Works W/O Faith? DOA!

The degree and duration of the torment of the degenerate and Anti-Christian people, should be no other than would be approved of by those angels who had ever labored for their salvation, and the Lamb who had redeemed them with his most precious blood. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Mathematician, Physicist and Inventor. Comment: The rejection of Christ began in heaven long before Jesus was incarnated into the earth at his birth in Bethlehem! Lucifer rejected him while he was in heaven and after being cast down to the earth with one third of the angels who followed him in this rebellion continues his resistance here on earth! Satan creates ideologies in men and religious systems that oppose Christ even today! Then the religious rebellion is transformed into political systems and armies that persecute believers in Christ! These people groups also persecute the Jews here on earth! Sadly some atheistic Jews persecute the followers of Christ like Charles Darwin!  Nothing has really changed since the 1600’s! The war between good and evil continues on! The truth is you have already taken a side in this conflict! War started in heaven and continues here on earth! By your personal choice you will either join the Christ of redemption or the Anti-Christ of self works expecting your own efforts will bring you redemption! It is paradox that Satan believes the Word of God yet his objective is the deceive you into not believing the Word of God by lies and deceptions expressed in ideologies of men!  Satan will be the only believer in Hell! The joke will be on those he has deceived to join him there that have been convinced by him to reject Christ! Be a believer headed for heaven forever rather than a unbeliever joined in Hell forever! The choice is yours to make and the outcome of your choice to be lived out forever in the eternity you have chosen!!    James and Hamsa Sasse.

DNA Debunkes Evolution!

In September 2012, 30 scientific papers were published simultaneously by the United States Government funded by the ENCOR project. These reviews of the papers provide ample proof that “Junk DNA” is at least 80% functional and active! The Darwinian’s went ballistic! The science of genetics is refuting the “ape to human evolution” and Darwin is doing cartwheels in his grave! “Ape to human evolution” theory is on its way out towards extinction—for it is not fit enough to stand truth. Source:  Comment: God does not make any junk! To support their theory the Evolutionists threw out 98 percent of the DNA of human and monkey species to try to support their theory! They cherry picked only 2 percent to try to prove their theory! What a hoax! You cannot make conclusions on 2 percent of anything! Genesis 1:1 still stands as the truth and true science will always support Creation and our Holy Scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Religion!

Socialism is a religion people get when they lose their religion! Richard Neuhaus (1936-2009) Prominent Pastor and Author. Comment: When the government becomes your God failure is imminent! When we put our hope in mortal men mortality goes on display in the failed ideologies of men! Socialism has a track record of misery and death! If you cede your personal responsibilities to the government it cannot makeup for your defaulted neglect to a ward of the State! Thomas Jefferson said socialism is sinful and tyrannical! We do not have to look very far to Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuella or North Korea to see the disasters! When God is removed from a culture hopelessness rises! Dependency on the State ensues! Christianity brings personal responsibility for individual lives and the nation profits above what any government could ever do! One nation under God with liberty and justice for all! Our Founding Father’s knew the key to American prosperity! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Fear Not! Luke 1:30

