
Call it no more free will, but slavish lust, free to evil, but free from good, till regenerating grace loosens the bands of wickedness! Pastor Thomas Boston.

Clash of Cultures!

Revelation 13:16-18 Commentary: The number “666” is a lucky number in China! To them it means everything is running smoothly! Some people there even pay extra to have the number included on their license plate! They pay extra to get a prefix on their phone number of “666”. Does their fortune cookies say you have the mark of the beast? For Christians who know their Bible and read and study their Bible including the Christian’s in China we understand it is the mark of the beast! The Anti-Christ who will rule the world for seven years bringing more destruction to earth than all our wars combined in history! Islam has two sacred numbers! The numbers are “666” and “19”. Nineteen highjackers on 9-11. If you go to the search box on our blog and type in 666 you will see more details on this topic and commentaries on this scripture and others! The clash of cultures is evidence of the war between good and evil! This war will stop only after Christ’s return where he will bind Satan for a thousand years! Until then this war will continue! In the mean time take a stand for Christ and if we resist evil Satan will flee from you! We resist evil with the Word of God! We keep his commandments! We study and obey his word! We support our local church! We pray for our enemies! We spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth! This is what we do! Governments will fail! But the signs that Jesus gave us for his second coming are all around us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why 1100 Pieces of Silver?

Judges 16:5 Commentary: Why did the five Philistine Kings of their city states offer Delilah 1100 pieces of silver each to betray Samson to destroy him? The name Delilah of Hebrew origin means seductive or a love horn. The name Philistine means an invader. They worshiped strange gods in the form of animals and resorted to all kinds of sorcery and soothsaying activities. The name Samson means the name of the sun or distinguished and strong. The Philistines were called the sea people because they came from Crete and had Greek origins. The Philistines settled in the coasts of Palestine on about 1100 B.C. About the same time the Jews settled there from Egypt! So how did the Philistines then know it was 1100 B.C.? They did not however when you look at the Greek numbering system the number one is represented by the Greek letter Alpha! It means beginning. The Greeks then did not then use a zero in their numbering system. That came along in 1200 A.D. Jesus said i am the alpha and the omega! The beginning and the end! I believe the Philistine culture celebrated 1100 in their culture like we in America celebrate 1776! A year of a new beginning! This is the only way I can connect this amount to Delilah as their anniversary number to betray Samson to try to destroy the Jews! Much like 9-11 is a significant number to the Muslims! Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver! Why thirty? Thirty A.D.? He began his ministry in 30 A.D. but was crucified in 33 A.D. That is a topic for another post! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Educated Sinners!

Good education is not regeneration. Education may chain up men’s lusts, but cannot change their hearts! Pastor Thomas Boston (1676-1732) Commentary: The truth of scriptures remain the same regardless of each generation! The power of the Gospel transcends time! The best example in my Bible is the Apostle Paul! Probably one of the most educated men of the first century! He was fluent in four languages and held higher degree’s of learning! So where did his education take him! To persecute Christ and his followers! To stand by and encourage those that stoned Stephen! It was not until the Damascus Road experience where he was blinded by the light of Christ and then Paul had a regeneration and came to write about two thirds of our New Testament! It is no different today in that the educated elites persecute the followers of Christ! Evil educated hearts craft laws that oppose the Laws of God! Abortion, gay marriage and the list goes on and on! However God will prevail as he has over every generation! Pray that this crisis and the coming trouble to America will change hearts and make decisions for Christ! If you begin life persecuting God but end life promoting his Kingdom you have lost nothing but gained everything! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Majority in Heaven?

Matthew 7: 13-14 Commentary: Jesus made it clear that a majority will not make it to heaven! Jesus said stait is the gate that leads to eternal life and that few will find it! Let us examine the word “stait” in the Greek! We get our word stenographer from this Greek word! When the trial is going on the stenographer listens to every word that is spoken and records every word! Do you listen to every word God has spoken in your Bible? Do you know every word? The word stenos in the Greek means to abide and continue to be established in his word! This word is closely linked to the word covenant! Do you listen and obey his word or do you like some cherry pick the scriptures to be popular with the majority? Are you going to follow the majority to hell or be one of the few in heaven? The choice today you have already made! Like the thief on the Cross you can repent and change! Today by numbers the earth is one third Christian. This is not a majority! After the rapture of the church to heaven the majority will follow the Anti-Christ during the seven year tribulation period! When i was a teenager about 60 years ago my grandfather spoke some wisdom into me! He said, “Jimmy never follow the crowd! They crucified our Lord!” I have a funny quote made by a famous writer and statesman who lived over 200 years ago! His name is Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. Quote: “Nothing is more disgusting than the majority; because it consists of a few powerful predecessors, of rogues who adapt themselves, of weak who assimilate themselves, and the masses who imitate them without knowing at all what they want.” When Israel did not have a King they all did what was right in their own eyes! This is America today! I have a King and his name is Jesus! I listen to him and follow him and no other! Hitler was elected into power by the majority! Who are you following? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Creation versus Evolution!

