Christ Loves His Church! Revelation 1:20

“The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches; and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” Commentary: Biblical scholars for the most part in commentaries over hundreds of years believe the seven angels are the seven pastors of the seven churches in Asia Minor! The Greek word “angel” can be translated Pastor! The Apostle John imprisoned in a slave labor camp by the Romans on Patmos was given this vision for those churches to communicate to them his will, direction, correction and encouragement to the Body of Christ! Jesus does not name these pastors or churches because Caesar would arrest and imprison them! His letter had to be coded so that the churches would be protected! God by his spirit communicates with those he loves in visions and dreams so that our enemies are confounded! These messages are also to those congregations! Church leaders are very important to God! Whether leading small or large congregations! Pastors are the shepherds of the sheep! Not perfect and neither are we but appointed by God and anointed by God to build his kingdom down here on earth! I want to share a personal experience with you when back in 1983 we were commissioned as missionaries to India for 3 years by the world’s largest church located in Seoul Korea. The Pastor was Paul Yongi Cho and we spent 10 days there in Korea with him and his church which then was about 500 hundred thousand members and today over 1 million members! I was then really green behind the ears and we had our own idea’s how to do the work in India! However after spending about 15 minutes in his office everything changed! Cho told us our primary mission to India was to help local pastors across all denominational lines with our time, money, prayers, encouraging, correcting when necessary, preaching, evangelizing and coming under the authority of those pastors! Why? He told us the way Satan tries to destroy the church is to attack the head or pastors of those local churches! Cho understood the importance of God’s plan of the church to reach the entire world with the Gospel! No lone rangers in the Kingdom of God! Our mission today is still the same! Those who never come under authority God will never put in authority! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Only Christ is Able to do This for You!

Jude 1:24 “Now unto him that is able to {keep} you from falling, and to present you [faultless] before the presence of his [glory] with [exceeding joy].” Commentary: Only He is able to do this because he is not mortal man but God! Power over death and hell! Eternal with no beginning nor any end! The word ‘keep’ used in this passage of scripture means to guard you as a shepherd guards his sheep from the wolves that want to devour them! He places a hedge of protection around you and no plague shall come near you! Even though I am surrounded by coronavirus, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, prostitution, lawlessness, drugs, violence, woke culture, open borders, he protects me from this evil! Remember what David said in the Psalms? Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil! David was saying even though I am surrounded by evil I will not partake of any of it! Christ will protect you from the sin plague of life! How does Christ present you faultless to the Father? He was without fault sinless to become the perfect sacrifice for your sin or faults! The Father sees you through the blood covering of his Son! What is the presence of God’s glory? It is to see Christ himself! To see him in reality of who he is not the lies men spread about him! The reality of his image and his character! Perfect, sacrificial love giving himself on a Cross for the faults of men! A Savior and only Savior to a lost and dying world! Exceeding joy is a gladness of the heart accepted of the beloved with an eternity to enjoy his presence! My eternity began 47 years ago when I accepted him as Savior! Has your eternity begun yet with Christ? The wailing and gnashing of teeth described at his second coming demonstrates the reaction of those who have rejected him! You do not want to be in that crowd! Too late! Today is your opportunity to let Jesus save you from your sin! We are not guaranteed even our next breath! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Christ Creator of all Things! Colossians 1:16-17

“For by him (Christ) all things were [created]….” Commentary: Remember Christ is part of the Trinity! He was active in creation of the heavens and the earth! He pre-existed creation with no beginning and no end! Eternal! He made something out of nothing! Creation is produced by the love of God who has given us all life! Creation can also mean forming something out of pre-existent matter! God created the earth and then formed man out of the dust of the earth! God is a spiritual power with no limitations! Jesus raised the dead! Healed the sick! Opened the eyes of the blind and healed the maniac! God created the heavens and the earth for the benefit of man! He did not create man for the earth! He created the earth for man! Why is this important? Because there is a false ideology that opposes this truth which represents about one half of the population here in America called Darwinism! This is how we end up with the Green New Deal! The earth becomes more important than man! It is earth worship! The resources under the earth such as Natural gas and oil remain under the ground while people above the ground suffer and die freezing and overheating with changes in climate! Global warming myth comes out of this same ideology! What about the elements and some of them precious to dig out of the earth to produce batteries and solar panels? Hug a tree this winter and freeze to death! It takes metals out of the earth to build wind mills! Copper and silver for I-Pads and computers! The disciples of Charles Darwin push to withhold resources provided to us by God and his creation and make themselves God! Cheap energy has lifted the world out of poverty for millions of people! Since Biden has come into office gasoline in my area has increased by 70 cents per gallon! Before he is out of office expect gasoline to be anywhere between five or six dollars per gallon! Families will suffer not only here in America but around the world! Under Trump Gasoline stabilized at about two dollars per gallon in our area over past four years! When fuel prices go up all transportation charges go up added to the cost of your groceries or anything moved by rail, aircraft, truck or any vehicle! Jesus owns everything because he created all things! This is why he is your judge or savior depending on what you do with him! He has reserved heaven for those that trust him! Yes he owns heaven also! However he also owns hell and reserved for those that reject him! Any ideology that blocks resources given to us by our creator and causes death and suffering you need to reject! When a ideology blocks prosperity and encourages poverty you need to wake up! Charles Darwin created more death and suffering in this world than any other in the history of man! Did you know the Axis power leaders of WWII were all Darwinists! Darwinism leads to abortion! Life has no value! Because the creator of life is denied! If you deny your creator, savior and judge then what hope do you have in this life and the life to come? Think about it! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Tempting Christ! Mark 8:11-12