Greek Translation: “And the angel Gabriel said unto her, Fear not do not be terrified, Mary for though you have found seeking it or not favor granted to you by grace alone.” Comment: Mary you did not earn this! You were not even seeking this favor! I decided to give it to you not based on merit! You do not deserve my favor! We lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado from 2012-2016. Just up in the mountains west of the Springs is a small mountain community by the name of Woodland Park. In the midst of this small insignificant community is a great ministry founded by Andrew Wommack! He is about my age that is old! New ministry facilities have been built in this community! We would go up to these ministry facilities for worship! When I walked into these beautiful buildings the word “Grace”, came to my mind! Even if I lived a thousand years I would not earn enough money to pay for this Bible College! The Lord asked me do you want to be a part of something you could never do on your own? That is grace! Here is a key thought about God’s grace! The grace he gives you is always for others! Mary benefited the world through the birth of Jesus! The question is really can God trust you with his grace? Judas proved he could not be trusted! God is trusting you with his grace! If you are faithful in small things you will be faithful in much! Jesus on the Cross asked the Father why have you forsaken me? Nevertheless not my will but your will be done! On my death bed I was trusting Jesus for heaven like the thief on the Cross! After the miraculous healing God had to trust me with the new life he had given me! Could he trust me with a miracle? What was I going to do with it? Live like the devil? Can you be trusted with what God has given you or do you claim it as your own? You are bought with a price! For 20 years Andrew went to work everyday in his low power radio station in the Springs! God saw he could be trusted with small things! If you trust God he will trust you! God had to trust Jesus with Joseph and Mary! Mary could have turned the child over to King Herod for abortion or she could have fled to Egypt to protect Jesus. Mary was trustworthy even at the Cross when most of the disciples fled into hiding! Later the disciples proved themselves trustworthy even unto martyrdom! Can God trust you with his gifts? Can God trust me with the ministry he has given me? In spite of the persecution, mockery and all that comes against us we must be faithful! The ten Nigerian Christian’s that were beheaded this week proved themselves faithful to the end! How about you? James and Hamsa Sasse,

To Good To Be True?

Luke 1: 29  Greek Translation: “And when she (Mary), saw the angel Gabriel, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind to reason and separate herself to herself considering and disputing in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.” Comment: Mary living in the 1st Century like us in the 21st Century live in a fallen negative world where good news is considered fake news! The Paris sisters back in the 1960’s had a big hit song called, “To Good To Be True.” If the reference to good news is only our own character then we have problems believing good news! We do not deserve it and we know it! Like your best friend picking up your discarded lottery ticket off the floor and checks and tells you have just won 400 million dollars! Mary did not deserve this win so to believe the good news was a challenge to her! When we come to Christ he discards our past and presents us with a new future! Satan will always try to bring up our past but just remind him of his future! Our Salvation is not based upon our own merit! It is based upon the goodness of God! Unless we receive the gift from God we have nothing to give! No eternal life! No hope! Only guilt! Do not turn Christmas off this year like a light switch and then turn it on next year? Christ is the light of the world in the dark world we are living in! Let him light up your world so you can shine his light unto others! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God’s Strength Overcomes Pride!

Luke 1:51 “He hath shown strength with his arm, he hath scattered the (proud) in the (imagination) of their hearts.” Comment: This verse is part of Mary’s song of praise to God! So who are the proud? Remember the first sin in the Garden of Eden was pride! Eve you can know what God knows! You can be like God! Just eat of this fruit! You surely will not die? Pride is elevating yourself above your fellow man preferring yourself! They believe they are better than anyone else! They think they are the MVP of humanity! The word imagination means the thoughts of men. They believe they are the elites of culture! So why does God scatter them? They make themselves God! Why do the rock stars die on drugs? Why do the self-exalted ones come to not? Simple! They reject the author of humility! They reject God! We are all created in the Image of God! We all have different abilities yet equal in the eyes of God! None of us are the basket of deplorables! We are not the smelly Walmart shoppers that love our religion and our guns? That is what the elite think we are! When we put down one of God’s created beings we put down ourselves! We then exalt ourselves over God! Charles Darwin the atheist and promoter of Evolution is the biggest culprit in American culture and European and Asian cultures responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in the 20th and 21st Centuries! It is the political divide in America today between the Republican and Democratic party! The battle lines are drawn between Creation and Evolution! Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism and Imperial Japan had their ideological roots in Evolution! Survival of the fittest! In competition among the races each trying to prove one race is superior to another race! Abortion is alright since there is no God! Anything goes! Mary was singing praises to God because she knew her offspring Christ would defeat the godless theories of this world promoting pride against Christ and His Kingdom! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sir Winston Churchill on Islam (Written in 1899)

At the time of this writing Churchill was a Officer in the British Army fighting in the Sudan of Africa. This is a quote from his book, “The River of War”. Quote as follows; “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanactical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule and live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that Mohammedan law that every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show slendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome” Source; Sir Winston Churchill, (The River War), 1st Edition, Vol II, Pages 248-250, London, Longsman, Green & Co. 1899.

