
Not by gain our life is measured, but by what we have lost is scored; It is not by how much wine is drunken but how much is poured out. For the strength of love never standeth in the sacrifice we bear; He who has the greatest suffering ever has the most to share! Watchman Nee (1903-1973) Comment: This Chinese Christian spent 20 years in prison sentenced by the Chinese Communist government for his stand for Christ! The books he has written are some of the most sought after literature on the planet.

Whistleblower? Deep State!

The Sixth Amendment of our Constitution insures your rights to face your accuser in open court! This is so basic to our rights as Americans! It protects us from false imprisonment and impeachment if you happen to be the President! Our Founding Fathers believed in it so strongly they swore it into the Law of our Land! Kentucky Senator Ron Paul challenged Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts about his effort to hide the identity of the alleged whistleblower! This whistleblower may not even exist? Even our President has Constitutional protections! Judge Roberts may lose control of these proceedings because the American citizens can smell out the rotting deep state! If President Trump’s Constitutional rights are taken away where do you think you stand in your rights as an American citizen?  James and Hamsa Sasse.

Kobe Bryant

In 2003 he was accused of rape! He settled out of court with the woman. His wife Vanessa then filed for divorce. Kobe was quoted as saying he needed to turn to God! He went to his Catholic Priest which he says changed his life! He and his wife got back together and started a foundation to help young kids develop their athletic skills! I do not know Kobe’s relationship with Jesus Christ? Hopefully this priest pointed Kobe to Christ. That is the job of any pastor or priest! They cannot save you! No church or organization can save you! Only Christ! How important is Sunday School for children since he lost his daughter in the crash? How important is Christ to the rest of the accident victims? Most of us do not look to God until we need him! I met Jesus through my failures! Never my successes! I had the luxury of coming back from the dead! After that experience there was a heavy burden on me to reach the lost for Christ! This burden has continued on for over 50 years! It is my purpose for living on my borrowed time! I understand some people are fools enough to reject Christ anyway but my mission was established on my death bed! After that I live for Christ! Life is short but eternity is forever! Kobe got in that helicopter hundreds of times! I have gotten in aircraft but one of those aircraft went down! I have been in four auto accidents over past 50 years! When I was in grade school our school bus got hit by another auto and our bus rolled over in the ditch! Everyone has an expiry date! When I expired and found Jesus and nothing can compare with this experience of his love for us! Death is no longer a threat to me! Jesus conquered death for us! However like Kobe I must do my job the best I can with the abilities Christ has given me to reach the lost! I must run my race for the prize! I must not miss the mark! The prize of Christ in me the hope of glory! I would rather follow Christ alone than to have a million followers! People cannot save you! Do you want to follow the only one who can save you? It would be foolish not to! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Resurrection & Scars!

Comment: Did you ever notice Jesus had his scars on his body after the resurrection! The scars from the Cross! In fact this is the way the disciple Thomas confirmed it was truly Jesus raised from the dead! At Jesus second coming you will see his scars! For those who reject him will see his scars before they are judged by him into everlasting hell! For those who have accepted Jesus at the judgment will also see his scars! The disciples all rejected Christ when he told them on the third day he would be resurrected from the dead! At least they did not believe him! Why was Mary Magdalene the only one who believed Jesus? The disciples witnessed the miracles done by Jesus but Mary experience his power! Jesus cast seven demons out of her! When we are raised from the dead will we carry some scars? People who abused us and others who we have abused? At our resurrection other people will recognize us! Same facial recognition! Same gender! However the guilt of sin and shame will be gone forever! I am talking about believers in Christ! God created us to save us! My sin is there but covered by his blood! Forgiven! God becomes greater than our sin! We forget the scars because he has forgiven us! His love is greater than our sin! When we forgive our enemies the scars are there but no longer hurt! Our sin first is against God yet Jesus will forgive us if we confess our sin! My wounds are healed by his stripes! Those stripes that were laid on his back! He was bruised for my iniquities! He carries those bruises for me! He was beaten beyond recognition for me! For my sin! He was denied a married life with a spouse here on earth so he could become the bride of the church! The war on Christ here in America in the 21st Century is a war on scripture! The gender war is a war on creation replace by evolution! God created male and female! Charles Darwin the Jewish atheist has many disciples! If we could evolve from a monkey anything is possible! We could evolve from a male to a female! From a female to a male! We could evolve to a sexless person! We could evolve from a male female attraction to a male to male attraction! A great philosopher once said if a culture replaces Christianity the danger is they will then believe anything! The French Revolution was about de-Christianizing France! Death and destruction followed! If history writes about the destruction of America the historians will write the rejection of Christ was their defining moment! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Doubt The Right Way!

