Satan uses Religion! Genesis 3:5

Well Pastor explain to me how Satan uses religion to promote his Kingdom? How does Satan attract people to Hell? What bait does he use to catch men in his net? Are there not some good benefits to all these religions of the world? Could they all be wrong? Let us go back to the Book of Genesis to look at the very first sin! We see that Satan offered Eve the farm if she would eat of the forbidden fruit and promised her she would be as gods knowing good and evil! Notice Satan promised her she would not be like God but like the little gods! Satan used the plural form with small case letters! Also notice Satan did not say she would know good from evil but rather would know good and evil! Do you see the deception here! It was as deceptive as a political debate! Eve make yourself God! Make a bunch of little gods and you can be God over them! Build your own Kingdom Eve! You will surely not die if you eat this fruit! God is a liar! The religions of the world make their own little gods! Make yourself God! The bait of pride brought down man! Man by his own efforts attempts to reach God! Climbing up different ways to reach the top! We have to work our way to Heaven! Your own efforts will work your way to Hell! It will never work! It never has! The truth is God came down from Heaven to earth to provide redemption to men through his Son Jesus Christ! He paid a heavy price of his own blood to redeem us! From our sin! He took upon himself who was sinless our sin and death! The Tower of Babel was all about reaching God and climbing up by their own efforts! Our own efforts lead to sin! Sin is the currency of our own works! When God flooded the earth in the days of Noah man had become so evil in promoting themselves over God he had to destroy them! The latest cultural little god here in America is to claim to God and the whole world there is no God! The first attempt to make God a little god was recorded in the Book of Genesis! The latest attempt is a repeat of the first attempt! God’s ways are higher than our ways! Adrian Rogers

Lying Apostles! Revelation 2:2

Greek Translation: “I know thy works you have done for me, your labor and your patience and cannot stand them that are evil, evil retreating from the battle between good and evil and also endangering the lives of others. You have tried them and proven them evil who said they are Apostles and showed them to be liars.” Comment: The Church at Ephesus in the 1st Century was facing the same challenges the 21st Century in America is facing! There are exceptions as with the Church at Ephesus but a lot of the Church in America has retreated from the battle! I believe the 501c Tax Exemption is the biggest culprit! Even in the church the love of money is the root of all evil as Jesus said! The battle between good and evil in our culture is never or seldom mentioned from the pulpits across America! It is all about getting wealthy, famous and all the stuff your God can do for you! It is never about what you must do for your God! Selfishness sells! A lying Apostle will never call out evil but will look the other way! He will even endorse it by his neglect to call out what it is! It is as though their soul has been numbed by evil! They cannot feel the fires of Hell! Their soul is dead! So what sin are they dead unto? Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, abortion, Darwinism, Islam and the list goes on! They retreat from the evil and the obvious! An Apostle is supposed to be an ambassador for Christ! That is he or she represents Christ before the people! An Apostle can never be greater than the one he represents! If I make myself greater than Christ then I will not speak up against evil! I will retreat from the fight! Jesus came to defeat evil! Not to write best selling books! Not to be popular! If we do not call sin sin then their blood is on our hands! We cannot be like Pilate who tried to wash his hands from the blood of Jesus! Love means nothing unless defined in the light of judgment! Judgment for evil! My evil and your evil that he took upon himself for our evil or sin! Those that retreat from Christ will have no hope in this life or the life afterwards! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Lame Duck Excuses!

Eighty percent of the eligible voters stayed home in the 9th Congressional district that covers part of Queens and the Bronx of New York City! So big deal says your average Christian? Well Ocasio-Cortez got elected! New Yorkers have already paid a big price and good-bye to those twenty five thousand high paying jobs with Amazon! However this will not be the end of it because the Democratic Party has lost it’s way and she is not even challenged by the few reasonable one’s that are left! It really puzzles me when I hear Christian’s say I do not want to get involved in politics? We are commanded to submit to government authority! So do we want to submit to someone who we did not elect that opposes our values? This is an abdication of our responsibilities! What about Isaiah 9:6? An important part of this verse says the government shall be on his shoulders! That is this child, this son, this gift will be in charge of government! What made America great was her willingness to let Christ and his principles be the foundation of our nation! This foundation is being chipped away everyday by those that oppose Christ! If we neglect so great a salvation and the foundations are broken down what can the righteous do? Submit to the authority of the wicked one! Do not blame God when you feel you are living in Babylon! You chose to live there! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Four Beasts! Revelation 4:6

