2014 Prediction! Hebrews 13:8

The world changes! People change. Health changes. Finances change. Attitudes change. Economy changes. President’s change, Families change ( Divorce-remarriage). Weather changes. Pastor’s change. Church member’s change, Friends change. Laws change, Time changes. War changes. Taxes change, Technology changes, Nations change, ect. The News that never changes is the Good News as Paul says in Hebrews 13:8; “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!” Christ is the only one who can give you stability and peace in this unpredictable world you live in! The God of 2013 is the same God of 2014 and on forever! Do not hang your hat on anything else but Him! He will never leave you or forsake you! Others will! Happiness depends on circumstances! Joy is a Gift given to us by God through His Son Jesus Christ! Have a Joyful New Year! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Micah Nails Down Place of His Birth! Micah 5: 1-2

Micah prophesized the Messiah’s birth place about 700 years before the event! The chief priest’s and scribes quoted it to Herod when they were asked where Christ was to be born. The prophet Isaiah had a lot of revelation about Christ hundreds of years before He came including birth, death and resurrection! It is interesting that the revelation of Christ was spread out among several old testament prophets. This is also true in the Body of Christ today! Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all prophecy! He is the Chief Prophet and it says in Revelation 19:10, “Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy!” Remember Christmas is more than about His birth! Remember that during the future tribulation period (7 years), the religious ruler of the world (false prophet), will force the inhabitant’s of earth to worship the anti-Christ (World political ruler). If you have rejected Christmas and Christ then you have chosen to follow the false prophet and worship the false Christ or anti-Christ! This will lead to your destruction! Micah a old testament prophet prophesized the coming righteous and Holy Prophet and Savior who pre-existed time and created all things both visible and invisible! Christmas is not just a point in time and a place in time but all time and all history past, present and future revolves around Him! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Christmas Message New Life Church 2013

This is the 4th Sunday of Advent! This period of weeks before Christmas helps us to anticipate the arrival of Jesus through Mary. The time of His first coming helps us to look for His second coming! His second coming is sometimes called the second Advent. Just as His first coming was anticipated with Great Joy so we look forward to His second coming with great anticipation! His first coming was during a time of violence and evil upon the earth. Likewise His second coming will be during great tribulation upon the earth. Whether His first or second Advent the theme is God’s Love! John 3:16 What’s Love got to do with it? All cultures talk about love through poetry, literature or social media. The question we need to ask this morning is, “Can I be loved?” Am I loveable? We all want to love and be loved but there are risks and vulnerabilities. God risk rejection from you but He sent His Son Jesus anyway to be born to die for you! Families, marriages and nation’s are held together by love! Sometimes John 3:16 become too familiar to us. We memorize it yet miss it. Dietrick Bonhoefer was a German Lutheran Pastor, Theologian, dissident anti-Nazi and founding member of the Confessing Church. He was hung in 1945 while imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp just 23 days before the end of the war. He came to America in 1930 and attended Union Theological Center in New York City. He taught Sunday school at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem. He formed a love for African American spirituals and took a collection back with him to Germany in 1931. While ministering in Harlem he began to see things “from below”— from the perspective of those who suffer oppression. God came to earth for the suffering! He said his impressions while working with the oppressed in Harlem turned his phraseology into reality! He was moved from a intellectual on theology to a man of “Faith.” The step to Faith is moving from knowledge to reality. From head knowledge to reality in your heart! Is Christ real to you? Bonhoefer said you must, “Believe.” The fact you are here may be a small clue. God see’s your humanity. He is aware of your faults. As an ocean wave consumes you let His love consume you. God is too big to comprehend all of Him but to experience His Love is enough. Ephesians 3:14-19. Paul’s prayer for you is that you be rooted and grounded in His Love! His love is bigger than the ocean! Powerful, beautiful, gentle and unending! Do you believe it? Just that simple but yet often missed. Believe Him and receive Him. Choose to accept His Love. A mother’s first baby is a mess at birth and sometimes ugly. But mom falls in love with her baby about 2 seconds after she see’s it! Yes, falls in love with a vulnerable baby. Jesus the Son of God was vulnerable as a baby born to a teenage mom. God calls us to be vulnerable! To believe in love you must be vulnerable. Be vulnerable and let God fill your empty cup. You have to believe differently so God can fill you with His Love and so you can give it away. You can change the world by changing your heart. Do you want to change the world? It starts at home! Be famous in your own home as a father or mother. Change your home to change the world. We change the world one home at a time. John 13: 34-35. A new and fresh commandment He gives us! Love one another! Start with your family, neighbor,ect. How about the person seated next to you? God has a simple bold plan. Receive love and give it away! Believe, receive and give it away. The way I love you changes the world! Do you believe God loves you? Ask your children! Source; Sermon notes taken from message given by Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado given on Sunday, December 22, 2013.

