Good Old Boy? John 5:29

“And they shall come forth, they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation.” Comment: So what did Jesus mean by the word good? Is it a Hindu taking a dip in the Ganges river? Is it a Muslim making his pilgrimage to Mecca? Is it a member of the Elks Club? Is it a Boy Scout leader? Is it a Buddhist walking across hot coals in a hypnotic state with mind over matter? Is it the church member who only attends Christmas and Easter services once a year? One of the challenges of Bible translation is the translators will try to find one English word that will translate from the Hebrew and Greek! The Greek word used in this passage means to be constitutionally good! However not to be necessarily benefiting others! It means by the law you are good! That is your goodness comes from outside of yourself! That is by law your sin penalty of death was paid by Christ on the Cross! So the Supreme Court in Heaven has acquitted you of your sin and death penalty! So a good old boy who tries to be good on his own is condemned to death and damnation simply because he trusts in his own righteousness! Now I believe we have a better understanding of the word “good” used by Jesus translated into our English word from the Greek. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Blasphemy! John 5:22

Jesus words: “For the Father judges no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Comment: The word judgment means to divide or separate based upon the law to either condemn or aquit. Redemptive judgment is not based on breaking the law for we have all sinned but on God’s acceptance and forgiveness through his only Son Jesus Christ! God has committed all judgment to his only Son because his son paid the price for our sin on the Cross! In Chapter 5 of John we see the Jews wanted to kill Jesus because he broke the Sabbath healing a man on the Sabbath! Also Jesus told the religious leaders that all judgment was rendered unto him by his Father! The Jewish leaders were inflamed because they saw Jesus elevated to the position of God! We have previously discussed the one unpardonable sin which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! Jesus is part of the Trinity! Jesus is the only part of the Trinity that can save you! Blasphemy is rejecting Jesus Christ as your Savior! If you reject the only one that can save you judgment to Hell follows! Jesus is judge of the living and the dead! Jesus did not die for himself! He was without sin! God died for you! Salvation is so important to God that Jesus commanded us to go out into the whole world and preach the Gospel! The good news! If Evangelism was top priority for Jesus what should it be for us? Believer’s highest calling and top priority should be Evangelism above everything else! If in the end of our lives here on earth our future is dependent on what we did with Jesus Christ and our Heaven or Hell depends on Jesus judgment of us then what is more important than reaching people for Christ! I have done some gambling early in my life but why do people gamble with their eternity? This life on earth is very short but eternity is forever! Your decision about Christ will affect you in the here and now and in eternity! Only a fool would say no the Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Revolt Against God! Isaiah 53:5

Hebrew Translation: “He was profaned, defiled, polluted, and violence was done against him to establish the law of God! He did this for our wicked revolt against God! He was tortured, crushed, afflicted and humbled for our perverse criminal actions! The rebuke, discipline and correction of our peace was upon him!”

Signs of Cultural Decline! Isaiah 5:20

Jesus said persecution will come to you if you are a follower of Christ! Many places in the world Christian martyrdom is common! However in America the assault is growing on Christian’s! Here are the steps that lead to persecution in any culture! What was once celebrated is now condemned! Some examples? Crosses, traditional marriage between a man and a woman! Bibles! Ten Commandments! American Flag! Patriotism! Legal immigration! Borders! Nationalism! Military service! Sodomy laws! Sunday worship! Free speech! Right to bare arms! Prayer in schools! Free press! Visual displays of Christ! Verbal expressions of Christ in the public places! Litigation and fines against those that support traditional values! Social media blocking of Christian content on Facebook, Google and other media forms! So if you condemn what the Bible has expressed as evil then you will not celebrate the condemned then you will be condemned by the culture politically, socially and judiciously! Pastor Robert Jeffress, Pathway to Victory.

