Is Biden Administration Really Concerned about Global Warming? Then What About Cremation?

About 1.8 million were cremated in the United States last year! One cremation produces 535 pounds of CO2. This is an equivalent of a 609 mile journey in an average sized car! The average cremation temperatures are from 1200-2000 degrees F. Mercury from dental fillings is released into our atmosphere! Natural Gas fossil fuel is used here in America but what about the rest of the world? Global warming right? China has 4.5 million cremations per year! India has over 3 million cremations per year! I lived in India for three years and I lost track of how many cremation clouds I had to drive through driving down their highways? It was the most sickening smell I have ever smelled! They do not use natural gas but wood sticks and kerosene! The black clouds look like Armageddon! The cremation rates in Japan are at 99 percent of population! Europe anywhere from 80 to 90 percent of the population! So why does Joe want to take away my gas stove and furnace? Shut down the crematories Joe! Reduce pollution by 1.8 million 609 mile car trips across America every year! Sanction any and every nation that does cremations Joe! But Joe is not really serious about global warming! It is a means to take you off the comforts of our energy independent nation taking away your private automobile and making you dependent on public transportation where you can get on a bus and ride home with the same criminals riding public transportation to endanger you and your family! Making you dependent on government taking away your choices! Socialism on the prowl! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK

Most Depressing Moment?

You are kidnapped by aliens and are on board a UFO space ship and the Commander of the space ship tells you to take him to your leader! You call the White House and you tell Kamala your problem and you hear this uncontrolled laughter! Then you make one more call to the White House and Hunter answers the phone!

Muhammad & Jesus!

Muhammad established a religion by putting his enemies to death: Jesus Christ by commanding his followers to lay down their lives! Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

California Crazy!

It was reported a woman was running down a California Interstate naked firing a pistol at passing motorists! How do they know it was a woman? Could be a transgender person? Govenor Newsom that thinks he is Nancy? I thought maybe it was Nancy home on leave from Washington D.C.? I thought all the crazies were only in D.C. I was wrong again! The California dream a few decades ago was to go and live there! Today the dream is to flee the Golden State! You cannot find a U-Haul rental available to leave the State! The politicians in California have made the U-Haul company rich! The good news is it is good to know there is someone else running around naked besides Hunter Biden!