Surprised By Joy!

This is the 3rd Sunday of Advent. The season of Advent helps us to shape and impact our culture. The Christmas story is ripe with revelation! Luke1:30 The angel appears to Mary! Of all the Prophets Isaiah had the most revelation about the coming Messiah! Isaiah Chapter 9. Isaiah focused on this Prophetic message. We have a gap of time between the old and new testament of 400 years. It is sometimes called the years of silence. About as much time as the Jews were in slavery in Egypt. No Prophets spoke and no further revelation was given during these silent years. The stage was set at the end of the old testament and the curtain was drawn. Is God silent in your life? Have you been listening for Him or just too busy? Then after 400 years of darkness the curtain is split in two! Light appears from darkness! At a time least expected! God will surprise you! Do you have an expectation from Him? God came into my life when I least expected it! Has He come for you? Advent is about Him coming to you! Do you need to welcome Him? When Jesus was born in Bethlehem wise men from the East following His star showed up in Jerusalem. King Herod heard about this and was very disturbed! He was rattled! Herod was jealous! King Jesus was a direct threat to him. Herod the Great was from Idumea and was a descendant of the Edomites who were the family of Esau. These descendants of Esau were always attacking Jacob’s family. Remember Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. the Edomites vanished from history. Herod ordered an abortion of all the children two years old and younger and knives thrust into the bellies women that were pregnant. Yes, the Devil believes in Christmas! The world worships power, position and influence. Not much room for a baby. It is interesting how God uses vulnerable people to accomplish His work! God uses two pregnant women to prepare the way for the Savior of the world! Do you qualify as vulnerable? Homeless, pregnant, broken, betrayed, on dope, rejected, divorced or disabled? Are you without hope? Then you qualify for God to use you in a big way! He is looking for people who will be testimonies for Him! Pass the test and trust God at His Word! The baby Elizabeth was carrying(John the Baptist), leaped for Joy in her womb when Elizabeth heard the news from Mary about her visitation and God’s plan for the King and Son of God to be born by her! Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit! Luke 1:39-41. Do not try to live without the Holy Spirit for He gives you the power to live a victorious life! Without the Holy Spirit you will be like the Pharisee’s who knew about God but did not know Him! Luke 2:25-26. Next an old vulnerable man named Simeon who was just and devout got surprised by the Holy Spirit with Joy and was told he would not die until he has seen the Christ. Luke 2: 36-38. Here we see Anna a Prophetess and widow most of her life who served in the Temple get surprised with Joy! Do you lack surprise? Is life dull and routine? Hopeless? Broken dreams? Remember Joy is a gift! God does not just give joy but He is Joy! In His presence is fullness of Joy! Joy is not happiness. Our Constitution says we have the right to pursue happiness! Happiness you have to pursue or try to chase down by your own efforts! It depends on the economy, politicians, health, ect. Joy is a gift and never earned! The price has been paid for you! Galatians 5:22. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. What are the enemies of Joy? Pride, self, criticism, sarcasm, ect. Do you find fault with everything? Do you leave any room for beauty? No room for Jesus in your Inn? Have you been wounded or hurt by someone? See the beauty of God! No one on earth loves you like Him! He will never leave you or forsake you! He is different from us! I am not offering you a Christian but Christ Himself! Never lose your fascination, awe and wonder for Him! Go for beauty and be surprised by Joy! Joy is a person and not a benefit! The Holy Spirit is a person! The benefits come with the person and not apart from Him! Psalm 16:8-11. Do not get fixed on our cultural problems. Important but not your focus! Rather than be a student of culture be a Worshipper of God! Set the Lord before you. Have fullness of Joy and pleasures forevermore! You can hear bad news but still have Joy. Turn off the news networks this season and enter into His rest! Focus on Christ! Spend time with Him! The word time means, :”To Honor.” Psalm 16:9 Rest in Hope! My heart is glad and rejoices. Joy is an inside job! Your body rests secure. An external God who gives internal pleasure. From without to within! Joy comes at unusual times and unusual places through unusual persons! Is your heart prepared to be surprised by Joy? Source; Sermon notes taken from message given by Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday December 15, 2013.

Can You Make A Teenager Happy!

