christ has been removed out of their lives! Mocked and scourged in front of them everyday! No nation has survived in history without the Good Shepherd! There is no civilization without Christ! The political correct; “Happy Holidays”, is meaningless without Christ! Any purpose outside of Christ will fail you one day! Your job, career and family are wonderful but they cannot save you! They will one day fail you! Our purpose in Christ will continue forever! Everything else will fail you! If you built your own Kingdom it will fail! If you build His Kingdom you will prevail! I was talking to a rich man yesterday. He told me he was just tired of Christmas! He wished it would get over? Without Christ nothing will replace his love and mercy because there is only one Christ! One Savior! One God! One Nation! One King! One Sacrifice! One Blood! One Atonement! One Lord! One Baby! One Bethlehem! One Manger! One Shepherd! That will ever satisfy your longing for life! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who Do You Trust? Psalm 86:11

Hebrew Translation: “Teach me by laying a foundation established and erect controlling me which leads me down the road of life. O Lord; I will walk faithfully and stable in thy truth; unite my heart in the totality of my inner nature to reverence and respect your name.” Comment: We like Jesus disciples have struggled with this scripture! Like Jesus disciples we sometimes do not walk stable following him! We waver in faith getting off the road that leads to life! The disciples would sometimes get off the foundation! Their heart was not always united with Christ! Reverence and respect for his name was not always there! Peter denied Jesus even though he told him he would die for him! He eventually did in Rome years later! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We say let the church do it! Let an organization do it! Pay them so I do not have to do it! Our gift’s God has given us cannot be used unless we do what Jesus told us to do! At the feeding of the 5000 Jesus asked the disciples what do they have? The disciples wanted to send the crowd away! We do not have money to feed this large crowd? Cancel the meeting! Send them home! The disciples were perplexed? They can buy their own food! A little boy in the crowd came prepared! He had more than enough for himself! He had a little faith! Enough faith to give Jesus everything he had! The little boy gave his all! He had the gift of 5 loaves and 2 fish! Bring what you have to Jesus! God will multiply it! Let God bless what you have! Really what he has given you! Doesn’t seem like much but enough! He will multiply it to feed everyone! God is greater than what you have! Have you figured this out yet? Do something with what God has given you! With your life! Don’t waste it on drugs and go to work! With the left overs from a miracle you can feed even more people! Twelve baskets full! Israel had twelve tribes and Jesus had twelve disciples! God can build a nation out of left overs! God can build a church with left overs! God has more than enough for your family! He has more than enough for your church! God can bless you if you bring all you have to him! Peter build my church! Do you want to distribute God to the world? Or keep him for yourself? Sow the seed you have! Do not eat your seed! Share and multiply what you have! The rich young ruler was not able to do that? He valued his possessions more than God! I don’t need to tithe and make offerings? The possessions God had given to him he could not give back! If you give to God what you have he will do more with it than you ever could by yourself! The graveyard is full of excuses! Even David who wrote this Psalm waivered at times! Jesus never did! Wait on God but not on anything else! Do what God has called you to do! Help the needy and the lost! Go after those the world has rejected! Pray and agree with God! Jesus had every excuse to quit! The crown of thorns was very painful! The betrayal of his disciples was painful! His back cut open and bleeding was painful! His Cross was heavy! Your will be done! God’s will is not easy! Jesus had no excuses to die for you! Do you have any excuses not to live for him? He gave his all! Can you? Be faithful! Stand up for our flag and take a knee for Jesus in prayer! Pastor Don Wildes, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia

BNS Biblical Navigation System!

“For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not use intelligence, mathematics or maps!” Christopher Columbus Comment: Columbus used a scripture out of his Catholic Bible! The scripture is Esdras 6:42 You can read this scripture for yourself. It says God divided the land into six parts at Creation! Columbus convinced the King and Queen of Spain that according to God’s word we have a continent missing on our maps! If I sail west I should stumble on to this continent! The Catholics got a one hundred year head start on the Evangelism of South, Central and North America over the protestants! What navigation system are you using for your life? If not the Bible you are lost! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Ten Lost Tribes Myth! Revelation Chapter 7

This myth is sometimes referred to as the “British Israelism.” This myth is also anti-Semitic because it tries to deny Israel their homeland! Genesis 12:3 was never repealed! So in Revelation Chapter 7, we see 144000 Jews redeemed during the Tribulation period 12 thousand from each of the 12 tribes! Some of these tribes are in Israel today and some are living across Europe the United States and other countries! Many are migrating back to Israel. So the scriptures of your Bible will always expose the lies of the doubters! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat’s Playbook!

Power without a nation’s confidence is nothing! Catherine the Great. Comment: The Democrat’s lost the election so in desperation they work to try to undermine the nation’s confidence in President Donald Trump! They do dirty underhanded deceit and lies to attack his authority and try to disenfranchise the election! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Love of Money! Ecclesiastes 5:11-17

This is what happens to those who love money more than God! The following are the five characteristics of people who are in love with money; 1. The more they have the more they want. 2. The more they have the more they spend. 3. The more they have the more they worry. 4. The more they have the more they lose. 5. The more they have the more they have to leave behind. Pastor David Jeremiah Comment: Solomon was the richest man that has ever lived on the earth! He had 700 hundred wives and 300 concubines or girl friends! If anyone knew the deception of wealth he knew! Learn from him who had it all but in the end he said it was all vanity! That is to no purpose! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. I admire Pastor Jeremiah for his transparency in taking a Biblical stand on money, sex, Heaven and Hell. He is not a politically correct politician in the pulpit! He has my respect! Jesus offended the rich but had compassion on the poor! Judas lost his soul because of a love for money! Jesus told the rich man after he bragged to him how he keeps the law perfectly that he lacked one thing! Give all you have to the poor and come and follow me! But the rich man went away sad because his possessions had him! They owned him! Do not hang on to what you cannot keep! The way to keep money from owning you is to give it away! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Violence on the Left!

The political left is desperate! They have lost the ideology debate! They have lost the political debate! Trump won! So what is the left for the left to do? Shut down free speech and debate! Attack those they disagree with! Label us Nazi’s, Fascists or white supreme folks if you happen to be white! Sadly they really believe they are victims! In their quest for a pseudo justice they commit crimes against humanity and their fellow Americans! The very crimes they accuse us of such as Nazi’s and Fascists are the very tactics they use against their fellow Americans? The American left needs a strong dosage of sanity! If they will return to the Faith of their Founding Father’s peace will once again dwell across our land! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Priority by Default!

People should always have something which they prefer to life! Johann G. Seume (1763-1810) Comment: What we know from our Bible is that there are one of two relationships that carry on after death! Either the relationship that was established with Jesus Christ while living here on earth or the relationship with Satan that was established here while living on earth! Both relationships carry on into eternity one to Heaven and one to Hell. A rejection of Jesus Christ puts one’s soul into a default mode to Hell. That is why it is so important to reach people with the Gospel to give them an opportunity to make the right choice! Not all will make the right choice but they need the opportunity to do so! This is why we cannot take the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ casually thinking i made it but others? A test of what we really believe what Jesus said determines the size of the fire you have in your soul to reach the lost! Remember Jesus got on some churches that the fire went out on! You have lost your first love! I will spew you out of my mouth! God has put a fire under us here on earth to help keep others from the big fire down below! James and Hamsa Sasse.