Witness of the Jews! Isaiah 61:9

  1. And their seed, offspring, family and race will be perceived and known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people, nation and tribes: all that see them shall recognize and acknowledge them, that they are the seed that the Lord has blessed.  Comment: Salvation has come to the earth through the Jew! We need to be reminded of this because if forgotten history has shown us that even the church has been guilty of the persecution of the Jews! Yet congregations are very seldom reminded of this? If we are not taught the whole truth and nothing but the truth then error can enter into the church! The world will never have any problem persecuting the Jews! Did you ever observe that a right theology by the church leads to the persecution of the Jews and the church! Bad theology leads to the church  persecuting the Jews! Jesus a Jew was persecuted by the Jews not because he was a Jew but because he claimed to be God! Would the Messiah not be God? The 1st Century Jews knew the scriptures but they believed their Messiah would be a world political leader who would conquer the Romans and the world! Much like the Anti-Christ will do in the future here on earth! The true Messiah conquers through love! A sacrificial love demonstrated on the Cross! So the Jews ignorantly offered up the sacrifice that would save the world! A Jewish sacrifice offered up by the Jews! Many Jews will turn to Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period in history! The Jewish Anti-Christ will set up his world reign from the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem! The False Prophet will set up his co-reign with the Anti-Christ at Rome! The False Prophet will be the one world religious ruler! My guess is it will be Islam! The Church will have been raptured by then! When the Anti-Christ proclaims he is God the Jews recognize their error! Jesus said many false Christ’s will come! A Jew who hates the Jewish Messiah has been deceived! A Jew who loves the Anti-Christ has been deceived! A Jew or a Gentile who loves the Jewish Messiah has found the truth! Your defense against the false Messiah’s of this world is the Word of God! Read it, hear it and proclaim it! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Ten Lost Tribes Myth! Revelation Chapter 7

This myth is sometimes referred to as the “British Israelism.” This myth is also anti-Semitic because it tries to deny Israel their homeland! Genesis 12:3 was never repealed! So in Revelation Chapter 7, we see 144000 Jews redeemed during the Tribulation period 12 thousand from each of the 12 tribes! Some of these tribes are in Israel today and some are living across Europe the United States and other countries! Many are migrating back to Israel. So the scriptures of your Bible will always expose the lies of the doubters! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Christ or Anti-Christ? Daniel 11:36-37

Verse 37: Neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers (Jewish), or the desire of women (Homosexual), not regard any god (Atheist): for he shall magnify himself above all. Comment: In verse 36 it says he will do marvelous things against the God of gods! Marvelous here translates miracles and astonishing things! This prophecy explains the promotion of the gay agenda in America and around the world! As we prepare to meet Christ as believer’s the world is preparing to meet the Anti-Christ! Atheism is also on the rise in America and around the world! Another preparation for the Anti-Christ! The Orthodox Jews have to be very careful here! Daniel was a Jew and trying to warn them! The orthodox Jews are still waiting for the Messiah? Ben Shapiro says we are looking for a world political leader who would be their Jewish Messiah! I have warned him that the one world Jewish political ruler that will appear 7 years before the return of Christ will be the Anti-Christ! This is how the Jews will be tricked into believing this guy is the real deal! Being Jewish they will let him into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Tribulation period! The Othodox Jews would never accept a homosexual however like Hitler it could be hidden from them until he sets himself up in the Temple and at the 3 1/2 year period of the 7 year Tribulation period sets himself up as God! Hitler’s homosexual gender was hidden from the world until his medical records were released in 2009! So which Jew will the world follow? Christ or Anti-Christ! People have and are making their decisions right now! Homosexual and atheistic behavior are Spirits of death! Let us look at the facts: “Studies have found that GLBT youth attempt suicide 3 times (300 percent) more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts! Transgender people have a 30-40 percent higher rate of suicide!” Source: Health Place 2018  Jewish atheists such as Karl Marks and Frederick Engels were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths! Also the Jewish atheist Charles Darwin who Hitler worshipped is also responsible for tens of millions of deaths! Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is built on the premise there is no God! So things must have happened this way? The atheistic abortion practices here in American are responsible for 57.76 million babies being murdered since 1973! Today in America 1.3 million babies are aborted a year or 3562 babies per day! Our choices have good or bad consequences! Christ knows who are his own here in the earth! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If it is he is coming back for you as Savior! If not he is coming back as your judge both the living and the dead! Choose this day who you will serve! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Drugs (Sorceries) Revelation 9:21

