Children’s Sunday School!

Little Isaiah came out of Sunday School carrying his papers and his coloring pages. I asked him if I could see them? I told him his work looked very good! This one creature he drew looked like a low profile dinosaur with thick legs and a very thick tail. There was also a plume of something coming out of his mouth? Isaiah said this figure drawn was a dragon with fire coming out of his mouth! I talked to Sharon our children’s church teacher and asked her if she could change the curriculum a little and try to get little Isaiah to draw an angel! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Christian American Foundations

Who Was the Most Christian American President? If all you ever knew about this was what you were taught in a public(government) school in the United States you would not have a clue! You might think Lincoln or Washington but the most out spoken president about his Faith in God was Theodore Roosevelt! He was running for president in 1912 which is exactly 100 years from this year. He walked softly and carried a big stick! He was a rough rider horse calvary kind of guy. His favorite Bible verse was Micah 6:8. What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. Roosevelt was of the Dutch Reformed Church. He participated in missions work with his father, a noted philanthropist. He taught Sunday School classes during his four years at Harvard. He wrote for Christian publications. He called his bare-the-soul speech announcing his principles when running in 1912, “A Confession of Faith.” Later he closed perhaps the most important speech of his life, the clarion-call acceptance of the Progressive Party nomination that year, with the words, “We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord!” He titled one of his books, Foes of Our Own Household(after Matthew 10:36) and another, Fear God and Take Your Own Part. He once wrote an article for The Ladies Home Journal, Nine Reasons Why Men Should Go to Church.” After Theodoore left the White House, he was offered University Presidencies but refused all and chose to become a Contributing Editor of The Outlook, a relatively small Christian weekly magazine. He lectured at many Christian Theology School across America. Source:

American Christian Foundations

Intelligence, Patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present difficulty. Source; First Inagural Address, Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1861. Comment; How different today in America where adjustment means throwing out Christianity, Patriotism and Intelligence! Then what is left of our foundation to sustain us? Yes the adjustment was over 600,000 casualties as brother fought brother in our most costly civil war! But the Grand Union prevailed and righteousness won and God favored our land. President Lincoln made the ultimate sacrifice along with so many millions more to preserve this great land! As abortion casualties approach 40 million with a missing generation it is so strange as the silence continues by so many Christians in America? If you never find anything worth dying for you will never find anything worth living for! God thought we were worth dying for when He sent His Son Christ to the Cross for us! We are living amoung the living dead in american culture. Child sacrifice through abortion, divorce and rejection of marriage must stop if America is to continue as a great nation! James, Sasse. June 12, 2012.

Christian American Foundations

The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be wrong. God can not be for and against the same thing at the same time! Topic Speach; Mediation of the Divine Will. Abraham Lincoln, September 2, 1862. Comment; The same may be said today! God can not be for and against abortion, homosexuals, lesbians and same sex marriage at the same time! If you claim you are a Christian and support any of these destructive acts you had better not associate with any political party that supports this wickedness upon our Land! James Sasse.

Christian American Foundations

The good old maxims of the Bible are applicable, and truly applicable to human affairs, and in this and in other things, we may say here that he who is not for us is against us; he would gathereth not with us scattereth. Source; Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Cincinnati Ohio, September 17, 1859.

Christian American Foundations

Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civic society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it is obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit. Source; James Madison, Federalist No. 51, 1788