His Church!

A colony on earth where men, women, people of every race, culture and economic class could gather and worship together! Jesus prays that we would be one! Prayer; Send me as an ambassador today to build colonies of Heaven in the country of death. Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Good Friday Preparations! Genesis 22:2

The word offering in the Hebrew (Alah), means to ascend, rise up, lift oneself up, ascension to a higher place, to cause to burn (smoke ascends). It involves preferring one thing above another. This verb is used in relationship to a person’s appearance before God! Abraham was tested and asked to sacrifice his only son too God. When Isaac his son asked Abraham where was the sacrifice Abraham told Isaac God would provide one. Abraham built an altar and bound Isaac on the wood for the sacrifice! Abraham raised his knife to sacrifice Isaac! This reminds me of Peter raising his fisherman’s knife to take off the servant’s ear! Peter was protecting the sacrifice! An angel appeared and stopped Abraham and commended him for his Faith! God provided a Ram for the sacrifice. Remember by definition an offering is preferring one thing above another. What is it that you prefer above another? Is it God or something else? As we approach Good Friday it is only good because God preferred you above another! Yes, above His only Son! A sacrifice that was consumed that would only please God for you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Democratic Party Platform for 2016

We believe in a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of successful producers. This definition is a new word called “Ineptocracy.” These T-shirts are available on eBay if you want to get one. When I went to school this word and platform was called “Communism.”

God Promises Blessings to the Arab’s! Genesis 21:18

God promises Abraham a Son to be heir for all of humanity. Abraham tried to fulfill this promise in his own strength and with the help of his wife Sarah. Sarah encouraged Abraham to go into his bondwoman Hagar to produce son. The word bondwoman means a female slave. Well the idea worked and Ishmael was born! This was not a God idea. When God’s idea was finally fulfilled in their old age Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah! Now the family feud begins! Sarah is mocked by Hagar and then Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael out into the wilderness. Then God visits Hagar and Ishmael and promises to make a great nation out of them! Ishmael takes a wife out of Egypt and then the opposing sides are established! Did Abraham favor Isaac? Later Abraham offers up Isaac his son as a sacrifice on the altar too God! As we enter the Easter season God did the same with His son Jesus Christ! Yes, and for who? Yes for you! God has promised all the nations of the earth would be Blessed through the Jew! The biggest threat to world peace and your peace is the rejection of Jesus Christ! The biggest obstacle to blocking God’s promise to the Arabs is Islam! It is the perfect storm to drive them away from God! As I have studied the Koran one of the most destructive verses along with many others is when Mohammad says to kill all the non-Muslims on earth and then the Muslims need to kill each other! This is happening now and has throughout history. Suicide would be a better choice than Islam and the suicide bombers kill themselves to kill others! God died to save others through His Son Jesus Christ! Today there is a lot of political bunk saying the Muslim religion is hijacked by the terrorists! People that say that have never read the Koran! The radicals are simply following the Koran! Eighty percent of all Muslims worldwide have never read the Koran! The only hope for Muslims is to denounce Islam and come to Christ! As we approach Easter let us remember that civilization is Christ and Christ alone! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGodcom