Case Against Halloween!

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Let us discuss these verses first. What is meant by passing your son or daughter through the fire? This is human sacrifice! This was the practice of the Canaanites sacrificing their children to their gods! Modern day sacrifice would be abortion! Divination is divining a sentence on someone! A charmer casts magical spells on people. A witch is basically the same thing casting spells on people. Another word for this is a whisperer. A wizard conjures up familiar spirits. Remember King Saul asking the witch of Ender about his future? She did not tell him he was going to be beheaded? King Manesseh also inquired to witches and fortune tellers! A necromancer is one who raises spirits from the dead! They do this to make predictions about the future or in their ghostly help to make something happen. Kind of like the rabbits foot? How lucky was the rabbit? This occult practice was also called Black Magic and comes from the ancient Greek word for corpse necro or prophecy mancy. Comment: It is interesting I lived in India for 3 years and I saw these practices done in the Hindu Temples! I have a blog post on my experience inside a Hindu Temple. The Hindu Priests collect money from people to cast spells on other people. Say a husband wants to get rid of his old wife for he has found a young girl. Then he hires the Priest to cast spells on his old wife that she might die! This is a big money business in India! Funny thing is the opposing party will come to the same Priest and pay him money to cast a spell on his adversary! The Priest will ask more money from the second party! The Hindu Priest’s told me these spells do not work on Christian believers! They do work on everyone else! You might say it is Halloween everyday in India! Do I want to spoil some kids fun collecting candy? No! Did I trick or treat when I was a kid? Yes! What I want you to understand is the origin of Halloween! In Leviticus 18:3 God warned the Jews not to participate in the ordinances or statutes, decree’s, feasts and customes of the gentiles! Today here in America the orthodox Jews do not participate in Halloween but the secular Jews do! Now to the origin of Halloween. The druids were the members of the ancient Celtic culture! The words druid and Celtic mean magic! Remember the Boston Celtics? In the ancient Celtic culture they had Priests, magicians, soothsayers and fortune tellers! They were a high ranking professional class of people from Ireland, Briton, Scotland and Wales. When Rome invaded these area’s around 60 B.C., Caesar said the Celtic groups were performing human sacrifices! Not that Caesar was the Gold Standard for morality but this is what the Roman soldiers observed. Have you ever heard of the wicker man? The Celtics built large wooden idol’s in the form of a man. On top of the wooden beams they nailed wooden slats to form the image. So the center was hollow! Halloween! Then they put the human sacrifices inside and set it on fire! The hollow of your pumpkin has a fire or candle inside of it! The druid religious culture had no written communications only oral. It was a secret society! What are the rules? Criteria for sacrifice? The Romans pretty much wiped out the druids but their occult spirit lives on in culture! The immigration of the Irish to America during late 1800’s and early 1900’s brought Halloween and some of these cultural traditions even though most were Christians. In the Medieval age the remnants of druids opposed Christianity! Trick or Treat! I will hurt you unless you treat me? God says I love you even though you hate me! Let us close with Ephesians 6:12 “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the Rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” When children come to our door I put a Gospel Tract into their bags along with the candy! This is one way to wrestle against powers and spirits of darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

February Good Month!

Web Site Traffic: 6432 visitors. Blog Traffic: 5245 Visitors. Totals 11677 Visitors. Top 5 Country Traffic: USA, China, France, South Korea, Italy. Top 5 MP3 Language Downloads: Bagheli, Badeshi, Kamarbhag, Hausa, Urdu. Comment: China traffic has increased significantly since outbreak of Coronavirus! They are searching for answers! Every visitor is important to Christ and the work he has called us to do! Flu viruses and plagues come and go over history but Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! The good news is God loves you! To live is Christ and to die is gain! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.

New Record!

Yesterday we received 2364 visitors to our web site! Our hopes and prayers have always been to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! God is fulfilling this dream for us! Thankyou for your prayers and support as together we push back the darkness with the Light of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus was a Refugee?

