Good Friday! Better Sunday! Genesis 49:10

“The Septre shall not depart from Judah, nor the lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” Commentary: The word Shiloh in the Hebrew means the epithet or the expression of the Messiah! Jesus birth, death, burial and resurrection from the dead was the expression of his Messiahship! Jesus drew crowds! Jesus said we must be born again! Die to self and live for Christ! Since Easter the church has gathered together to worship our Messiah! The incarnation of Christ is the best news as God became one of us! Without sin yet paid for our sin! Any culture is always more secure when we worship someone greater than ourselves! We join with Christians from every nation celebrating the only real hope man has for his future! Without Christ there is no future for no government can conquer death but God himself creator of all life here on earth! Jesus will return one day back to earth for his own and will bring the church in heaven with him! Happy Easter! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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