The evolutionists claim the present is key to the past. However any catastrophic event such as a world wide flood or the 1980 Mount Saint Helen’s earthquake and volcanic eruptions shows us just the opposite of their theory! In just two days hundreds of feet of sediment rock layers were created in just days! Mud flows hundreds of feet deep cut out new canyons and filled valley’s in with hundreds of feet of sediment! The walls of these sediment layers looks like the Grand Canyon! The catastrophic events listed in your Bible of the past, present and future is key to the present! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Copy Cat Religion!

Matthew 9:35 “For Jesus went about the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Comment: Notice Jesus did not social distance with those that had the plague! He was not afraid of sickness and death because he conquered them! The Great physician! He did not run away from trouble he ran to it! Like our leader we are commanded to preach the Gospel and heal the sick in His name! Who we follow is very important! Mohammad had nine wives! He married a nine year old girl! He murdered and plundered others to get wealth! He kidnapped women and sold them as sex slaves! One of his wives poisoned him! Being an arab he was a caucasian or white guy who owned black slaves! He forced people to worship him through threat of death! Convert or die! He was evil! Islam has hidden under the mask of religion for centuries while carrying out wholesale murder! When you read the Quran and other Muslim sources you see his real character! Violence was his calling card! Jesus went around doing good! What a contrast! Jesus was more than a good man! He was God! God in the flesh! Sinless but became the perfect sacrifice for our sin! He healed our sin! If you follow God or copycat God rather than the Godless you will have a good outcome! We are to sacrifice for others as Jesus sacrificed for us! I want to choose to follow the best here on earth and in heaven! When we leave earth and step off into eternity you will meet Jesus face to face! He then as right now in time will be either your Savior or your judge! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Kitchen Rebellion!

For past eight weeks we have stopped eating out due to reducing risks of getting the Coronavirus! Normally we would eat out every Sunday after church. My wife is 82 years old and i never wanted her to have to cook anymore especially on Sunday because over our 45 years of marriage she has cooked hundreds of thousands of meals for our family! So i volunteered to cook meals on Sunday! So for the past eight weeks i have prepared hot dogs and beans on Sundays! So this past Sunday i began to boil the water for the hot dogs and there was a sudden rebellion! Are you fixing hot dogs and beans again? This is not a POW camp! How about if i change the menu to beans and rice? Forget it! I have coupons for Captain D’s go out and bring us some real food! What about the risk of the virus? We think your cooking is more deadly than this virus! Here are the coupons and get moving now! Look cooking is not your calling! You can boil water but anything else is above your skill level! Just no appreciation anymore? Thankless people! Well i am really sick of hot dogs and beans myself for i was just putting up with my cooking to protect my family! WOW! This fish dinner tastes like heaven! Hell with the hot dogs and beans! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Carbon Dating Problem!

Last night i listened to a scientist with several Doctorate degree’s explain carbon dating and problems with the reliability. When carbon dating goes back further than about 1500 B.C., they have to an offset and this offset increases exponentially with every 100 years so the accuracy is minimal the further back they go in time! Our Bible has an explanation for this but if you do not know your Bible you have no explanation! What was one of the differences between the pre-flood era and the post flood era? People lived longer before the flood! Like 700 and 800 years plus! So prior to the flood of Noah the decay rate was much lower like eight or nine times what it is today! True science will always support the scriptures! The scriptures will always be supported by true science! Any proclaimed science like Darwinism that contradicts scripture you want to run like hell away from it because it could send you to hell! When Jesus gives us our new bodies after the resurrection they will have a zero decay rate! However so those that stand condemned before Christ for their denial and rejection of him! This is how they will feel the flames of Hell forever and we will experience the glories of heaven forever! Do not take lightly your redemption! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No Purpose W/O Sacrifice!

A charity which only knows how to give money is not yet Christian love! You will be free of guilt only when you also give your time, energy, and your resourcefulness to help end such abuses for good, and when you allow nothing that is hidden in the storehouse of your Christian religion to remain unused against the cancer that is destroying the vitality of our society in such alarming ways. Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) Theologian and Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Commentary: What I have noticed about most Christian ministries over my past 45 years is that they want your money but not you! Like a teenager! So if all you do is to give to appease your guilt you still end up empty! We have so many ministries started because the founders were still empty even in the church pews! Jesus said it best! He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! Again God’s Kingdom is a sacrificial system! Our purpose is found in sacrifice! No sacrifice no purpose! When you sacrifice for others a change comes over your soul and joy sets in! Happy people are sacrificial people! Selfish people are miserable! They may have money and cultural status but no joy! God created us to give because God is a giver! Gave us life and redemption on the Cross by sacrifice! Whether it be Jesus on the Cross or a family sacrificing for each other or a soldier laying down his life giving his all for his nation sacrifice wins the day! The war! The battles! War against who? Satan! Satan turned sacrifice on its head and sacrificed others for himself! Like Judas! When by faith you sacrifice for others God will send people into your life who will sacrifice for you! It may be a spouse, friend, enemy, boss or anyone who is a giver and not a taker! Satan brought death to the world promoting sin! Deceiving people to sin against God! God sacrificed himself to redeem you! Givers become surrounded by givers! Takers become surrounded by takers! The difference between heaven and hell! If not a giver start today! Giving is by faith and not sight! What does your Bible say? Give and it will be given unto you pressed down and overflowing… The abundant life begins at the Altar of sacrifice! James and Hamsa Sasse.