About 35 thousand American’s die every year from drug overdoses! Actually the CDC says the numbers are greater than this because many overdoses are not reported! The English word sorceries comes from the Greek word pharmakeia from which we get our word pharmacy. In the Book of Revelation Chapter nine God is pouring out His judgment on the earth during the seven year tribulation period during the Anti- Christ one world government rule before Christ’s second coming! The Church has already been raptured from the earth! Even during these judgments when 1/3 of the earth’s population is destroyed they still would not repent of their drug use! Have you noticed the cultural shift here in America? The secular population is saying this drug use problem is a medical problem not a moral problem? Like medical marijuana! In fact all moral problems in America are viewed as medical problems including our mass shooters! So the last days game is on that immorality does not exist because God does not exist and the Bible has no application anymore! We all do what is right in our own eyes! So science has a fix for our immorality! So medicine is our new god! So no responsibility for sin? Since all the sinners just have a medical problem they need the State to step in since it is no fault of their own with welfare payments to those youth on drugs! Since the youth and their families cannot live on welfare payments alone they sell drugs to supplement your income! So what happens to Christian’s who have a Biblical standard of morality? Since we have a moral standard from a God that does not exist and a Bible that is irrelevant we must have a psychosis or medical problem that science can fix! The State must intervene and reprogram these people! There is a parallel going on in the Church in America today! Some of the big name Pastor’s who are on National media do not talk about sin anymore? Hell is never mentioned? It is all about getting rich and being successful and is all about self! Their pride is fed every Sunday! Remember Billy Graham? Repent for you are a sinner headed for Hell! He hammered this message over and over again! This message seems unpopular today as the standard of morality also fades from the pulpit! Altar calls have become extinct? Why have one if I am not a sinner and Hell does not exist? Christ wasted His time and life on the Cross? Chapter nine of the Book of Revelation closes out saying yet they would not repent of their murders, drug use, fornication and thefts! At the end times the State and the Church will merge as one! The Anti-Christ will join with the False Prophet who will be the one world religious leader! We are getting closer! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

God’s Immigration Policy! John 3:16

New World Quote; “And I say that your Highnesses ought not to consent that any foreigner does business or sets foot here, except Christian Catholics since this was the end and beginning of this enterprise, that it should be for the enhancement and glory of the Christian religion, not should anyone who is not a good Christian come to these parts. Here may be found the first suggestion of the exclusive Colonial Policy that Spain and the other nations followed.” Christopher Columbus. Comment: God’s immigration policy is honest and fair! Everyone can apply regardless of sex, race or ethnic origin! No one is denied based upon their past! Everyone who chooses Christ and cast their vote for Him and accepts the terms of the agreement is in! Your parents and grandparents cannot choose Him for you only you have to decide! We are all destined for Heaven or Hell or one of two Kingdoms! This is why the little baby born in Bethlehem is a big deal. What we do with God determines what God does with us! God first loved us! If we do not get that we can miss everything else! Ben Shipiro is a smart young Orthodox Jewish kid who I like to listen to his debates with liberals! He believes the Messiah when he comes will be a political figure! I share with him that the political figure who will rule the world for a short seven years will be a Jew and gay but he will be the Anti-Christ! Our Christ is a Jew and so will be the Anti-Christ! Along side the Anti-Christ will rule the False Prophet and be the one world religious ruler! He will not be a Christian or an Orthodox Jew! Christ will never be a political figure because when He returns the second time after the 7 year tribulation period He will be God as He was at His first coming! Political figures are always dependent on who puts them in office! They are controlled by the voters! God is never controlled by anyone and His decisions are always independent of any mortal. Hanukkah is upon us or the Festival of Lights! God did a miracle to defeat the enemies of the Jews! God did a bigger miracle to defeat sin and power of Satan over mortal men! The miracle star over Bethlehem was a light visible to only those who were looking for Him! Are you looking for Him? Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Third Jewish Temple Jerusalem