John 20:25 “The other disciples therefore said unto him (Thomas), We have seen the Lord (Jesus). But he (Thomas), said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the nail scars, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his spear pierced side, I will not believe.” Comment: The disciple Thomas has gotten a lot of bad press over the centuries! A lot of jokes about him! Remember when Thomas told the other disciples let us go with Jesus so we can all die! The name Thomas means twin or double. My Bible says a double minded man is unstable in all his ways! Thomas is probably not the guy you would hire to teach a self-confidence course! My Bible says it is foolish to trust in man! Because they are mortal and sway with the wind! Thomas started off on the wrong foot because of his bad experiences in life! We all start off this way! My mother didn’t love me! My wife betrayed me! No inheritance left for me! Through these experiences we learn to trust only ourselves and doubt God! We have the theology backwards! The safe mode is really to trust God and doubt ourselves! We cannot trust ourselves because we are mortal! Men who trust themselves and doubt God end up in Hell! Those who trust God and doubt themselves end up in Heaven! How did Thomas finish after he learned to trust God! He went to India as a missionary in the first century and was martyred there for his faith in Christ! Our first year on the mission field in India we spent in the city where Thomas was martyred! Madras then and called Chennai now. We saw the tomb of Thomas there in a Catholic church located along Marina Beach. Since we left years later his remains were moved to Rome. We saw Saint Thomas Mount in the south end of the city where he was martyred. What I witnessed there was a vibrant Christian community there of millions of people! Because Thomas believed Jesus and left his doubts with God his sacrifice planted seeds of the Christian faith that is very apparent today! Jesus told Thomas that blessed are those who do not see yet believe! So to trust and believe the immortal Christ rescues us from our own mortality! Jesus has promised those who believe he will raise from the dead! Raised fit for Heaven! He will also raise the unbelievers but judged to Hell for their unbelief! Which is it for you? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Salvation or Judgment?

Luke 1:52  Greek Translation “He (Jesus), hath put down and overthrown and demolished with violence the mighty powerful authorities of rulers of territories from their seats and exalted them of low degree.” Comment: Wow! I thought Jesus was this milk toast guy everyone could push around? When you study scriptures you discover that Jesus like a coin has two sides! He is a lamb but also a lion! Salvation and judgment! Sometimes you see the lamb side and sometimes the lion! Jesus told King Herod he was a fox! He overthrew the money changers tables in the Temple! He told the Jewish religious leaders not one stone of their Temple would stand! Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within you! Jesus raised the dead! Violence over death! He slew death! Love and judgment go together! You cannot have one without the other! He rebuked his disciples yet showed them by example how to live! He predicted Peter would deny him yet after his resurrection he found Peter along the sea shore back to fishing. However that was the last denial Peter ever made of Jesus and was crucified in Rome! I shared in an earlier post of how in detail all the political leaders who plotted Jesus death ended up! King Herod, Pilot, Judas and the high priest! They all came to a bad end! They were all put down! They rejected Jesus! Yet Jesus disciples were elevated to high positions within the church! We read their writings in the New Testament! Do you feel you are a nobody? Then you are ready for a promotion! My very first sermon I ever preached from a pulpit was in front of two million people in a church in Seoul South Korea in 1983! If we exalt God he will exalt us! This is the Kingdom principle! When you promote God he will promote you! No one can take this away from you! This event is eternal! Jesus is going to return to earth during the Tribulation period a seven year period where the one world government (socialism) will be led by the Anti-Christ!  This will be the last great battle on earth called Armageddon! Jesus will return with his saints to defeat Satan and his followers just before the Millennium reign of Christ! Satan will be bound for a thousand years! Are you a soldier of the Cross or milk toast? Are you a traitor or a warrior! We conquer in his name! Start your crusade by resisting evil here on earth! This will be your only chance! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! President Trump is the first president in my life time (70 years), who has promoted Christianity! Openly promoted! He is a warrior! The last leader we had like this was Abraham Lincoln! We have an opportunity to promote the Gospel to this dying culture! Do not miss this opportunity that can only come once in a lifetime! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Which Image Are You?

