Who is Worthy? Revelation 5:2

“And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?” Commentary: In Chapter 5 we have a scene in heaven after the Rapture of the Church here on earth where all the inhabitants of heaven witness the call of this angel asking who is worthy to loose the seven seals of judgment upon the earth? One of the elder’s answers the question and got it right! Why would only Jesus be worthy to do this? We are in the 7 year tribulation period then here on earth! It is even more than just the name of Jesus it is what he did! He took your judgment upon a cruel Cross for your sin and death! I believe anyone in heaven and any saved person living on earth can answer this question today! If not you are not saved and have been deceived by this world system! Those who rejected Christ while living here on earth will come under the wrath of God and the release of the seven seal judgments here on earth! You will not escape! Interestingly if you accept the sacrifice of Christ made for you then you escape his judgment! Otherwise you take your own judgment! Saved sinners in heaven and unsaved sinners in hell! Which place will you reside? It is your choice! As we approach Christmas Jesus is more than a Happy Holiday season he is the God of all seasons Creator of heaven and earth and the judge of the living and the dead! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Who Holds Keys to Life & Death? Revelation 1:18

Greek Translation; Words of Jesus; “I am he that liveth spiritually and eternally together with my Father not just living for myself but causing others to live. And behold I am alive from the dead forevermore that is to live quickening their mortal bodies raising them from the dead! I myself was dead separated from my Father temporarily for payment of your sin! ; and behold I am alive raised from the dead forevermore that is eternally past, present and future with no beginning and no end. Amen so be it. I have the keys of hell the region of the departed spirits of the lost doomed forever, and of the sin unto death spiritually and eternally.”

Who Uses Who?

We must be careful we do not use God for our purpose but rather let God use us for his purpose! Pastor David Jeremiah. Commentary: This is the old cart before the horse program that all started in heaven! Lucifer was the praise leader in heaven used mightily by God to lead worship! One day he decided to use God to build his own Kingdom and rebelled and created a place called hell for himself and his followers! It makes me wonder when I see Pastors live in multi-million dollar mansions and own Jet aircraft complete with private airports and hangars that are they using God for their own purpose? When they get six figure income salaries and draw down donations for themselves? God is judge of all including us in ministries so I will let him do his job! I think we all need a self-examination of our motives and are we using God for our own purposes! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Looking for Who?

Hebrews 9:28 Greek Translation: “So Christ our anointed High Priest was once offered to carry up the sins of many, and to those that look for him with anticipation, expectancy, patience, and hope for the redemption of their bodies shall he appear a second time without sin unto Salvation with deliverance and preservation of our spiritual and eternal soul with all past, present and future deliverances.” Comment: You know the old saying what you see is what you get? Ever buy a used car and two weeks later it needs a transmission? The truth is what you are looking for is what you get! Most of my life I was looking for the wrong things! Pride led me to pursue vanity! How important could I become to people? Success was the tool to promote myself! It was only me in my trophy case! I was my own idol! I worshiped me! Self-worship! I built my own altar and set myself on it! I replaced God with me! I built my own throne and set myself up as God! Vanity of vanities! Common theme with the human race! To worship me I had to put God down! Put myself above him and demand worship! A little Anti-Christ! The one I was not looking for was the one I really needed! No mortal could help me! Self was in the way and I could not see! My crashing down off my throne was the best thing that ever happened to me! Then Christ found me when everyone else abandoned me! Forty five years later I am still looking at the Christ who found me! Look and receive his love everyday! No longer alone! He became a failure for me on the Cross so I could have a victory over myself! If you embrace Christ he will pick you up out of the miry clay! You will walk in the victory Jesus has purchased for you! He has defeated your every enemy on the Cross! Sin and death! Who is Satan looking for? Those who follow Christ! He will mock them! Persecute them! Why? If our faith were of no effect he would leave us alone! The veracity of his efforts to persecute Christians confirms our faith in Christ! We are persecuted yet delivered from evil! Who are you looking for? Satan reminds you of your past but God your future! Today can change your tomorrow! This can be the day of your salvation! Jesus hung between two thieves on the Cross! One looked to Jesus and got saved! The other rejected Jesus and lost his soul! There are two kinds of people in eternity just like here on earth! There are forgiven sinners in Heaven and unforgiven sinners in Hell. Which thief are you? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Who Touched Me?

