From the River to the Sea! Exodus 1:16

Thousands of years ago Pharoah King of Egypt thought he had the final solution! Abort the Jewish male babies and destroy them through genocide! So from the Nile river to the Red Sea the plan was engaged! However a Jewish woman took her little baby Moses and put him in a basket and floated him down the Nile River to escape his certain murder and guess what happened? King Pharoah and his household rescued Moses and raised him in their Egyptian household for 40 years! Then Moses killed an Egyptian who was assaulting a Jew and then Moses was on the run for his life for another 40 years! Then God raised up Moses as a deliverer for those two million Jews in Egypt until their backs were up against the Red Sea with the armies of King Pharoah closing in for the kill and the final solution! God intervened and parted the Red Sea so the Jews could escape but then drowned the pursuing Egyptian army in the Red Sea! Then the Jews went on to their promise land and established Israel as a homeland for the Jews! Jesus promised at his second coming to return to Israel! So the enemies of the Cross do not want an Israel to return to at his second coming! How foolish they are to fight against the God creator of heaven and earth! They join the ranks of King Pharoah and Hitler and many more wicked leaders over history who themselves were destroyed along with their populations waring against the living God! God said he would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel! Fools are born in every generation but sadly they are made examples of to prove that the scriptures are truth and those that oppose them prove the fools they are to oppose God and His Christ! James & Hamsa
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