Take Holiday Every Week! Hebrews 10:25

A Holiday is a Holy Day! The Sabbath Day is a special day set aside every week to rest in Christ! The 4th Commandment says, “Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy.” The Sabbath was made for man! For man’s benefit! A Jew could be put to death for violating the Sabbath! Jesus healed people on the Sabbath! Jesus said He is Lord of the Sabbath! The Jews could not gather manna on the Sabbath. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day! If God needs rest who are we? Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! The Sabbath begins on Friday at sunset and ends on Saturday at sunset. There was to be no light or fire on the Sabbath. Jesus was buried late Friday just before the Sabbath. So he was crucified on Friday. The Jews did not want his body on the Cross during the Sabbath!  So Jesus had a Sabbath day of rest in the grave! He arose from the dead on Sunday the first day of the week. For a Christian Monday is not the first day of the week it is Sunday! We begin each new week Sunday with God in worship in our local Church giving tithes and offerings of our income! Without God’s Blessing we would have no income! He blesses the rest of the week in a way we could not do by our own efforts! The seventh day is interesting but also the seventh year! The Jews were to release all slaves to go free on the 7th year. The Jews were not to work the land for crops on the seventh year! The land was to rest! The Jews were taken into captivity by Babylon for 70 years! If you divide 70 by 7 you get 10. Why ten? The Ten Commandments! For breaking God’s Laws they got 70 years! Jesus came to fulfill the Law! Since He was God He kept the Law and the sacrifice for our sin because he never sinned! A sinner can die for another sinner but that death cannot pay the price for sin because they are both sinners! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Third Jewish Temple Jerusalem

This subject with about 32 scriptures on the rebuilding of the third Temple is complicated by various interpretations of these scriptures. I want to print a new version of the Bible titled, The Bible for Dummies!” After I write it I will read it myself! Will dummies go to Heaven? Yes! The whole earth is covered with them! It is an elite club! Smart people are not allowed! It is called the Democratic Party! If you think they are dumb well not as dumb as their followers! Let me give you some history on the Jewish Temple’s at Jerusalem. Two Jewish Temples have been built so far. King Solomon built the first Temple in 960 B.C. The Babylonians destroyed it in 586 B.C. The returning Jewish captives from exile from Babylon were freed by the Persians (Iranians), in 539 B.C. The returning Jews completed the second Temple in 515 B.C. The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Remember Jesus in about 33 A.D. prophesized the Temple destruction (Matthew 24:2). So what do the Jews today say about the 3rd Temple? A number of Jewish scholars believe the deadline for the Jewish Messiah is in the Jewish Year 6000 which is 2240 A.D. This date would also be the date for the completion of the third Temple! The Orthodox Jews recite the Amidah which are daily prayers for rebuilding the Temple and the sacrificial offerings to be reestablished! Jesus said He is the Temple! We are the Temple as the Holy Spirit resides within us! But what about Jesus second coming? The Jews will probably think it is His first coming when he returns for the second time! At His second coming we who pray to Him will see Him face to face! Is the third Temple necessary? Absolutely! When Jesus returns and enters Jerusalem he will come through the eastern gate (who the Muslims sealed off), and enter the Temple! The Anti-Christ will occupy the Temple during the 7 year Tribulation period! At the end of this period Christ will return and route him out of the Temple! What about the New Jerusalem? We will have a new Heaven and a new Earth at the end of the Millennium or thousand year reign of Christ on earth! Christ will rule the earth from Jerusalem! So the rebuilding of the Temple is important to Bible Prophecy and the fulfillment of scriptures! If you live to see the construction of the third Temple you will see one more sign of Christ’s second coming! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