This subject with about 32 scriptures on the rebuilding of the third Temple is complicated by various interpretations of these scriptures. I want to print a new version of the Bible titled, The Bible for Dummies!” After I write it I will read it myself! Will dummies go to Heaven? Yes! The whole earth is covered with them! It is an elite club! Smart people are not allowed! It is called the Democratic Party! If you think they are dumb well not as dumb as their followers! Let me give you some history on the Jewish Temple’s at Jerusalem. Two Jewish Temples have been built so far. King Solomon built the first Temple in 960 B.C. The Babylonians destroyed it in 586 B.C. The returning Jewish captives from exile from Babylon were freed by the Persians (Iranians), in 539 B.C. The returning Jews completed the second Temple in 515 B.C. The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Remember Jesus in about 33 A.D. prophesized the Temple destruction (Matthew 24:2). So what do the Jews today say about the 3rd Temple? A number of Jewish scholars believe the deadline for the Jewish Messiah is in the Jewish Year 6000 which is 2240 A.D. This date would also be the date for the completion of the third Temple! The Orthodox Jews recite the Amidah which are daily prayers for rebuilding the Temple and the sacrificial offerings to be reestablished! Jesus said He is the Temple! We are the Temple as the Holy Spirit resides within us! But what about Jesus second coming? The Jews will probably think it is His first coming when he returns for the second time! At His second coming we who pray to Him will see Him face to face! Is the third Temple necessary? Absolutely! When Jesus returns and enters Jerusalem he will come through the eastern gate (who the Muslims sealed off), and enter the Temple! The Anti-Christ will occupy the Temple during the 7 year Tribulation period! At the end of this period Christ will return and route him out of the Temple! What about the New Jerusalem? We will have a new Heaven and a new Earth at the end of the Millennium or thousand year reign of Christ on earth! Christ will rule the earth from Jerusalem! So the rebuilding of the Temple is important to Bible Prophecy and the fulfillment of scriptures! If you live to see the construction of the third Temple you will see one more sign of Christ’s second coming! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Reformation & Anti-Sematism! Romans 1:16

Their (The Jews), rotten and unbending stiffness deserve that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without pity of anyone! John Calvin Comment: This is not a good attitude to have to win Jews to Christ? Yet the Protestant Reformation carried out the same persecution of the Jews that the Catholic Church did? One of the greatest benefits of the Reformation was getting the printed Gospel into the hands of the common people like you and me! With the aid of the printing press the Bible was mass produced in English and other languages and distributed to the people to read for themselves! This was probably the greatest revolution of history! Prior to this the Bible was in Latin and only read and interpreted to the people by the Catholic Priests! During the Reformation Martin Luther thought the Jews would come to Christ but he was wrong! In his anger he also set up persecution to the Jews! It was culminated 400 years later for Germany with Hitler! The reformers helped clean up the corruption in the Catholic Church! However during the 30 Years War between Catholics and Protestants we had 8 million casualties! The Truth does not come cheap! The Apostle Paul was a Jew and he became so upset with the Jews that he decided to take the Gospel to the Gentiles! If Jesus being a Jew could not reach the majority of Jews while here on earth who are we? Jesus disciples were Jews who gave us our New Testament! Marks and Engels were atheist Jews! Darwin the atheist was a Jew! Einstein was a Jew! The majority of Jews here in America today are atheists and support with their millions of dollars Democratic left wing causes! Christopher Columbus was a Jew! He was a believer in Christ! Peyton Manning and Robert Kraft owner of the Patriots are Jews! The Orthodox Jews here in America by 90 percent are conservative and vote Republican! So we support what we believe about God! We know from scriptures that the Anti-Christ will be Jewish and gay! Do you think the Jews would trust a Gentile to go into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem? During the 7 year Tribulation period in history many Jews will come to Christ! As with the Apostle Paul the scales will be lifted from their eyes! In the short time we have left here on earth pray for them and show the love of Christ that dwells in you to them for this will be the greatest witness of our Faith! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Nationalism versus Globalism!