It is interesting how politicians who know nothing about the Bible and in no relation with Jesus Christ make these off the wall political points to try to get more votes and support all the while trashing Jesus! Democrat Ocasio-Cortez claims that Jesus was a refugee? This is made to support her open border socialist ideology and try to trash Trump’s border wall designed to protect America! First of all Joseph and Mary were at Nazareth which is about 90 miles from Bethlehem! They had to travel to Bethlehem because of Caesar’s decree for everyone to return to their home town to pay taxes! Yes Caesar was a Democrat! Since Joseph was of the lineage of David Bethlehem was his home town. Refugee’s do not pay taxes! They have no jobs, status or ability to pay anything! They drag on the taxes of any  nation for support! They do not pay taxes! This is more fake news from the political left! Sometimes they will drag Jesus out of the closet to try to score political points! Then after the lies throw him back in the closet until next Christmas  or the next election! Jesus has to be more than a rag doll for politicians! He is the Son of the Living God so to respect him in this capacity we must be conscious of His Word the Holy Scriptures and not mock him as King Herod did with the death of the little children of Bethlehem! Abortion began before Bethlehem but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to our Bible! It leads to death and eternal separation from God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Forever! Luke 1:33

Greek Translation: “And he shall rule and reign over those that belong to Christ the household family of God from Jacob forever; and his Kingdom of Royal dominion over heaven and earth in the heart’s of men shall have no end with continues victory over sin as the purpose of men is consummated in him!” Comment: So will we be celebrating Christmas in Heaven! Yes! With billions of people and millions of Angels! So what will we be doing when we follow Christ back to earth at his second coming? We will be celebrating the second Christmas! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Lead us not into Temptation!

Pope Francis wants to change this section of the Lord’s prayer to: “Keep us from falling into temptation.” I do not have any problem with this semantics however the word we need to pay attention to is “Temptation.” In James 1:13 it says God cannot be tempted neither does he tempt any man! Why? Because there is no sin in him and he is Holy! Satan is the father of sin and executer of all sin! What did Jesus mean by “Lead us not into Temptation?” What Jesus meant with this model prayer to the Father is lead us not into denying Christ! The only unpardonable sin is to deny Christ! Every other sin can be forgiven! To deny Christ is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit who is part of the Trinity along with Christ! I touched on this topic in January of 2018. You can type in on our search box of our blog, “Hour of Temptation! Revelation 3:10”, and it will take you to this posting. So in Revelation 3:10 what did Jesus mean by keeping us from the hour of temptation? Keeping us from denying Jesus! The 21 Coptic Christian believers who were beheaded last year were kept from the hour of temptation! Christ will give us strength not to deny him! So what are the forces in American culture that put pressure on you to deny Christ! There are many! Popular culture in Hollywood, Political correctness, political left, liberal media and social media, educational teaching of atheism in evolution, humanism, socialism, abortion, racial supremacy, anti-colonialism, gay marriage, lesbians and transgenderism! These are not all but the more obvious! These are the principalities and powers of darkness that will tempt you to deny Christ! So how do we resist the Devil? The same way Jesus did! With the Word of God! It is written man shall not live by bread alone! It is written! It is written! If you do not know your Bible you are hanging out on a limb! An eternity at stake! Jesus came to deliver us from our sin! The only way you can thwart God’s love for you is to deny him! So who would be so foolish? Many! Do not follow them to be separated from God but follow Christ for an eternity spent with him experiencing his love forever! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wake Up Dummy! Luke 1:20

