This is How it will End! Daniel 7:27

“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High (True God creator of Heaven and earth), whose kingdom, and all dominion and rule, shall serve and intelligently hear and obey him.”

The Jewish Phenomenon! Isaiah 60:12

Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles) and their idol Kings that will not serve and worship thee shall not escape a down fall, those Gentile nations shall utterly be wasted through war.” Comment: Did you ever observe the obvious? The greatest Salvation and the greatest destruction has come through the Jews! Our Savior is Jewish! The disciples were Jewish! The cell phone was invented in Israel. Between 1901-2017 two hundred and one Jews have been awarded the Nobel Prize accounting for 23 percent of world wide recipients and 37 percent of all U.S. recipients! Jews have been awarded 26 percent of all Nobel Prizes and 28 percent of them in scientific research fields! Jews only make up two tenths (.2) of the world’s population and two percent (2) of America’s population! The greatest destruction on the earth has been wrought by atheistic Jews such as Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Lenin and Charles Darwin! You will get some push back that Darwin was not a Jew but wrong! There is a good article in Scientific American that will clarify this! Jews throughout Europe and even America changed their names to avoid persecution! My wife worked for a rich Jewish family in Pittsburg while attending college there back in the 1960’s. She did baby sitting for the children for two years. She found out through them that they changed their names to hide their Jewish roots! We know from Daniel 11:37 The Anti-Christ will be Jewish! He will be an atheist and a homosexual. Albert Einstein helped America build the Atomic bomb that ended WWII. Hitler kicked him out of Germany in the 1930’s because he was a Jew! Hitler was so ignorant that he followed a atheist Jewish ideology of Charles Darwin that drove him to destruction! Evolution says the strong shall defeat the weak! Hitler though he must speed up the process of Evolution which would otherwise take millions of years to do by eliminating the weak! Evolution drives abortion here in America! The religious Jews persecuted our Jewish Messiah in the first Century! Jesus warned them that their Temple and the City Of Jerusalem would be destroyed which the Romans did in 70 A.D. Our attitude towards the Jews will determine the outcome in our lives! God deals with the Jews during the Tribulation period of history! Many will come to Christ when they see their betrayal by the Anti-Christ! God loves all people! See John 3:16. The Apostle Paul a Jew got frustrated with the Jews and took the Gospel to the Gentiles! Paul reminded us to take the Gospel to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles! A Christless Jew is as dangerous as a Christless Gentile! I know! I was one once! Did you know Mohammad has a Jewish background! He was from the offspring of Ishmael. His father was Abraham! Mohammad’s first wife was a young Jewish girl. Yet his ideology in Islam opposes our Jewish Messiah and the Jews? The war in the Middle east over history is a family feud over who is the rightful heir to Abraham! The Arab and Jewish races are both classified as Caucasian’s! Only Christ can end this feud but as long as both sides reject the King of Kings the war will continue! Unless the Prince of Peace lives in your heart men will always be at war against each other and with God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Love & Success!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) Comment: I have found in life that when you find your highest purpose in life to love God and man you can do anything else and you will be happy! The joy of the Lord is our strength! Our purpose is not dependent on circumstances but takes joy in serving others reflecting the image of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hebrews 11:1 Greek Translation

“To believe and act is the foundation for your expectation and desire that you have not seen yet.” Comment: We believe and act on what we trust! If we put our faith in the wrong things or people sin, guilt and fear will control us! A.B. Evans said this, “Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason; but faith is taking God at His Word!” The words of people can be deceptive! Remember Satan told Eve surely God has not said this? Go ahead and eat this delicious looking fruit! There is only one of two voices we will hear and obey! Either God or Satan! All of us first listened to the voice of Satan! We were deceived like Adam and Eve! Sin, guilt and fear was the outcome! Sin was the outcome yet we still have an opportunity to listen and obey the voice of God! It is never too late! Remember the thief on the Cross? If you believe and act upon the Word of God through His Son Jesus Christ and confess your sin you will enter a new day being born again and experience God’s love! No longer in bondage to sin but free to serve God and love others! The choice is yours to make but it is a matter of life and death! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Joshua 24:15