“And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question him (Jesus), tempting him, and he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? Verily I say unto you. There shall no sign be given unto this generation.” Commentary: Remember to tempt means to prove by soliciting to sin! Unbelief in God! Satan sins against God and men! He deceives men to believe his lies! Jesus was telling the religious rulers all the signs of the Messiah listed in the Pentateuch or the Torah and all the Old Testament writings of the coming Messiah were standing before them! Hey you dudes your religion has become your God! Your politics has become your God! Not me! Why are you so slow of hearing? Your culture has become your God! Did you flunk Theology 101? I raise the dead! I heal the blind! Your ideology and theology will never do that! You have a form of religion but deny the power of God! You are going to crucify God on a Cross! But it is necessary for you and your sin! Why are you in unbelief about me? Today in the 21st Century the same problem we meet in evangelizing for Christ on planet earth! Everyone has the same problem Satan has! They want to be God! Many are not willing to surrender their sin for his righteousness! Master of their own destiny headed for hell! They want to gamble their eternity in heaven for one in hell! For the temporary pleasures of this life! Unbelief in Christ is to tempt God! Put God to a foolish test with their sin! Rather than repent and receive his salvation receive judgment on their own heads! God chose suffering on a bloody Cross to take your sin away from you to escape the judgment of God! He will remember your sin no more! If you are going to escape judgment you will have to remember him! This do in remembrance of me! Everyday in your worship of Christ! God fixed your evil on a Cross! Accept it or reject it determines your today and forever! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas without Christ?

They say of us we are an Anti-Christian movement. They even say I am an outspoken paganist…. I solemnly declare here, before the German public, that I stand on the basis of Christianity, but I declare just as solemnly that I will put down every attempt to introduce confessionalism matters into our Hitler youth! Baldur Von Schirach (1907-1974) , Nazi Party Youth Leader, Sentenced to 20 years prison at Nuremberg Trials.  Comment: Sounds like the progressives? No Bibles in schools! No prayer in schools! No Bibles to our military! No teaching of Creation to our public education children only the Godless Evolution is allowed! We cannot train up children with a conscious of right and wrong! Then they would not obey us when we ask them to do immoral acts! There is no such thing as sin! Abortion will cure immorality! You can marry your dog if you want to! God did not create gender! Just to prove my point I will be the opposite sex of what God has given me! Marriage is not between a man and a woman! Just to prove it I will create laws that oppose God! When we study history we see the same rebellion against God expressed in every generation with devastating results! Socialism, communism, fascism, Nazism are ideologies developed by man to oppose the Kingdom of God! The current opposition to Christ is an ideology represented by the political progressive left here in America! Progress is never made when we deny the God who has given us life but go back into the darkness of our historical past! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Make Christ Great Again!

The greatness of Christianity did not lie in attempted negotiations for compromise with any similar philosophical opinions in the Ancient world, but in its inexorable foundation in preaching and fighting for its own doctrine! Adolph Hitler Commentary: Hitler experienced two types of Christians in Nazi Germany! Those that rolled over and played dead under persecution and those that went to the gallows standing by Biblical doctrine resisting to their deaths! History repeats itself! Months ago I warned Christians here in America a huge wave of persecution is coming to the church here in America! Your faith in this time and place is going to be tried by fire! Last week-end several churches were burned down! A man drove a vehicle through the front entrance of a church then with the vehicle full of gasoline cans set them ablaze in the church! The message being if you come back to church we will get you! Hitler admired those who stood for their faith even unto death! Doctrinally the American church is illiterate and does not know its own doctrine! I had a pastor of a big church in Colorado a few years back when I challenged him Biblically on his stand on homosexuality tell me I do not care what your doctrine is? What you believe about God as spoken by his Word is everything! Without that standard you are a ship without a sail drifting away from God! Much of the church is in the world for the love of money! I will confess Christ until my last breath as so many pastors did in Nazi Germany! The American church is about to be tested! James and Hamsa Sasse,

War on Christ!

We live in an era of ultimate conflict with Christianity! It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape our lives. The task does not consist solely of an ideological opponent but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case that means the reconstruction of the German heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense! Heinrich Himmler 1937 Commentary: So what were the Nazis going to replace Christian ideology with? Darwinism! Hitler was a Darwinist! Survival of the fittest! All the Axis power leaders were Darwinist! World War Two did not kill the head of the serpent of Darwinism! The ideology today that opposes Christianity in America today is Evolution! Our youth have been indoctrinated with it in our public schools and the fruit is expressing itself in violence! The ideological war is nearly over and now action is taking place! Violence against church buildings! Violence against all authority! Burning them down! This past week of destruction here in America is the tip of the iceberg! A pandemic will always bring out the worst in failed ideologies! Ideologies that oppose Christ and his Kingdom! We overcome evil with good! Keep doing the good things that please our Christ! Love your neighbor! Do good to those that despitefully use you! Love your persecutors as Christ loves you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christ The Anti-Virus!

My Christmas Tree is going up today in front of my house to remind my neighbors that there is hope beyond the grave and hope in this life! The name Coronavirus and its death plague is uttered from our lips too much! Replace this word in your vocabulary with “Christ the Anti-Virus” and utter it from your lips everyday until this plague is defeated! Urge your Pastor of your church to put up Christmas display lights today! You do not have to wait until Christmas but you can have the Savior today! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! Get your lights up today! James and Hamsa Sasse.