The Apostle John has a vision of worship going on in Heaven! Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! Some great theologians over history concluded that everything we see on earth was first in Heaven! I agree with this theology and I believe it is Biblical! The only part of Heaven and creation that is not in Heaven today is Lucifer or Satan with one third of the angels and his followers on earth who have rebelled against God and have rejected Christ! Remember angels are created being just like we are! That is why we are not to worship them! We have beasts on earth and we have beasts in Heaven! Should not be surprising! They started there! When did my life begin? In the beginning was the Word! All things were made by him! We have an eternal soul that really has no beginning and no end! We are the product of his creation! God was never created! He made all things! We as humans can be redeemed! However angels who are also created beings cannot be redeemed! That is while we are here on earth redemption through the blood of Christ is possible! The angels that rejected God in Heaven and rebelled against God have left their first estate and redemption is impossible! Interestingly we have to leave our second estate as a sinner here on earth to get to Heaven to our first estate! God is very inclusive when it comes to redemption here on earth but very exclusive as to who can enter Heaven! If I reject his inclusiveness here on earth through his redemption by his only Son then I am excluded from Heaven! Will I have a choice in Heaven like I do on earth? Lucifer was a created being in Heaven and all the angels that followed him so they had a choice! Love demands a choice! Our Constitution is based upon election or choice! Our redemption is based upon the love of Christ to die on a Cross for our sin! Do you see how destructive the theory of evolution is? We were created in the Image of God! We are eternal like God to spend eternity either in Heaven or Hell based upon our choice! You did not evolve! You existed before your life here on earth and you will exist somewhere after your journey on earth based upon your choice! Babies that are aborted have no choice! How cruel! So un-God like! Life is precious because it is eternal! If you cannot be faithful to Christ while on earth how can he trust you with Heaven? You would be another Lucifer! Then redemption would pass you by forever! At creation God simply mirrored what was already in Heaven! Jesus at his second coming will be riding a white horse! Where did he get it? There are clouds on earth but first in Heaven! There are flying machines on earth as in Heaven! Bishop Wright complained to his sons Orville and Wilbur that this crazy pastor at the Bishop’s Conference saw a vision of men flying in the sky in machines! There is love and anger in Heaven and in earth! God hates six things! A lying tongue…….. The Word of God existed first in Heaven! The Word became flesh! When all of God’s created things fulfill their purpose they are worshiping God! The animal kingdom worships the God who created them! Some man made religions worship animals but the fact it is the animals who worship their creator! The Canadian goose mates for life! A male squirrel does not have sex with another male squirrel! They have respect for their creator God! The sacrificial animals in the Old Testament to show us the coming of the only Son of God who would shed his blood for us was first in Heaven! Do you want to look into Heaven? Then read your Bible! If it is collecting dust then you will see no higher than the dust of the earth! We are made of the stuff but look up for your redemption draweth nigh! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Evolution!

Socialism and the teaching of evolution are inseparably linked to each other! They are the one two knock out punch or missing link for the destruction of planet earth! Socialism, evolution or atheism are the trinity of the left! The socialist one world government was first tried at the Tower of Babel described in the Book of Genesis! Remember all the people of planet earth then were of one language! They got together and built a huge high tower into the sky to reach up to Heaven! They tried to reach heaven their own way! By their own efforts! God divided their language and scattered them across the earth! This is the first clue that God wanted separate nations with independent nationalism! God never wanted a one world order or government! However Jesus did say to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! God wanted the world connected spiritually respecting the sovereignty of individual nations! God never intended for a one world church! That is God wanted free worship within cultures respected within their own borders! Organizations cannot save us but Christ alone! Government cannot save us but Christ alone! The church is a local body of believers working in their own communities spreading salt and light into their culture! The teaching of evolution is responsible for much destruction in our world! The teaching of evolution disputes creation of man by God as shown in the Book of Genesis! Atheism is the product of evolution! It is a rejection of God and leads our young people to believe God does not exist and they do not need a Savior! Much like Islam in a religious way teaches they do not need the Savior because they are not sinners! Islam and atheism or  socialism will merge together politically in the last days! They are already moving together! What you will find is that these young millennials running for President of the United States are all products of the false teaching of evolution! The same followers of Darwin like Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini and others! That is why they talk so crazy! The Green New Deal? France is dealing with the Green New Deal! How are they doing with riots in the streets! France taxed fossil fuels through the roof and riots followed! Venezuela is a product of the Green New Deal of socialism with the largest reserve of oil in South America but melting down into chaos! When you believe atheism then your future is to be believed that it is on you alone and crazy things happen! You tear down and start all over! You tear down the very foundations that are responsible for your success! The Tower of Babel has been torn down but many more have been tried with the same results! When we are not answerable to God we are answerable to no one! The origin of socialism, evolution and atheism is rebellion against God and his Christ! The final one world government on earth will last seven years with total destruction of the earth! It is known in our scriptures as the tribulation period! It is future! It is climaxed with the return of Christ or his second coming! Man’s own efforts will fail but my Christ will never leave me or forsake me! He has prepared a place for me in heaven! He can do the same for you if you ask him to do that! To repent of your sin and accept him for who he is and what he has and is doing for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Love has Borders!

