Dumb Blonde!

A NASA scientist was interviewing a lady for a secretary position in the agency! The scientist asked her what her goals were in life? She told him she wanted to travel to the moon and eventually travel to the sun! He told her the sun was too hot and no human could travel there! She told him you probably think I am a dumb blonde but I am smarter than you for I would travel to the sun at night!

Just One Unpardonable Sin! Mark 3:29

On previous posts we have discussed this important topic! We have discussed what is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Remember these are the words of Jesus speaking in Mark 3:29! Jesus can forgive every sin except one! Would it not be wise to know what this sin is? The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity! To offend one person of the Trinity is to offend all for they are one! Jesus is the only one who can forgive sin because He is God! God’s sacrifice for our sin! When it comes to the virgin birth of Jesus by Mary who came over her to conceive Jesus in the flesh? The Holy Spirit! To reject Jesus Christ is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit! Jesus will be your Savior or your Judge! Which is it for you depends on your choice about Christ! It depends on your choice! Morality is a choice! The outcome of your eternity depends on what you do with Jesus Christ while here on earth! Choose this day who you will serve! God or Satan? Heaven or Hell? As for me and my house we will serve the Lord! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Legalizing Sin! Romans 1:27

The unnatural love for young boy’s is so common, that in many places it is established by the public laws! Xenophon, Greek historian, writer and military leader, 430-354 B.C. Comment: So America is not the first country to legalize homosexual behavior but thousands of years earlier there was a city named Sodom that tried the same thing! How stupid for nations to change God’s laws and expect no consequences? History has shown us that Sodom was burned to the ground and the Greek and Roman empires collapsed! No human that ever lived can oppose God’s laws and live! America needs to repent and the Pastor’s across America need not look the other way! If the Pastor’s do not call homosexual behavior as sin out who are God’s representatives on earth then who will? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Who is the Woman? Revelation 12:1

First when you look at the Greek this woman translates as a married woman! So why did  the English translation say just woman instead of married woman? Because the translators use just one English word to translate from the Hebrew or Greek to best represent the meaning! From verse two she is pregnant so we can assume she is married however the woman riding the beast in Revelation chapter 17 represents Satan! She is also married but to Satan! In verse one here heaven is translated as God’s dwelling place which includes the sun, moon and the stars! So heaven is inclusive of God’s creation including us! This woman in her brilliancy is clothed with the sun, moon and stars! The word crown means a conqueror rather than a crown just worn on her head! So who is this woman married to? The number twelve is significant! Who represents the twelve stars? We have twelve apostles! We have twelve patriarch’s in the Old Testament! We have the twelve tribes of Israel. Many believe the woman represents the church for we are the bride of Christ! However some believe the woman represents Israel. Some others believe the woman represents the virgin Mary! She gives birth to the church though Israel. I have no problem with all three interpretations! If you make the church exclusive and end up with replacement theology church history has shown us you can become anti-Semitic then much harm can come to the Jews and God’s Kingdom through the church! Israel is included in the Book of Revelation with the 144000 Jews out of 12 tribes redeemed during the 7 year tribulation period! Studying the Book of Revelation is challenging but there is a special blessing for reading and studying this Book! (Revelation 1:3) Scholars say that there are more references to the Old Testament in this Book of Revelation than any other New Testament Book! Problem is the Apostle John does not directly quote these but weaves them into the Book! Many referrals to Book of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah and the Psalms! The most important point here is what is God telling you about the prophetic Book of Revelation? You have to read it and study it yourself if you want the answer! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

War on Women! Revelation 12:13

We know from reading our Bible that war was started in Heaven! When the angel Lucifer who became Satan rebelled against God he and 1/3 of the Angel’s who followed Lucifer in Heaven in the rebellion were cast out of Heaven into the earth! So now the war continues in the earth! This constant war on earth will stop with Christ’s second coming! Why does Satan have a war on women? Why did he sweat Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? Because she would produce a seed that would crush the head of the serpent! Satan knew he had to stop this seed which would produce a rival that would defeat him! Salvation has come through the Jew! Christ born into the earth through the Jew! Now Satan has to also persecute the Jews and the Christians! Who replaces the 1/3 of the fallen angel’s that were removed from Heaven? Remember Lucifer was the praise leader of Heaven! Facts show us that 1/3 of the earth’s population are Christian! So the believers on earth replace the fallen angel’s that vacated Heaven! As long as women produce a seed in the earth that could potentially become Christian he will continually find ways to thwart the families! Like divorce and abortion! Homosexual promotion is also a war on women! Kill the seed while it is in the womb! Then to politicalize abortion so as to paint a good picture of death as a woman’s right or choice? Then to use millions of our tax dollars to promote abortion? Why? To kill the offspring so they could never populate Heaven as Satan’s replacements! The battle between good and evil rages on! Everyone has to make a choice about which side you are going with? God through His Son Jesus Christ has paid for our sin on Calvary! If you reject His redemption what hope is there for you? God can forgive every sin except the rejection of His Son! Why? Because that is the only one who can save you! Everything you put your trust in on earth will fail you one day! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! How about you? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

New World Order? Daniel 8:25

From the Tower of Babel to the United Nations man has made many efforts to form a one world government with the deceptive promise of peace! Here is a quote from the Book of Daniel about the Anti-Christ the future ruler of the one world government: “He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed but not by human power.” Here is another quote by C.S. Lewis: “It does not matter how you rearrange the rotten eggs you still get a bad omelette!” The Millennium will feature Jesus Christ ruling as a one world leader in perfect peace because He is the Prince of Peace! Pastor David Jeremiah

What Color is America?

Is it white, black, red, yellow or brown? The color of America is red, white and blue! MSG Roy Benavidez, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War.  Comment: The color of our American flag represents character not race! White represents purity and innocence! Red represents hardiness and valor. Blue represents the color of our Chief, vigilance, perseverance and justice! The stars are the symbol of Heaven and the divine goal of men from the beginning of time! The stripes represent rays of light as from the sun! Character is chief among God and men! Nations that drift from character go into the annals of history! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com