Obedience in Heaven!

Two elderly ladies passed on about the same time and were in orientation classes together being briefed about their new home! The angel told them they were to respect all life including the animal kingdom! They were cautioned never to step on a duck! After the briefing they were so careful walking around Heaven! However one of the ladies did step on a duck! Even though she was careful this little duck ran under her feet! The angel immediately brought this ugly old man to her and chained him to her as punishment! The other lady was so sad for the plight of her friend she cried and was very careful where she walked! Suddenly the angel brought this young handsome intelligent man to her and chained him to her? She was so happy and asked him what she had done to deserve such a wonderful man like you? The young muscular, gifted man said i do not know but i do know i stepped on a duck! Joel Osteen

Human Effort!

After two world wars, the collapse of Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history! Hans Kung (Swiss Theologian 1928- ) Comment: Seven good reasons why Jesus is the answer! Islam is the latest human effort to replace Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhisGod.com

Are There Believer’s in Hell?

Everyone in Hell is a believer! This is the wrong place to find out the truth about what Jesus said about Hell. Pastor Robert Jeffress Comment: Jesus talked three times more about Hell than he did Heaven! Sampler: Matthew 25:46 “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What is a Familiar Spirit? 1 Samuel 28:7

Common sense would say a familiar spirit is a spirit you are familiar with! It is connected with Satan and sin! Before you were born again in Christ this is the spirit that ruled you! Saul sought a woman with a familiar spirit. Why? We will answer this soon! The word familiar spirit translated from the Hebrew means a necromancer. This is the occult practice of consulting the dead! It is one who proclaims to give revelation in uncertain times. Today a fortune teller or a palm reader would be an example. The Jews were strictly forbidden from engaging in this practice of consulting mediums! There is also another meaning for this Hebrew word. It can signify a leather bottle that may burst under pressure! Remember the Jeannie in the bottle! Remember Jesus said not to put new wine in old wine skins! A necromancer will beat skin stretched drums with chants and burn incense to draw spirits. The connection between the two meanings could be that a medium was seen as a container for a conjured spirit. Samuel the Priest had died and Saul had no one to consult about God’s plans and purposes for him. The Lord was angry at Saul for his disobedience! King Saul was facing the Philistine armies in war against Israel. God had already prepared David for the next King of Israel. Saul continued to try to contact God through the Prophet’s and the Urim. The Urim is a noun meaning fire. It refers to the fire of God’s judgment and God’s destruction of the wicked. It is used to speak of a form of idol worship! That is people burning other people in fire! Saul got no answers so his servant’s advised him to contact a woman that had a familiar spirit. So he went to the medium of Endor and Saul asked her to bring up Samuel’s spirit! Samuel was really upset for Saul disturbing him from the Bliss of Heaven! Samuel gave Saul the bad news that the Philistines were going to defeat him soundly! Saul was later killed in battle. The New Testament of our Bible also talks about spirits! There are unclean, dumb, foul, infirmity, divining, evil, bondage and world spirits. John warned us not to believe every spirit! In the case of Saul and the woman with the familiar spirit an evil spirit revealed a good spirit Samuel! It is usually God’s spirit that reveals an evil spirit! We must remember that at one time we were evil in sin apart from God! So our sin revealed the goodness of God sending His son Jesus Christ to atone for our sin! It was our wickedness that revealed the goodness of God! Remember this when you think you are so Holy above everyone else! John told us to try the spirits! He went on to say that every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is from God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The War on Women! Daniel 11:37

No bathroom for women? Daniel in chapter 11 describes the character of the Anti-Christ and world events that lead to his short 7 year rule over the earth! The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us! Daniel says the Anti-Christ will have no desire for God, women or any God but will magnify himself above all. The Hebrew word for desire would mean you would delight in, consider precious and goodly and pleasant or desirable! Why does Satan hate women? How is this expressed in American culture today? It says in my Bible in the Book of Genesis that God will crush the head of the serpent through the seed of the woman! That is the Savior of the world Jesus Christ will be birthed through the woman! Remember God loves you but Satan hates Jews, Christians and women! It is a trinity of hate carried out in the world through political, religious and economic systems! Some examples of war on women in America is abortion, divorce, sodomy, promotion of homosexuals, lesbians and now the latest transgender bathrooms! The war is against God Himself and Satan attacks Him through His children! Why do Islamic nations oppress women with multiple wives and enslave them? What does this all mean to Jews and Christians? Persecution will increase in the End Times! I believe the Rapture of His Church is not far off! All this identity loss is attributed to the plan to move the world into the one world government! When this happens currencies over the entire world will be worthless! You will have to take the Mark of the Beast to buy or sell! You will have to deny Christ in order to receiver this mark! If you miss the Rapture you can still receive Christ but it will cost you your physical life! Why not give your life to Christ now and miss the Hell on earth today and have Heaven on earth today with Christ dwelling in you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Most Popular Book Read in Hell?

Title: How Did I Get Here? Paperback and hard cover not available because of elevated temperatures! Titanium steel etched pages are available. Most asked question of people in Hell is, “How do I get out of here?” New book coming soon to answer this question! Sampler answer in conclusion portion of book most read in Hell is, “Trusting in yourself instead of Jesus Christ!” Best selling book on planet earth? The Bible! Read it and believe it and it will save you from a lot of sweat! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Evil Spirit from the Lord? 1 Samuel 19:9

This verse in the Old Testament of your Bible may at first seem contradictory! God is good, righteous and Holy! When I was young my dad told me the way he would keep me out of hell was to beat the hell out of me! You may not want to use this scripture in Samuel to teach your 5th grade Sunday school class! However I believe even children could understand this verse if properly taught! Here is what we want to remember abut God! God uses evil to punish evil! That is why He has reserved a place called Hell for the wicked! Pastor’s don’t preach much on Hell anymore? Does not market well. God fights fire with fire just as a firefighter starts backfires to stop a forest fire! Just as a politician will never waste a crisis so God will never waste evil. Whether it be Saul or Judas the results are the same! This leads us to an important question? If the Spirit of God does not dwell in us then what Spirit? Once you are “Born Again” and accept Christ as Savior then Jesus promised to send His Holy Spirit into you! Choices matter and Heaven and Hell rest in the balance! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com