“If it seem evil to reject my authority then make the best choice remembering those who sin hurt other people! Serve either the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites where you dwell now but as for your leader Joshua I declare as for me and those living inside my house we will serve the Lord!” Comment: It is interesting that the Hebrew word for evil is associated with the rejection of God’s authority! It is a choice that leads to the destruction of the sinner and the people around them! The plural word gods used by Joshua refers to idolatry. For those that reject God’s authority they make their own gods! It is exalting self above God! The false gods or idols are substitutes for God that can be controlled by the worshippers! They are puppets on a string! If you have not lived in a culture where idol worship is predominate I can assure you it is a living Hell. An idol can be anything you make it to be! It can be money, sex, fame, evolution, junk science, pleasure, graven images, religion and it is worshipped in place of God! It is self-worship! If you remove God from His throne you will replace Him with something else! The word “House”, used in this passage means those living under your roof! When your children become adult’s and leave home they have to decide if they are going to worship God under their roof! We pray for them! Never give up! My brother-in-law passed on this month! His mother prayed for him to come to Christ all her life and she passed on in 1995. He came to Christ about two years ago! We know from history that not all the Jews chose to serve God and obey Joshua for the next Book in our Bible after the Book of Joshua is the Book of Judges! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Worship & Service! Luke 10:38-42

Jesus commended Mary for choosing the good part! Let us look at the Greek word good as used in this passage of scripture! It is Strongs #18. It means constitutionally good but not to benefit others! It means profitable! It means to derive an advantage from it. There is an opposite word used in the Greek for good! It is “Harmartano”, Strongs #264. It means to miss the mark or sin! Mary’s sister Martha was serving and wanted Mary to help! There is nothing wrong with serving because it benefits others! Remember Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all. However in this case we are talking about God being in your presence! Jesus was not putting Martha down but explained to her that Mary her sister recognized Jesus true value! Remember over in the Book of Luke Mary spent nearly a year’s wages on the perfume to anoint Jesus body for burial. Judas put her down for it! How we value people and things is very important! If we are not careful we can overvalue things and undervalue people! If we undervalue God then nothing else we ever value will help us! Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and He will add to us what is needed! Did you value your father and mother today? Did you value your Pastor today? Did you pray for him? I recently stayed in a wealthy man’s house. He is a good man but when I asked him the name of his Pastor he did not know? If we do not value what is most valuable then it becomes sin! Like Martha serve Him but more important like Mary  worship Him! Get in His presence! One second in Jesus presence will start a fire in your soul that will glow forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Idols! 1 Chronicles 16:26

Hebrew translation: “For all the gods of the people are as shepherds over worthless things! They are as physicians attending corpses! Good for nothing! Vanity! No purpose! But the Lord built the heavens with purpose!” Comment: So what are you a shepherd over in your life? Is in something of eternal value? Will it continue on after you leave the earth? If you cannot take it with you it is an idol. Will the family you leave on earth shepherd over things of value? Anything of eternal value will outlast you! God built the heavens with you as the purpose in mind! Are you supporting His purpose? Your purpose is to mirror His Image! We were not created in our own image but the image of God! God’s purpose from before the beginning was to deliver us from evil. That is why Christ pre-existed creation! Sin will always lead us to worship idols! Why? We would rather trust in ourselves than the work of God! When i came to Christ back in 1973 everything changed! It was no longer about me but about Christ and others! He did for me what i could not do for myself! Deliver me from evil! That is Grace! Men try to build empires, organizations and name them after themselves! Until we find the name and Savior that is above every name we will serve idols! Jesus has promised to raise you from the dead one day! After you are gone from the earth you cannot raise your idols! You have only two options! Believe Jesus or trust in yourself! Serve God or an idol. The worst idol you could ever invent is yourself! Serve God and others! James and Hamsa Sasse.