End of the Age? Matthew 24:35-37

Jesus said; “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall never pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not the angels in heaven but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were so also the coming of the Son of man be.” Commentary: So what happened in the days of Noah? The world became so wicked God had to destroy it except one family who had faith enough in God that God required them by faith to build an ark for the coming flood. Jesus since the Cross is saving the world but not all have faith in his redemptive work! Many are saved yet many more reject his love! As the world becomes more wicked we can be sure our redeemer’s return is closer than ever before! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Homosexual Filthy Dreamers! Jude 1:7-8

Verse 8: “Likewise these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise God’s dominion, and speak evil of dignities or those that worship, praise and honor God.” (Greek Translation). Commentary: Jude the brother of Jesus had something to say about the repulsive homosexual activity of the first century Judea! In verse 7 Jude reminds people living then and now what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah suffering the vengeance of eternal fire! Notice then in 1st Century the gays were speaking evil of the worshipers of God! The Jews and the Christians! The same holds true in the 21st Century today! God does not change his standards so we must follow his standards of moral code of truth and righteousness! We do not hate the gays but point them to our Savior Christ who has forgiven our sin by the repentance of our sin to God through his Son and changing our behavior that meets his standards for a loving relationship towards God and men! Only Jesus can in-power us to abandon our sin! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

This Do in Remembrance of Me! Luke 22:19

Commentary: Most people want to be remembered good or bad! We have a fear that we will never be remembered! Did you know God is the same way! That is because we are created in his image! We tend to remember the good things people have done for us and forget the bad things done to us! When you see a beautiful woman what do we as men remember? Right we are reminded that we are men! This gives us purpose just as a woman sees a man she is reminded that she is a woman! This gives us purpose! Men who try to become women and vice versa explains why their suicide rates are 5 to 6 times the rest of the population! They have lost their purpose to live! So our purpose is connected to remembering who we are! Did you know God likes to be reminded who he is! This is why we quote scriptures! Why we memorize scriptures so that when we pray we use scriptures to remind God who he is! Does God have a memory lapse? No! I like Psalm 103:3. “Who forgiveth all our iniquities and who healeth all our diseases!” My wife was in the hospital for 90 days! Everyday in prayer I reminded God and his Christ who he is! Now my wife is home with us! If you will remind God who he is he will remind you who you are! A creation of God and Jesus said he will never leave us nor forsake us! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Is it Possible to Please God? Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith! Remember Abraham was a gentile not a Jew! Yet his faith in God put him in the Patriarch Hall of Fame! The word Jew did not come along until Jacob and his twelve sons who one tribe was named Judah! The name Jew is a short name for Judah which means praise! The Jews are not so much a racial division as a group of people who praise the God Jehovah and their identity with him has been constant over history! This gives the gentiles hope in that we come to Jehovah by faith in him and his promises to us! Christ is a Jew yet he opened the door to the gentiles to come to him by faith and the Jews have to do the same thing! Trusting is Christ yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever! Where is your faith placed in? Who do you trust? Politics? Media? Government? Misplaced trust in institutions and people can turn deadly! Do not trust the untrustworthy! Do you trust this world or in the world to come where Christ rules with perfect justice and where his love for us is demonstrated to going to the Cross for our sin! A trustworthy person is someone who lays down his life for you! Only God did this for you! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

It is All in the Game! 501c

The Democrat installed 501c tax exempt status given to non-profits allows them to collect money tax free! It sounds good but to take this exemption you the Pastor must give up your right to petition the government for grievances which is a Constitutional right! You must give up your right to endorse a political candidate during an election! Your voice is muted! Any election local, state or federal you must be mute! Handicapped! You give up your first amendment rights of free speech sacrificed for money! Because the church would not take up debate on our last presidential election Biden got in instead of Trump! Now the church or non-profits are collecting money for the Ukraine war victims when under a Trump the Ukraine war would not have happened! Understand I have less money to give to charitable organizations with high inflation and 4-5-6 and 7 dollars a gallon gasoline! My gas bill in my van was 600 dollars last month! My house insurance increased from $1000. per year to 1600. dollars per year because of replacement costs because of high priced building materials! Millions flooding across our southern border swamping local communities with costs financial and safety of their communities! Now our president says food shortages are coming! Why? His incompetence! Build back better is not happening! Tear down better is happening with the Biden administration! None of this would of happened or did happen under Trump! Pastor’s in America can no longer hide under the 501c if America is going to survive as a nation! Even though Trump gave them an exemption from the part of the 501c banning political endorsements they played it safe and we now are all in peril! If this next 3 years under Biden is not a lesson to them then they will never learn! Will we survive? I do not know but look up to Christ for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Cannot Define a Woman? Genesis 1:27

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Commentary: Interestingly there are 500 scriptures in your Bible containing the word “woman’. There are about 250 scriptures containing the word “women”. There are 25 scriptures containing the word “female.” Judge Jackson when asked by a Senator during her confirmation hearing to define the word woman said she could not? I assume she is a woman but you never know these days? If she is a woman and not understand who she is then how can she judge anyone else on who they are? The woke mob is alive but not well! You cannot have social justice or racial justice if you do not know who you are? So the war on women and gender marches on by the political left! God created us with distinct differences to achieve our purposes in life! Gender is one of those important differences that determines purpose! One of our functions created by God is given to us at birth! Your gender! To deny our God given gender makes us dis-functional! If you blur the lines between gender then you do not know who you are and your function in life! Then you live without purpose and you will lose the will to live! Let me give you some examples! “Noting that when compared to straight youth, lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are 5 times more likely to attempt suicide.” Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Study. “More than half of transgender youth male teens who participated in the survey reported attempted suicide in their lifetime, while 29.9 percent of transgender teenage females said they attempted suicide.” Source: American Academy of Pediatrics. Losing our God given gender identity is deadly yet the political left promotes these deadly policies destroying our youth! To deny creation and replace it with Darwinism opposing Biblical creation is and will be the undoing of America! My Bible says there is a way that seems right unto a man but those ways end in death! If we as Christian America do not take back America who will? Give me liberty or give me death! Liberty comes from recognizing the God who made us and all things that exist possible! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Irrational Thinking? Judge Johnson! Supreme Court Pick!

When you fill any position based only on race and gender you can have a problem! She was asked by a Senator why she gave sentences of convicted child pornography criminals reduced prison sentences well below the federal minimum guidelines? Giving some three month prison sentences! Her rationale was that since child pornography was so easily accessible on the internet reduced sentences are required? She is making the criminal the victim! It is like me going before a judge after murdering someone and convicted of murder and then petitioning the court that I used a handgun instead of a knife and since it is easier to kill with a gun rather than a knife and guns are so abundant I should get a reduced sentence because never mind that dead person I am the real victim here? This judicial philosophy will turn America into a haven for criminals and no one will be safe on our streets! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Jackson Confirmation Supreme Court

I have watched some of these hearings with dismay! No one seems to ask the right questions? Here is one I would like any Supreme Court nominee! Why is it most of the decisions come down to a 5-4 decision? They are judging on the same law yet opposite conclusions about the same law? So according to the same law the court interprets the same law on opposite views? Mrs. Jackson could you explain this phenomenon and the foundation that leads to opposite interpretations of the Law? The scriptures proclaim by grace you are saved and not of yourselves! The law shows us we are all sinners and have come short of the Glory of God! My best answer to my own question is sinners cannot interpret the law justly! Their sin blinds them to justice! The unjust cannot judge the unjust! All judgment is rendered unto the Son because he fulfilled the law of sin and death for he took our judgment upon the Cross! Jesus judges all the living and the dead with perfect justice! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com