Did You Get That? Revelation 5:10

“And hast made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth.” Commentary: Interestingly people here on earth are writing songs about heaven while people in heaven are writing new songs about returning to earth with Christ at his second coming! For what purpose? To defeat Satan at the last great battle on earth Armagedon! So who comes back to earth with Jesus? The Saints and the angels! Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven but it is not permanent! You are not staying there but returning to earth! Your time in heaven will prepare you for your return to earth! So pack your bags and listen for the trumpet call! Wait? I thought I was going to play a harp on a cloud? You did not get that idea from your Bible? Christ and his followers will face off with Satan and his followers! After the victory over Satan you will reign with Christ for a thousand years! Then what? Read your Bible! Do your home work! So if you are on earth as a follower of Christ you will one day return to earth in victory over Satan! Have you ever seen a more fascinating tactical Book written for victory than your Bible? James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Did You Know This About Creation? Genesis 6:6

“And it repented the Lord that he had man on earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Commentary: Have you ever tried God’s patience? Probably every day! Morning, noon and night 24-7. We all have! So why does the Lord need to repent? He is without sin! Yet the sin of man grieved him beyond despair! The word “repented” used her in the Hebrew means to grieve strongly, breathe strongly, to change mind taking revenge and vengeance? Can God change his mind? He wanted to get rid of all men from the face of the earth! Bring judgment down on them with a big hammer! However the next Hebrew word “made” gives a clue to the mercy of God! See Strong’s #6213. The word means to create with purpose labor and with sacrifice! What sacrifice? His only begotten Son who always existed in Heaven as part of the Trinity and was there at Creation and participated in Creation! Sacrifice is built into Creation itself! We see back in Chapter 3 of Genesis a blood sacrifice had to be made for the animal skins to cover the sin of Adam and Eve! The blood of an animal showing the shadow of God’s own blood having to be sacrificed in future! Later in Genesis 6 we find Noah found grace as he walked with God! Just one man living for God can bring grace on an entire generation! Yes the world was destroyed except for Noah and his family yet his children would generations later produce through Mary our Messiah! Remember God will spare you in the midst of a pandemic even though others will perish! God was looking for just a few righteous when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! God today is looking for a few righteous in the earth to rapture before the coming seven year tribulation period! Jesus experienced the weakness of the flesh when God incarnated into flesh and his prayer in the Garden of Gesamane was: “Not my will but thy will be done.” Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God! Our own will opposes God always! Thy Kingdom come thy will be done! Jesus had his own will yet he knew it would not lead him to the sacrificial love of the Cross! We are born with a free will and the power of choice! That makes up part of our created being! However left alone and not checked by the blood of Christ will lead to our destruction! If we choose Christ and follow him then his will is done in our lives with redemptive purpose creating righteous and peace into our world! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Do You Complain to God?

Too many people remind God of their problems instead of reminding their problems of the God they serve! The little shepherd boy David is a good example! Goliath the giant reminded David of his weaponry the spear, sword and defensive armor! David in faith in his God reminded Goliath of the power his God has given him to defeat him! Remind your persecutors of the power Christ has living in you to overcome all the challenges your enemies present to you giving you victory over every false charge Satan your accuser working through people makes against you! Pastor David Jeremiah

Are You Worth It? June 6, 1944 D-Day

Are we worthy of all the sacrifices our United States military members have made millions dying on the battle field over all our wars since 1776? Men sacrificing their fortunes, futures, health and their very breath for you? Losing limbs, minds and families for you! Are you worthy of their sacrifices? When you study your Bible you learn true love demands a sacrifice! God sacrificed himself for you on a Cross some 2000 years ago! You a sinner worthy of death yet he took your death upon himself! I am not worthy of his sacrifice yet accepting his love for me makes me worthy! All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! God valued us worthy of his sacrifice! I cannot repay millions of American military members who laid down their lives for me and the freedom I have today living in the land of liberty! I can only receive their sacrifices they made for me undeserving as I am and receiving their love for me and country understanding my living and enjoying the freedoms they provided for me will always be less than the sacrifices they made for us making it possible! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Are You Good or Evil?

III John 1:11 “[Beloved] follow not that which is [evil], but that which is [good]. He that doeth good is of [God], but he that [doeth evil] hath not seen God.” Commentary: Let us examine these Greek words bracketed above in this scripture. Beloved means my beloved son as speaking to your children with important instructions. The word evil used here is like a military term. It means to retreat from battle! The battle between good and evil! You surrender to evil! You give up! Wave the white flag to wickedness! Evil people intentionally and willfully do harm to others! You surrender to abortion, gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, evolution, false teachings, political causes that harm others, joining with wickedness and making disciples of Satan! The word good means to be useful and beneficial to others! To help to prosper people! You are a benevolent servant for others not harming them! To practice goodness! The word God used here means the true God! Christ! Notice the word follow! You will follow someone! The spirit you embrace that dwells in you will determine your character! Do you follow Christ or Satan? I have decided to follow Jesus! How about you? James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Tamil Language Gospel Tract!

This language tract is available in written, audio or video tracts! For more information please contact IndiaJesusLovesYou.com Also you may contact Pastor Maharaja Daniel at the India Jesus Loves You Church in Yercaud India. My E-mail is: dmaha_raja@yahoo.com.in

How Do You Know God Dwells in You?

1 John 4:15 “Whosoever shall [confess] that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he is in God.” Commentary: Well here is another sign! Does fear move into you when the thought comes to confess Jesus to your co-worker? Your friends? Your family? God has not given us a spirit of fear! Fearful of confessing Jesus to the bum in the street or the King in the Palace? Jesus took the Gospel to everyone he ever met! King Herod! The religious rulers! The maniac among the tombs! The woman caught in adultery! The woman at the well! Lazarus the dead man! The rich young ruler! His 12 disciples! His brothers! Jesus said if you are ashamed of me my Father in Heaven will be ashamed of you! If we are ashamed of him we have no relationship to him! Then we just become religious people! You will confess Christ to others or you will be ashamed of him! Over the past decades I have given out about ten Gospel tracts per day wherever I go! Most people you will only pass by once in your lifetime! I look for opportunities because I know how much Jesus loves me and loves them! I found Jesus on my death bed! He raised me from the dead for a mission on earth! I just have to share the Good News! The clerk at Walmart! At Kroger! At the gas station! The trash men picking up my trash! The office supply store! The Fed-EX guy! The county offices! The guy at Sam’s Club! The policemen! Paul shared the Gospel with the jailer in prison! Never a missed opportunity! Years going to prisons sharing Christ! To hospitals! Emergency rooms! Wherever I go! I will never forget the man working in the meat department at Walmart in Lexington Kentucky! We were just passing through! I gave him a Gospel tract and asked him to read on his break time! As I was leaving the store he came behind me and said thankyou! I was in doubt who was really God? Hinduism? Islam? Christianity? Now I understand Jesus is the true God! I never saw this man again! You know what will really be exciting about heaven? Meeting people there who you witnessed to and the people that planted Jesus into my life! Sunday school teachers! Pastors! Evangelists! The guy on the street corner confessing Christ! Look for opportunities to confess Christ to the people you meet each and every day for the rest of your life! God Bless! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com