Isaiah 60:18 “Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thy shall call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” Comment: If we do not live our lives within borders bad things happen to us! God has given us the ten commandments as borders of protection from injury and death! Protection from the enemy! Heaven has borders and so does Hell. A great gulf between them that no man can cross over! Heaven has walls and gates! My salvation in Christ protects me from the violent! From my own sin! When I praise God the enemy will flee! My lips are the border of my soul! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! The words I speak reveal who lives inside of me! The one world government coming soon led by the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will have no borders! You will not be protected by any sovereign nation and after the Rapture of the Church God’s sovereignty will be temporarily removed from the earth! The lawless one will rule the earth for seven years! He will do with you whatever he wants! While our laws are still in place there is an opportunity for you to make Christ your Salvation! I had one opportunity for Salvation in my life! If I had passed the opportunity by I would have no hope and future in my life today! Do not let your salvation and eternity spent with Christ pass you by! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Dome of the Rock!

Abd-Al-Malik ibn Marwaw a 7th Century Muslim King completed the construction of the Dome of the Rock on top of the old Temple Mount at Jerusalem in 692 A.D. This was 55 years after he captured the city of Jerusalem which at that time was a predominately Christian city! Muslim’s believe Mohammad ascended to Heaven from this location! Also Abraham sacrificed from this location. It is shaped with 8 sides and is supported by 24 columns. They believe it is where the Temple of Solomon was located. The Knights Templar were quartered there after the Christian Crusaders took back Jerusalem from the Muslims in 1099 A.D. The Dome was used as a Christian church for nearly 100 years until the Muslims recaptured the city in 1187 A.D.  So why did this Muslim King build this structure over the old Temple Mount? Some scholars believe to proclaim the emergence of Islam as a supreme new faith linked to Biblical tradition yet distinct from the religion of the conquered Christians! The message of Islam’s supremacy was also conveyed by the Arabic inscriptions, with selected Quran passages that outline Islam’s view of Jesus–i.e., denouncing the Doctrine of the Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus, while emphasizing the unity of God and affirming Jesus status as only a prophet.  Source; Encyclopedia Britannica Comment: Islam is a copycat religion! Notice the 24 columns or 24 elders! Suleiman the Magnificent sealed the Eastern Gate of the old Jewish Temple at Jerusalem in 1541 A.D.  However centuries earlier Muslim Kings did this then when the Christians took back Jerusalem they knocked the brick and mortar closures down from the eastern Gate. Then when the Muslims took the city back they sealed the Eastern Gate! Why? Jesus came through this gate riding a donkey on Palm Sunday! When Jesus returns to Jerusalem at his second coming he will enter the city through the Eastern Gate! The building of the Dome of the Rock was an attempt to stop the construction of another Jewish Temple! Because Jesus is going to enter this Temple and walk through the Eastern Gate at his second coming! Think about this for a moment? What if after the Rapture of the Church the Dome of the Rock becomes the Jewish Temple? Soon after the Rapture of the Church we enter into the 7 year tribulation period where the Anti-Christ rules the world as a political leader but his power is shared by the False prophet! The False prophet will be the one world religious leader! Christians will be gone off the earth or about one third of earth’s population! We know the Anti-Christ will be Jewish and a homosexual from scriptures! However what religion will the False prophet be? I maintain it or he will represent Islam! The Anti-Christ will rule from Jerusalem and the False prophet from Rome! Sometimes what we know helps us to determine what we do not know! We always look to Christ but Jesus left many signs in the scriptures that will preclude his second coming! Only a Jew the Anti-Christ would be trusted by another Jew! Only a Jew and a Muslim could make a deal to set up Jewish worship in the Dome of the Rock! Will the Dome of the Rock be the re-built Jewish Temple? It would surprise the Muslims and the Jews if Jesus would one day soon walk through the Eastern Gate and into the Dome of the Rock with all the Arabic scriptures on the walls proclaiming he is a false Messiah at his second coming! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jussie Smollett Sentencing!