Christmas & Grace!

Luke 1:28  Greek Translation: “And the angel came unto her and said Hail, you are the direct result of God’s grace! You cannot do on your own what I am about to do for you! Thou art highly favored! Favored by the whole favor of God’s grace! The Lord is with you: blessed are you among women for I have spoken well of you and will follow with my actions for you.” Comment: All three of the Greek translated words in this passage Hail, Highly Favored and Blessed are all related to the Greek word for Grace! Grace is simply God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! So Mary was not able to earn this blessing by works! She was not better than the rest of the women! In my own life after coming to Christ I could not do on my own what God has done for me! I could not have saved myself! Works is trying to save yourself! The blind Jews mocked Jesus on the Cross and said he saved others let him save himself! What they did not understand was by going to the Cross Jesus was saving them! By faith you are saved and not of yourselves! We must surrender all our will to God! Jesus before the Cross prayed not my will but thy will be done! Jesus had a will just like us! Our surrender of our will to God means a victory for us and others not achievable in our own will! I can do certain things based upon my own ability yet I cannot raise myself from the dead! I cannot save myself! I am not able to forgive my own sins! I am able to forgive others if I understand God has forgiven me! Mary by faith received what she could never achieve by her good works! Favor with God is what Christmas is all about! The Savior born for you and me! Born and died to save us from ourselves! To save us from sin! Raised from the dead to raise us from the dead! Born again! Born to live for him and others! If you receive Jesus just as he is he will change you to what he is! Love! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No Respect!

Young or old it is the same for me! When I was young when Halloween would come around my father would buy a mask for my little brother and sister but he would send me out just as I was! Never forget the first house! A little old lady came to the door wearing thick glasses! She looked at my brother and sister and complimented them on their masks saying every year these masks get more imaginative! Then she looked at me and told me this is the best mask I have ever seen over the years and it looks so original! Now that I am old I open the door for the kids and they look up at me and give me candy! I went to get a face lift! The surgeon said he could not help me! Why not? He told me he has nothing to work with! I went for a DNA test and they told me I was not human! Right out of the gate things went bad for me! My name Dangerfield is not my real name! My father would not give me the family name because he said I would be a danger to society! My first name Rodney was also an accident! At birth my father said I looked like I was beaten with a Rod! My mother told me a stork left me at the back door! My life is proof accidents happen! Insurance companies will not sell me life insurance? I asked them why? They told me I have already met with an accident! I tried out for a wise man in a Nativity scene! I got turned down! They told me I did not look wise enough? They told me to come back for Easter and try out for Judas! Life is tough! You have to keep a positive attitude even when things are not going your way! Rodney Dangerfield

Mary & Christmas!

The name Mary is a Hebrew root word that means “Wished for Child”. The Hebrew root word name is Miryam. Remember Moses sister had this name. Also Mary Magdalene. The English form is Maria. The Latin form is Mariam. The name was most popular here in America in the 1940’s and 1950’s. However today here in America it has dropped out of the Top 100 baby names due to the spiritual decay of our culture! The Jewish women over the centuries would sometimes not get married in hopes they would be the chosen virgin to conceive the Messiah! One thing is for sure Mary’s parents were smart enough or shall we say wise enough to give her the right name! There is a destiny in a name! That is why we call ourselves Christians first above anything else! I am an American but first I am a Christian! Your identity determines your future! Did you know the name Adolf means a “Famous Wolf”. Did the Hitler family know the meaning they gave their son Adolf? I doubt it! When we were in India for those three years when a Hindu would come to Christ they would change their names from a Hindu god name to a Christian name! Then they would publish their new name in the local newspaper along with their photo! They recognized the power of a name for good or evil! Most parents name their kids a popular good sounding name yet do not know the meaning of that name? Ignorance! There is power in the name above all names Jesus Christ!  Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa  Sasse.