Are Words Important? Luke 1:47

I think you know they are! The whole universe was created by words! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! Mary is speaking here in the Christmas story! She said in verse 47,”That all generations shall call me blessed!” The Greek translation for blessed used here says “Markarious”, the future of “Makarizo”, which really means, “They shall bless me!” So it is more than saying it is doing something! When you accepted Christ you blessed Mary! When you support Israel you bless Mary! When you take the Gospel to the ends of the earth you bless Mary! When you do these things you make her more beautiful! You make her happy and fortunate! You pronounce blessings on her when you share the Christmas story! When she looks down from Heaven on you she says you have blessed me! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas and Family! Matthew 1:18-20

Many fascinating things can be learned from the Christmas story! One thing cannot be denied! God always wanted a family! He started off creating one man and one woman! Not two men or two women but one man and one woman! The challenge got bigger when God wanted a son born of human parents! He looked over His creation to find the right parents. They had to be Jew for salvation comes by the Jew! The new millennium had just begun and the signs in the Heaven and earth were just right! The virgin birth predicted hundreds of years before by the Prophets was ripe for fulfillment! God found a young Jewish couple from Nazareth that were about to be engaged. Their names were Joseph and Mary. Then Joseph found his espoused bride pregnant? Joseph minded to put her away privately! Then an Angel appeared unto Joseph and told him his bride Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit! So Joseph became the step-father of Jesus! Years later Jesus told us that pure religion was taking care of widows and orphans! God always wanted children to have both parents! My Bible says God hates divorce! He wants to come to the aid of the victims! It seems American culture today does not hold the values God has established for the well being of the family? Jesus God’s son could not increase the size of His family until He went to the Cross! Today Jesus Father is your Father! Christmas means many things but most important you are now in God’s family now and forever! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.


In the early church Baptism was done outside a building in a lake, stream, pond or on the ocean shoreline! During this time in church history this was a witness to the unbelievers as well as the believers since many unbelievers saw this testimony displayed! At least in America most baptism is done inside a church where only believers witness! Suggest if this is your case you can record the baptism on YouTube and other social media to share with the unbelieving world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Tax! Luke 2:1

“And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be taxed!” Comment: Did you get that? That the whole world should be taxed! Caesar was surely a member of the Democratic Party! He must have been their poster boy! This decree did get Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem! Caesar did not know he was fulfilling Bible prophecy with his tax decree! Remember years later Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s! So the very first Christmas benefited everyone including the politicians! Everyone wins with Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Imagination! Genesis 1:26

Imagination rules the world! Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Comment: Why did Donald Trump win the presidency? Imagination! He had a bigger imagination for America than all his opponents! It is interesting that Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory known as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States for 15 million dollars! He used this money to fund his military exploits! During Napoleon’s final years in exile on Saint Helena he devised escape plans involving balloons, submarines and ships with collapsible masts! He was still using his imagination! Have you tried using the imagination God has given you? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Makes America Great?

I sought for her greatness and genius of America in her commodius harbors and ample rivers and it was not there? In her fertile fields and boundless forests but it was not there? In her rich mines and her vast world commerce and it was not there? In her Democratic congress and her matchless Constitution and it was not there? Not until i went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did i understand the secret of her genius and power! America is great because she is good and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great! Alexis De Tocqueville Comment by Eric Metaxas: For Alex it is inescapable; The secret to American freedom is American virtue! Comment: This material was used from a Hal Lindsey Report. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.