Luke 1:51 “He hath shown strength with his arm, he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.” Comment: We are going to examine two Greek words here. The first is the word “proud”. It means one who shows himself above his fellow men in honor preferring himself! Pride was the first sin in heaven and in the earth! Lucifer rebelled against God in heaven being cast out of heaven and with one third of the angels who followed Lucifer unto the earth! Then Lucifer who became Satan offered Eve in the Garden of Eden the same opportunity to rebel against God! Rebellion has been the history of man! When I hear the words “Pride Day” I cringe in my spirit! What fools! A fool has said in his heart there is no God! God’s character is just the opposite of pride! Jesus humbled himself even to death on a Cross! Jesus became our need! A sinner in need of a savior! Pride is sin! It creates the need for a savior! Jesus took our sin upon himself! Pride leads to war! War against God and man! The next word we need to look at is the word “imagination”. It means an intellectual understanding. It is the perception with thought coming unto consciousness of oneself knowing you exist from a source outside of yourself. It means to understand, apprehend and to discern. The mind is the organ of the Spirit and at the same time is the function of the heart. It is a conscious recognition of character and judgment. It is an intellectual faculty understanding with moral reflection characterized by a perverted moral impulse with intentions and designs. You are aware of yourself and God! My Bible says we were created in the Image of God or imagination of God! The problem has always been in terms of rebellion that we want to be more than his image! We want to be God! We want to create God in our image! A role reversal! We want to make ourselves greater than God as Lucifer tries to do! Answerable to only ourselves! We make the rules! We make laws to oppose God! Make our own religion or no religion where we can be God! Fire God and replace him with ourselves! Satan has his own Kingdom with his disciples in a place called Hell! God has his disciples in a place called Heaven! God had to send his only Son into the earth to show us a clear, true demonstration of his love and redemption! This is what Mary was rejoicing about in her Song of Praise! Light entering a dark world! Jesus not a created being as we but eternal part of the Trinity taking on our sin and death upon himself! God becomes flesh! Paying the price for our sin who was without sin! We cannot become the Image of God without God! God created male and female! There is no gender confusion here! Only Satan would try to bring gender confusion to attack God’s Image! The image of Satan is sin, death, confusion and judgment and destruction! The Image of God is life, redemption, salvation, forgiveness, peace, joy, freedom and liberty from the guilt of sin! Freedom from slavery and tyranny! When you look into your spiritual mirror what image do you see? How does your image compare with the Image of God presented to you in the Bible? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mercy + Grace = Salvation!

Luke 1:50  Greek Translation: “And his mercy or the relief from the misery and consequences of sin is on them that fear or reverence God from generation to generation.” Comment: This verse is part of Mary’s song of praise! We lived on mercy before grace came! His mercies endure forever! Jesus said blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy! Mercy is given to everyone! Mercy is a holding pattern until grace rescues us! It rains on the just and the unjust! We cannot earn the rain it is just there for us! Mercy does not require a response but grace does! Judgment only comes when we reject his grace! Mercy held me until the time when I received his grace through Jesus Christ! When I graduated from high school back in 1967 two of my classmates were killed in accidents before the year ended! Does that mean I was better than them? No! Mercy stayed me until I came to Christ! Mercy handed me off to grace! Remember after Jesus was crucified he went into the heart of the earth and preached to the captives! Mercy had held them there until Christ came to save them! You can reject mercy but not grace without consequences! The Old Testament Saints were secured by mercy until grace came! To reject Christ is judgment the opposite of grace! People reject the mercy of God everyday but not his grace! By grace you are saved and not of yourselves! Everyone gets mercy but the expiry date comes when you reject his grace! When you reject Christ! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! That is good news for the saved and the sinner! You cannot do the math without both factors! You already have the mercy so what are you going to do with his grace? James and Hamsa Sasse.