Mark 5:29 “And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.” Comment: After this woman touched the hem of Jesus robe he asked the crowd who touched me? The Greek word used for disease or plague here means the flesh has a softness or is a delicacy for disease! Disease thrives in our flesh! It is the perfect environment for death! The disease is acquired by contact! The Roman whip is related to this word! By his stripes we are healed! Jesus got 39 stripes on his back one for everyone of our diseases! This woman got the disease by contact but got healed by contact with Jesus! Our contact with sin leads to disease and death! Our contact with Jesus brings eternal life! Jesus went around healing the sick and raising the dead! I asked the Lord would it not be wonderful if you would come back now to America and raise the 65 thousand who have died from the Coronavirus? Jesus had to rebuke his disciples and that includes me! What do the scriptures say? Sorry Lord! After death the judgment! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! I have already raised them from the dead! If Jesus would return today and raise the dead what would the liberal American press say? The same thing the press said in the first Century! The deceiver is back! They stole his body! He did not die! He is an imposter! He is here right now he did not die! What would the politicians say like Herod said? Crucify him! Follow not Jesus but my political party! Congress would craft a law to crucify him again! That is why Jesus will only come back at the end of the world’s destruction! The world trying to live without Jesus! Who are you in contact with? Satan or God? Who is your King? Jesus or who? Who do you follow? Yourself? I have decided to follow Jesus as the old hymn writer from India wrote years ago! Do you contact disease and death or the Savior? Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand! Man fights hard to keep his sin and death! If Jesus would return today everyone would be out of a job! Hospitals would be closed! Funeral homes would have to close! Why would not the world want this cure? They want to keep their power over men! They would have to turn from their wicked ways and repent! They would have to give up playing God! Perhaps we are learning that we cannot keep our jobs and the world system is not our Savior? Without faith it is impossible to please God! If America comes out from this epidemic with a strong faith in God then it will have been worth it all! If we could just believe! My concern is if we come through this pandemic and return to business as usual then we would have lost the lesson we should have learned through this suffering of our people! We cannot make it without Christ but many fools will try! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Christmas Story

It was Christmas Eve in Brooklyn New York in 1942. The war was on and a difficult time. It was snowing in New York. A cold night as Wilber was walking down the street thinking about his past. Wilber was 98 years old and his past troubled him? He had committed crimes and betrayed his family and many friends. He was most troubled about where he would go if he died? As he went by a church he heard Christmas Carols. Then he thought I know what I can do! I will join a church and this will throw me in with all the good folks. Then I can escape hell! Wilber went into this Lutheran Church and asked the Pastor if he could join the church? The Pastor told him if he could answer one question correctly. The question is where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber thought a minute and said Pittsburg. Sorry said the Pastor you need to find another place. Wilber went back out into the snow and cold and found a Catholic Church. He went in and asked the Priest if he could join? The Priest said he could only if you can answer one question correctly. Where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber strained his brain and said Philadelphia. The Priest told Wilber he was too far gone to make a good Catholic! Down but not out Wilber hit the streets once again. The he walked by a Synagogue but it looked closed. Then he saw a light in one of the back offices so he knocked on the door. A Rabbi opened the door and invited him in. Wilber asked if he could join the Synagogue? The Rabbi said sure you can! Wilbur was perplexed? Are you going to ask me any questions? No replied the Rabbi. Wilber asked the Rabbi if he would mind if he asked him a question? Please go right ahead said the Rabbi. Where was Jesus Christ born? The Rabbi responded Bethlehem of course! Wilber replied and said, ” I knew it was in Pennsylvania some place! ” Source; Unknown. Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Why is 1492 A.D. Important? Esdras 6:42 (Apocrypha)

This same year the last of the Muslims were forced out of Spain by the Crusaders! Christopher Columbus set sail for America! This same year the Spanish Inquisition began! Why is all this significant? First Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Throughout his life Columbus showed a keen interest in the Bible and Bible Prophecy! He would often quote Biblical texts in his letters and in his ship logs. Part of the argument that a Book he submitted to the Spanish Monarchs when he sought for his support for his proposed expedition to reach the Indies by sailing west was based on his reading of the Second Book of Esdras 6:42. Columbus interpreted this scripture from the Bible to mean that the earth is made up of six parts of land and one of water. The then world maps showed only 5 continents so Christopher reasoned from the scriptures  there was another continent missing on the world maps! So he thought traveling west he would discover this missing continent! If you read the quotes of Columbus he said he did not use science, navigation or mathematics but the scriptures as his guide! The Catholics got a hundred years start on evangelism of South and Central America because they did not reject the Apocrypha from the scriptures as the Protestants did! Towards the end of his life Columbus produced a Book of Prophecies in which his career as an explorer is interpreted in the light of Christian Eschatology and Apocalypticism. On August 3, 1492 the Edict of Expulsion was executed requiring all Jews to leave Spain! On August 2nd Columbus and his crew boarded their ships before midnight and left harbor 1/2 hour before sunrise. His historic journey was also financed with the help of some wealthy Jewish merchants! Spain had been a 2nd home for Jews since 200 A.D. Remember Paul wanted to travel there! There were 800000 Jews living in Spain when the Inquisition began! The Catholic Church in Spain wanted all Jews to convert to Catholicism! Also King Fernando and Isabella wanted to seize the Jewish wealth of Spain! History has shown us that if the Muslims are not around to persecute the Jews the Church is! Christopher was also searching for a land where the Jews could escape persecution! That happened to be America and a land which has always supported Israel! The Apocryphya was a collection of Books published in the original King James Bible of 1611. They were part of the King James Bible for 274 years until they were removed in 1885 A.D. They were inserted between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Here is what Esdras 6:42 says, “Upon the third day thou did command that the waters should be gathered in the seventh part of the earth; six parts thou dried up, and kept them, to the intent that of these some being planted of God and tilled that might serve thee.” KJV 1611 A.D.–1885 A.D. The parts of the Bible that were later thrown out were the GPS navigator’s for Columbus voyage to the New World in 1492! Maybe we should revisit the Apocrypha? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.  GodWhoisGod.com