No Firemen in Hell Isaiah 53:4

Hebrew and Greek Translation: “Surely he has taken away and carried off our griefs as a horse carries us off away from danger! He also carried off our sorrows! We did count and judge his crippled body through violence with touching him as Adam and Eve touched the forbidden fruit! He was pierced and slain and afflicted by God to establish a hold up against the judgment of sin.” Comment: The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament. Using this resource will sometimes help us to get a little more insight into the scriptures! Use every resource you can to understand what God is trying to tell us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Love & Betrayal! Isaiah 53:3

Greek Translation: “He was despised and rejected of maimed and crippled men; a man maimed by sorrows and grief; and we hid it were our faces from him; he was despised like Emperor Claudius who was poisoned by his wife Agrippina so her son Nero could assume power.” Comment: There are four English words translated from the Greek that shed light on this scripture. The words men and man comes from the Strongs #376 which means crippled or maimed! The Strongs root word for Strongs #376 is Strongs #303 which means reversed! That is the condition of man in the Garden of Eden was reversed! From life to death! From health to sickness! The next word aquainted is Strongs #3045. This word means fat! Jesus was surrounded by sorrows like a fat man surrounded by his fat! Dead men needed life but instead rejected him! Man maimed by sorrows and grief hid their faces from him? The word esteemed is the Roman name Claudius. This is Strong’s number 2803. The name Claudius means crippled! Just like Claudius Jesus was betrayed by those he loved! Judas went for the money! Peter denied him three times! All his disciples abandoned him and even His Father! Nothing has changed in the Centuries following including the 21st Century! Men maimed by sin reject him and are perishing without him! Marxism is responsible for 100 million deaths! Darwinism with the followers like Hitler for hundreds of millions of casualties! How about Islam over 1400 years! Hundreds of millions of deaths! However Christ has wrought a change in civilization with 1/3 of the world following him! Jesus will restore your soul, mind and body! If you embrace an ideology that opposes Christ your doom is sure! Christ was maimed for us to deliver us from sin! Why should you reject the redemption effort of God’s only Son Jesus Christ? Jesus can reverse your condition if you let him do so! James and Hamsa Sasse.

School & Police Shootings! James 1:2

“My brethren of the same womb count it all joy, that is rejoice with gladness of heart when you fall into various types of temptations.” Comment: James had a primary ministry to the Jews. He was referring to the Jews when he spoke of the same womb! However we as Gentile Christian’s that are “born again” are of the same family! So we to are to rejoice when temptation comes! Why? Remember Jesus prayer he taught us? Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Temptation is authored by Satan and God will deliver us from his evil. What we do with the temptation will prove us either good or evil. Remember Job? Satan was the author of all his loses of family and wealth! However God gave him back twice as much! Jesus himself was tempted many times by Satan to try to keep him off the Cross! If you are God turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount one of your angel’s will save you! Temptation will either condemn you or exonerate you! The evidence that we are all sinner’s and need salvation tells us we all have had moral failings! God has given us a way of escape through the one that defeated Satan at the Cross! We can choose to repent and change! Satan will solicit us to sin! God will empower you to resist! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! Jesus cast out Devil’s but he did not destroy them! They moved on finding a herd of swine to dwell in! Satan was a deceiver from the beginning even before creation! He was cast out of Heaven and was waiting in the Garden of Eden! One day he will be cast into the Lake of Fire with his followers! So why did James say count it all joy? James goes on to explain in the following verses! To develop your faith with patience! A Crown of Life waits those who endure temptation! Endure means to resist Satan! How? God can empower you to resist Satan! Without the power of Christ no mortal can resist Satan! How did Jesus do it? He constantly said , “It is written! It is written!” Do you know the Words God wrote? Jesus resisted the Devil with the Word of God! The liar of all lies when he hears the Word of God will flee! Satan thrives on ignorance! Ignorance is not Bliss! It is Hell. Why is the Bible the most banned Book on earth? Try to get a Bible into any public funded University or High School. Our youth are taught Darwinism or Evolution where the strong should get rid of the weak! The stronger species will destroy the weak! The same conclusion that Darwinism teaches to our children is the same ideology that drove Hitler to do what he did! This ideology leads to racial pride and violence against each other! No knowledge of the Word of God leads to school violence and attacks on legal authorities! The vacuum left by removing every trace of God is filled with anarchy! They cannot hear the voice of God so they listen to the voice of Satan! It is back to the Garden of Eden all over again! You can take away guns but they will be replaced with knives, swords and clubs! Violence is not done by the weapon but by the evil heart of man living without the knowledge of God! The political left is behind all this Godless ideology! We need to return education to the American family and privatize our public institutions! Solicit President Trump to give school vouchers to every American family instead of sending these hundreds of billions of dollars from your tax money to public institutions! If this would be done the failing public schools would vanish overnight with competition in education! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.