Draw a Red Line!

This election is about you drawing a red line on the borders of your State! A red line to keep socialism out with its no borders and sanctuary cities that protect criminals! Socialism with its anti-Semitism ideology! Socialism with its atheistic ideology! The Charles Darwin followers! A red line to keep MS-13 criminals out of your neighborhood! The politicians do not live in your neighborhood you do! A red line to stop promotion of drugs to our youth from our unsecure borders! A red line to stop the dumping of illegals into your neighborhood! A red line to keep illegal caravans from crossing into your State! A red line to keep abortion out! A red line to keep the left’s socialist ideology out of your State! A red line to keep freedom in! To keep economic prosperity in! To keep low taxes in! To keep gun rights and free speech in! To keep liberty in! To keep religious liberty in! A red line to keep our military strong! A red line to keep hope, freedom and prosperity strong in America! The only effort on your part is to take a few minutes of your time to go vote in your State! If you do not vote then someone else will erase your red line of your State for you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Real Fireworks! John 8:12

Greek Translation: “Then Jesus spake unto them, saying, I am the light of the day that is never quenched! I am the light of the sum of all person’s that have ever lived or ever will live! He that moves quickly following me in time shall not walk in the darkness of unhappiness and ruin but shall have my light in your life, in your spirit and soul.” Comment: Notice Jesus light will never be quenched though much of the world tries to snuff out the light! As the fireworks are going off in our neighborhood it is beginning to rain! This light is temporary and will die with the rain! The word life used here in this passage means the soul and spirit set apart from the physical body! Jesus is speaking to the eternal parts of us of soul and spirit! The first time light is used in our Bible is at creation in Genesis 1:3. The Hebrew word used there is associated with Salvation, prosperity, wisdom and justice! Do you notice Jesus is the fulfillment of all of these characteristics! Our life is to embody this nature of God! Since Jesus defeated sin for us on Calvary the door is open to us to receive the nature of God with all His attributes! Receive His Holy Spirit and all His love He has demonstrated to you on the Cross! Live in His power, salvation, prosperity, wisdom and justice! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Look Up Zion! Jerusalem! Isaiah 51:6

Hebrew Translation: “Lift up your face, eyes, voice and soul and accept the census taken in Heaven! Look to my lofty Heaven where my rainbow defines my archway to my dwelling place! Look upon the earth that dwells underneath me and my people of Zion! The Heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment. They that dwell therein shall wither, decay and die an unnatural death because of sin! However my salvation of victory over death, prosperity, comfort and safety shall be forever! The forever that is hidden from your sight right now but was before the beginning of the world! Your vanishing point will be your new beginning where my righteousness of justice and honesty shall not be confounded, broken or despaired with fear!” Comment: Isaiah was preparing the Jews 650 years before the birth of Jesus Christ for their Messiah! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


Now Hillary is blaming white women who listen to their white husbands and voted for Trump? How many excuses can she manufacture to explain her loss? First it was Putin and now American women particularly white women! What color are you Hillary? If tribalism is alive and well in America then Obama would never have been elected and you should have! There is something deeper here and more profound! Hillary you lost because the socialistic agenda of Obama was rejected and you attached yourself to him by association of ideology and you lost! Had you moved toward the center right you could have won! Now the Democrats running for election in states this November are saying all these companies giving millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises to the American worker are under a big conspiracy by Trump? They are saying you should give your money to the government rather than keep it yourself! The Democratic party is all about equal outcome! That is give us your money and your power and we will push socialism with equal outcome for everyone! Regardless of your work ethic or ability you will end up with the same outcome as the bum down on skid row! Give up your choices and we will choose for you! HealthCare! Public schools! Welfare! The Republican party is just the opposite! The party of equal opportunity not equal outcomes! Less government! More choices! More jobs! More income! Fewer taxes! Fewer regulations! Socialism is only popular because no one has lived in a real socialist country such as the Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela! Remember Burnie Sanders took his wife on their honeymoon to Russia about 50 years ago! I could never fall in love with failure! The left has run out of excuses for their failures to the American people! If we can replace the Democrats with Republicans we can increase the prosperity of Americans among all classes of people! Let us not turn back the clock to the failed socialism nations of the present and past! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Shepherd is Smitten! Isaiah 11:10

700 B.C. , Hebrew Translation; “And on a specific day there shall be a root of Jesse (Lineage of David), shall be an ensign of striking, piercing and wounding for the whole human race and the non-Jews shall seek Him and His rest shall be glorious with honor, majesty, abundance, prosperity and wealth.” Comment: The specific day was on a Cross at Calvary in 33 A.D. Jesus the root of Jesse died on the Cross for the whole human race! In history since 33 A.D. billions of gentiles have come to Christ and trusted Him for their salvation! Heaven has come down to earth in God’s only Son to give our world hope! To live in His presence is a choice with immeasurable benefits! He has given us fullness of joy! Cast all your cares upon Him! Your hope is just one breath away! Confess His name with your mouth to Jesus and He will confess your name to the Father! Your name to be written forever in the Lamb’s Book of Life! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Someone Else Baked Your Cake! Isaiah 2:19

“And they shall go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth as dust blown by the wind, for fear of the Lord, and for the Glory of His Majesty when He ariseth to the terrorism of the Lord’s judgment!” Comment: In Isaiah Chapter 2 God is contrasting His love and peace with the foolishness, pride and sin of man! Why is this important? Salvation means nothing without Judgment! If you leave out the Judgment of God as some modern day preachers do then there is no reason for Salvation? Saved for what? Saved from what? There are two sides of the coin when in comes to the Gospel. Salvation on one side and Judgment on the other side! You will have Judgment without Salvation but you cannot have Salvation without Judgment! Christ took our Judgment on the Cross! The problem with the prosperity Gospel is that it can lead people to believe that their success is based upon their works rather than God’s work! If we leave God’s Judgment out of the equation then good works circles around again and can lead people to a false Gospel! The challenge today is witnessing to Muslims! They do not believe they are sinners! They believe they have no need of Salvation even though they kill people following their Koran! Did you ever notice no condemnation comes from the Muslim community following these terrorist attacks? Why? They believe they are instruments of Judgment for God to remove the infidels! If we do not include Judgment for all men and only present a prosperity Gospel we will not get their attention! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Prosperity or Poverty? Matthew 6:11

There are two extremes coming from the American pulpit! Prosperity preaching that says you can get it all if you just believe and the poverty message that if you just abstain from these vanities you will be blessed in the after life! Jesus said give us this day our daily bread! It was not give us more than we need or less than we need but what we need for today! Do not store up or throw away but trust Him for today! Do not worry about the next day but trust Him for today! If you do this you will be able to sleep tonight and the peace that the world longs for but cannot find! Your peace will come from following Jesus and just doing what He told us to do! He is the Prince of Peace!

Prosperity and Suffering

For in prosperity a man is often puffed up with pride, whereas tribulations chasten and humble him through suffering and sorrow. In the midst of prosperity the mind is elated, and in prosperity a man forgets himself; in hardship he is forced to reflect on himself, even though he is unwilling. In prosperity a man often destroys the good he has done; amidst difficulties he often repairs what he long since did in the way of wickedness.  King Alfred (849-899 A.D.)  Comment: When I suffer I remember the Cross and what He has done for me and through me! My suffering will never save anyone but it is still the best medicine you can take for the soul. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com