This is what the battle lines are drawn around in American politics! They have for years now! This is the battle between the Republicans and the Democrats! This battle is for the soul of America! Sanctuary cities are about globalism! Enforcement of our immigration laws is about Nationalism! Better jobs for America is about Nationalism! Illegal immigration is about globalism! Secure borders is about Nationalism! No borders is about globalism! A carbon tax on America is about globalism! Socialism is about globalism! Capitalism is about Nationalism! The United Nations is about globalism! Those wanting to destroy Israel is about globalism! Those defending here is about Nationalism! H.G. Wells predicted this battle for America in some of his books he wrote over 120 years ago! This is a civil war going on in America and has not been armed yet! Do you remember our Bible predicting a one world government? The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet or one world religious ruler running things for the seven year tribulation period? What religion will this religious ruler be? How about Islam? The Saints will be raptured! Our public school systems and their labor union are run by the Democratic party! Why are they promoting Islam to the children? Why are they requiring to learn other languages and not promoting English? Why are they promoting the homosexual life style? We know from the Bible that the Anti-Christ will be gay and have no natural affection for women! The Democratic party has a war on women through abortion! All of these things can only be explained through the scriptures and the coming one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will never be surprised by past, present or future events! If you go to HalLindsey.com he has a very good video about these things on his latest posting! Can you see the hand writing on the wall? Christ will prepare us for these events! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Super Bowl Owners! Deuteronomy 28:13

What do the super bowl team owners have in common? Arthur Blank and Robert Kraft are both Jews! Even though the Book of Deuteronomy was written thousands of years ago the Words of the Bible still hold true! God promised His people that if they would keep His Commandments He would make them the head and not the tail. Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Do you see the word “Christ”, in the name Christopher? Columbus had a vision before his voyage that he would discover a land that would support the Jews and Israel. Welcome to Columbus Land! My Bible goes on to say the Salvation has come through the Jews! Jesus Christ’s incarnation into the earth is fulfillment of many Biblical Prophecies! Did you ever notice the enemies of the Jews and Christ want to behead people? To be balanced here i want to remind you that Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and Charles Darwin were all Jews with anti-Christ ideologies! I would also remind you that the Anti-Christ (One world ruler), during the tribulation period will also be a Jew! He will also be a homosexual as he will have no natural affection for women! This will be a real war on women! The war on women started in the Garden of Eden! So which Jew are you going to follow? You can follow Christ or someone else! The question begs to be asked where will the one you follow lead you to? One of two places! Heaven or Hell? I have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back! The Cross before me the world behind me! No turning back! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Stolen Treasure! 2 Kings 24:13

All the treasure of the House of the Lord that King Solomon had spent a lifetime amassing was carried off by Persian King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon! All the gold, silver and vessels of the Temple and the King’s House were cut in pieces and carried off! What lesson can we learn from this? Hundred of years later Jesus predicted the Temple of Jerusalem would be destroyed again! About 40 years after His death and resurrection during the Roman/Jewish War (66-70A.D.), the Jewish Temple was destroyed and the treasure was carried off back to Rome along with one hundred thousand Jewish slaves! The Jewish slaves and treasure was used to build the Roman Coliseum! Then the early Christian’s were martyred in the same Coliseum! History has shown us that when Jew’s are persecuted so are the Christians! Same holds true today in 2016! The Apostle Paul talked about treasure in earthen vessels! The treasure inside each human was given to us by God! It is a gift and no human can steal it! What we do with this treasure is very important! If we claim it as our own then we are stealing treasure from God! The treasure within you is priceless and has eternal purpose! It will last forever! Our purpose in Christ is found on earth and prepares us for Heaven! Remember after death we come back to earth again with Christ for the one thousand year rule of earth following the seven year tribulation period! If you have been faithful here on the earth with the real treasure then expect greater responsibility later in His Kingdom there and when you return with Him again to earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com