Judge; Why did you do what you did? Jessie; Because I hate Trump and all white people! Judge; I sense a small degree of micro-aggression! What made you to hate Trump and all white people? Jessie; I am a registered Democrat! Judge: That explains everything! You are acquitted! You cannot help yourself!

Saved & Born Again?

1 Corinthians 15:45  Greek translation: “And so it is written. The first man in time Adam was created a natural living soul, the last Adam (Christ), was a quickening eternal spirit of the invisible eternal breath of God raising the dead and bringing salvation to men.” Comment: Our natural body houses a supernatural soul. At creation eternity was placed in our heart! We think about where we have come from and where are we going? This is the eternity God has placed within each of us! There is an awe and wonder about life! It is a great mystery! What is my purpose? Life seems so meaningless at times? There is an internal struggle within! I want to do good but I do bad! I want to please people but the people I try to please are no good! I feel empty without purpose! My life is sad! I work hard but the rewards are small? Time is fleeting away! Jesus disciples felt the same way! I am sick and tired of this fishing! I am tired of collecting taxes! This medical work as a doctor is unrewarding! I hate tent making! Then Jesus came along into their lives! Remember Jesus had not gone to the Cross yet so his disciples were not saved and born again! They made every mistake that we as mortals make! I will never forsake you! I never knew the man! You are one of them! Listen to that Peter curse? I cannot hear you the rooster is crowing! You had five husbands! Lazarus is dead! Pay your taxes! We can overthrow the Romans! Put away your sword! Turn these stones into bread! They are casting demons out in your name what shall we do? How can we feed so many? What do you have? We have never seen such a man? You claim to be God? How dare you! Who art thou Lord? I am blind but now I see! The scales are removed! After the Cross they were saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit! They raised the dead and healed the sick! They cast out demons! Even their shadow healed people! Silver and gold I have none but rise up and walk in the name of Jesus! Their mortal bodies were quickened with the love and power of God! They no longer hid behind closed doors but faced their enemy! They were stoned, beaten, crucified, sawed in two, boiled in oil, cut in two, beheaded but no longer ran from the fight! They were endued with power from on high! They no longer lived like mortals made from dust but walked in the authority of Christ himself! They wrote the Bible you read today! Their testimony was true no longer wavering in mortal flesh! They were quickened by the living God bringing healing and salvation to millions! Paul got it as expressed in the Book of your Bible! No more excuses only conquer in his name! Spare me not from the fire that I may see you in the fire! The only foolish test is not to take God at his word! Let me not hide behind any organization that would prevent me from the challenges that only Jesus can conquer! Taste and see that he is good! The reformer Luther traded in his religious cloak for the garments of persecution! All his challenges were but made of the dust of mortals! When I am laid to rest my dust will not be distinguishable from any mortal that has lived before or after me! His quickening spirit within my clay pot will make the difference between life and death for me and for many! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Failed Socialist States!

Here is a list of countries who have tried socialism and failed or are presently trying socialism and are failing! This is not a complete list but honestly my hand got too tired to type the names of all of them! Here they are; Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Congo, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, East Germany, Guyana, Greece, Grenada, Hungary, India, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saint Vincent, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Ukraine, Urughay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zambia. Comment: If socialism is so great then why do the citizens of these countries try to sell their soul to get to America? Why does America have to build a wall to keep them out when their countries build a wall to keep them in? If you have been a victim of the political left indoctrination of a liberal college professor promoting Marxism or socialism as a Utopia to be achieved then move to one of these countries and live there for a few years! None of these candidates running for President of the United States have ever lived out their socialism ideology in any country that has ever practiced it! I do not want any mal-practice ideologies that are proven failures practiced on me and America! James and Hamsa Sasse.