A Miracle! Isaiah 7:14

King Ahaz was a wise King! When the Lord told him He would give him a sign he did not want to tempt the Lord! He did not want to put God to a foolish test! Ahaz was really telling God I do not question you! Mortal men do need to be questioned! Jesus will do that at the judgment! Men and women asked Jesus a lot of questions! Are you really the Son of God? Prove it! Come down from the Cross if you are God! The word sign means a miracle in the Hebrew! Jesus virgin birth is a miracle! After Peter witnessed the miracles he told Jesus you are the Christ the Son of the living God! The Lord gave Peter signs! The star over Bethlehem was a miracle! Christ’s resurrection from the dead was a miracle! Salvation is a miracle! Being born again is a miracle! These acts of God are beyond the natural and are supernatural. They are God’s Grace in that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves! Miracles are the love of God towards men! Faith in God is living from miracle to miracle! It cannot be explained outside of God! Your life is a miracle! If you were not here you could not experience the love of God! No miracles! That is why abortion is so cruel. You kill a miracle! We need life to make choices! Could not wonder and awe about God? Could not see the slender of His creation! Could not experience His Power and Glory! Could not know His peace! Without Him no purpose! Only loneliness and emptiness! No hope! But surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life! Lord give me another miracle today! Not to prove who you are but prove I cannot live without you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Think Verticle!

Do not think left or right! The political environment is so toxic that people cannot hold a civil conversation! Think of the Cross and the vertical member that through Christ has connected us to the Father through His Son Jesus Christ! Think of the horizontal wood plank of the Cross where Christ died and rose again for the sin of those both on the left and the right! Pastor Mike Huckabee

Bible versus Evolution

“Evolution is the greatest triumph of Satan’s intelligence in 5931 years of devilish warfare, against the Hosts of Heaven!” Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944). Comment: Aimee was a very special lady! As a child she would line up her dolls in a row like a church congregation and preach to them! As a teenager in high school she challenged her biology teacher on Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution! She wrote an article in the Canadian Newspaper, Family Herald and Weekly Star, asking why tax payer funded public schools were teaching evolution and undermining Christianity! She knew the two could never be reconciled! She asked why children were being poisoned teaching evolution as truth? She began a life long crusade fighting the teaching of evolution in our public schools! She had the first mega church in America located in Los Angeles California! Crowds in her services would sometimes swell to 30 thousand people! She was the founder of the Foursquare Gospel Churches in America and internationally! She recognized evolution and the suppression of the Gospel Truth was the greatest threat to our liberty! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Columbus & Cannibals! Ezekiel 5:7-11

Sunday November 4, 1492 “He understood that far from them, there were one eyed men, and others, with snouts like dogs, who ate men, and as soon as one was taken they cut their throats and drank their blood and cut off their genitals! The Admiral decided to return to the ship to wait for the two men whom he had sent out and to decide whether to leave and seek those lands.” Comment: We know from our Bible that cannibalism is a curse for sin! Historically cannibal is a name used to describe a set of Caribbean Islands (The Carib Tribe), who waged war on the Spanish Armada. The closest thing to cannibalism today in America is abortion! Christians oppose it here however politically they have not been able to eradicate it and our tax money funds this sacrifice of children! Pray for America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Robert E. Lee Psalm 11:3

When President Lincoln tried to resupply Fort Sumter the Federal Fort in Charleston South Carolina harbor, the secessionists responded by bombarding it! Lincoln summoned an Army of 75 thousand men to suppress the rebellion and asked Colonel Robert E. Lee of Virginia to take command of it. What if Lee would have accepted? Lee repeatedly said he believed secession was treason! Georgia receded but only by a handful of votes. Lee was married to George Washington’s great granddaughter Mary Curtis. Lee lived in Arlington Virginia. Lee’s father, Henry “Light Horse Harry” was a famous American Revolutionary War Calvarymen and one of Washington’s favorite solders! Only 6 percent of the South owned slaves! George Washington enlisted thousands of black men into his Continental Army in 1776. He freed all his slaves in his will and ordered they be educated and trained in various skills! If Lee had accepted Lincoln’s offer how would have things changed? Possibly no civil war and Lee could have been elected President of the United States after Lincoln! Source: Historians History 6-24-13 Comment: So why tear down his statues? Like shooting yourself in the foot! The left is determined to destroy America! Why? Why bite the hand that feeds you? History is twisted in our public tax funded education system! Our children are taught to hate America! So what will replace Christian America? Prophetically it will be very ugly! Why disrespect our flag? Our foundation stones are being broken away! The Church in America needs to help rebuild our walls! It needs to recognize they are being torn down! We are in a war and need to get into the fight for survival of America! There are only two Nations standing in the way of the one world government and the Anti-Christ! America and Israel. God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com