God can raise the dead but He cannot make a teenager happy! If you try you will burn out! Love them and leave them to their own devices. They will figure it out in their early twenties! I raised four of them and experience most of the time is the best teacher! I remember an old Burt Reynold’s movie back in the 1970’s. In this movie Burt and his buddy were robbing gas stations for a living. In those days the gas stations were not self-service but had an attendant to fill your tank, check your oil and wash your windshield. Burt was in the driver’s seat and his friend a passenger in the right front seat. Burt pulled up to the station and an old cranky man came up to Burt’s window and asked him what he wanted? Burt said it is surely a lovely day out here! The old cranky attendant said I do not think so. Burt said fill my tank up! Attendant finishes filling tank comes back to Burt and says give me ten dollars. Burt asked him if he could wash his front window glass? Attendant say’s No! Burt say’s you know something, I am tired of trying to make you happy! Burt pulls out his pistol and tell’s attendant to fill his bag with money from his cash register in his office! Attendant seems compliant and goes into his office where the cash register is and then brings a double barrel shotgun out! Burt hits the gas, squeals his tires as the attendant fires two blasts into the trunk of their car as they leave the station! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Don’t Believe In Christmas? The Devil Does!

Excerpt from a Christmas message given by Martin Luther in 1530. He went on to say the Pope believes in Christmas but only for money! His message goes on for 4 pages. I will post some excerpts from it over next few days leading up to Christmas. Whether Martin Luther or Martin Luther King over 400 years later truth remains constant over time! Great people become targets! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Prophet Amos Predicts Salvation Of Gentiles! Amos 9:11-12

Amos prophesized this event 765 years before the birth of Christ! He speaks of “The remnant of Edom” which refers to the future time when God would deal directly with the Gentiles and bring them to Salvation! James the New testament leader of the Jerusalem church quoted these verses to show how Amos prophecy was being fulfilled by the great number of Gentiles who were believing on Christ. (Acts 15:16-17.) Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Many Voices Claim To Speak For God! Few Are Faithful To His Word!

Amos 8:11-12 The Prophet Amos lived thousands of years ago yet his voice rings true today and vogue as we witness the decline of America. Amos said not a famine of bread or water but a famine of the hearing of the Word of God! America’s decline is almost proportional to it’s rejection of the Bible. As nativity scenes are pulled from public view and Crosses removed from grave yards I wonder how long America can last? The good news is still the good news so we as Christians know that only the re-birth of Christ in America will save our people from destruction! Even though you may say Merry Christmas to a store clerk and they do not reply back or say Happy Holidays just continue to announce Christ to the world! No republican or democrat can save America. We have past the point of no return and only if Christ is re-born in the hearts and minds of Americans can this republic be saved! It is more than a Merry Christmas. It is a Saving Christmas, a Redeeming Christmas and an Eternal Christmas! Do not try to live Christmas without Christ! Thankyou for your prayers and support for this ministry this past year. Have a Merry, Saving, Redeeming and Eternal Christmas! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Is It All About Food?

Adam and Eve were given all the food in the garden except one tree! They had a vegetarian dish of everything except for one dish! Could they follow instructions? No! Israel ate the Passover mean with unleavened bread before leaving Egypt. No time to ferment the bread they had to get out of Dodge(town). Moses got complaints about the food in the wilderness. The Jews told him they wish they could go back to Egypt and eat the garlic and onions! God wanted to kill them all but Moses pleaded with God and they got frosted flakes in the wilderness. Just a note here I have a bowl of Luckey Charms every morning for breakfast. Then the most significant event in all of history happened! In an obscure village named Bethlehem God prepared another Table for us! The name Bethlehem means house of bread. Then we have the last supper. We have the Lord’s table or Thanksgiving meal. This meal is also called the Communion Table where we receive Christ’s Body(Broken Bread), and His Blood(Wine) as atonement for our sin. On the resurrection day we will all be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! The point here is God has prepared a Table for us simply by His Grace over us! We did not earn this but a gift to us! God has prepared a table for us both past, present and future! As we sit around a table this Holiday season think on these things and The Table He by His great sacrifice has provided to you! Source; Sermon notes taken from Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given on December 8, 2013. Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Great Leaders Absorb Pain!

Whether it be Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela much pain was applied to achieve their dreams! They did not seek revenge but forgave their enemies! However the ultimate example is God Himself in sacrificing His Son Jesus Christ for our sin! Jesus absorbed all the pain of the entire world with all our sin forever! Source; Pastor Rick Warren.