“And behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day these things shall be performed because thou does not have faith, trust and confidence in my spoken words expressing intelligence which shall be fulfilled in this season and time of opportunity.” Comment: Zechariah was a Priest in the Jewish Temple. His wife Elizabeth was also a Godly woman! If anyone had opportunity to be close to God it would be this couple! This was evidenced by Gabriel speaking to them directly!  Zechariah being a Priest had a great knowledge of the scriptures just like you may today. They were getting up in age and probably though God could not use them anymore! When the Angel Gabriel presented Zachariah with the spoken word of God he flinched! He did not believe the words! As a young man I attended Church but did not really believe the word of God! How do you know? Because I would not speak the word of God! I read it and heard it but would not speak it! Like a mute! When the written word was spoken back to Zechariah he did not believe it! The day I believed the written word of God was the day I responded to the spoken word of God! After I got saved I began to speak the Word of God to others who did not believe! Sin is all about not believing the Word of God! You remember Satan’s words to Eve in the Garden of Eden? Surely God has not said you will die if you eat of the fruit of this tree! The Pharisees had a great knowledge of the scriptures but did not believe them when Jesus spoke them to them? When I was a young man on my death bed Jesus came into my room that night and spoke three words to me! “God loves you!” When I believed those three words everything changed! From death to life! From darkness to light! I was raised from the dead! So was Zacharias and Elizabeth for they were long past having a son! John the Baptist became an important part of Jesus ministry! Your season of Salvation will come once in your life! After I got saved I could not stop telling people about Jesus! The Angel Gabriel was telling Zacharias since you do not believe God at his word then you are not going to be able to speak for a season! Hearing is the prerequisite for speaking! If you do not share your faith with others then you really have no faith! Faith that is not spoken is faith that is not believed! There are no Happy Holidays without Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

President Taft on Socialism!

Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that today is the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity! William Howard Taft (1857-1930) President of the United States & Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, The only man in American history to hold both of these offices! Comment: Socialism lives off the success of others through heavy taxation! It has no incentive of its own except live off the work and production of others! Socialists let others work to support them! Socialism is theft! Capitalism takes ten talents and turns them into a hundred talents! Socialists bury the one talent they have stolen from someone else! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming in France?

Really sad for the French people are suffering from heavy taxation for socialism policies including a carbon tax and fuel tax that are based on the phony global warming scheme! Global warming is a myth and is used by the political left or socialists to extract money from the hard working citizens through heavy taxation! Diesel fuel is over six dollars per gallon in France! We are about two dollars per gallon here in America! If we had to pay those prices America would go into a deep recession or even a depression! President Trump did not go for the global warming fraud to politically drain the finances of the American people! President Emmanuel Macron needs to wake up and see his error and remove these burdensome taxes on the French people! Then to abandon socialism and the heavy tax costs to his citizens! Shrink the huge government and relieve the people of these heavy burdens! Giant socialistic governments require huge taxes from the people to support it! Socialism has failed everywhere it is tried yet the left just wants to try failure one more time! Utter stupidity! A lean efficient government will relieve the people of heavy taxes and the people will spend that money into the economy which will lead to business prosperity for France! President Macron needs to wake up quick! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Negative Exposure! Luke 2:34-35

Greek Translation: “And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, behold, this child is laid for a foundation for the fall and the resurrection of the body from the grave of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also): that the thoughts and reasoning of many hearts shall be revealed what was hidden.” Comment: Simeon prepared Mary for many things to come! Even the miracles Jesus would do would be spoken against? Even today many speak against our Christ? The sword would pierce Mary’s own soul as she watched the Crucifixion! Jesus would expose the thoughts of many hearts! Jesus came to expose our sin! Then to save us from our sin! Christmas is all about the Salvation of humanity! Something we could never do on our own! Christmas is a solid case against our guilt and then an unearned acquittal of our guilt! However some like King Herod, Judas and many today thought that by their own efforts they can hide their sin from God! So foolish as to get rid of the only one who could save them! Sin is a strong addiction! It brings out the worst in us! It compliments evil! Confession is difficult because people are in love with themselves but not God! It is all about making yourself God! You decide who lives or dies rather than dying to self and let God live in you! All false religion is about making yourself God! God became a human to make us fit for Heaven! Without Christ no amount of human effort will ever make us fit for Heaven! It will only prepares us for Hell. No one can forgive you except God himself! Just like a negative film it takes light to expose the true image! We were made in the Image of God but only His light can expose and correct the imperfections in our image! Let God see you through the blood of His Son! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.