My Diet Game Plan!

I plan to eat as much as I can for long as I can to prove I can still open a can including the spam so I can cram and keep my plan so I improve my body scan to keep my plan to prove I still can improve my plan to stay out of the gym to help old Jim to stay trim surrounded by a brim to dump the flim to appear slim as I pretend to attend a gym to impress my friends of my pretend to suspend and contend to be your friend to go to the gym to please your every whim about my slim but never Jim will be so dim as to be trim just for your slim! Jim

It is All in the Game! 501c

The Democrat installed 501c tax exempt status given to non-profits allows them to collect money tax free! It sounds good but to take this exemption you the Pastor must give up your right to petition the government for grievances which is a Constitutional right! You must give up your right to endorse a political candidate during an election! Your voice is muted! Any election local, state or federal you must be mute! Handicapped! You give up your first amendment rights of free speech sacrificed for money! Because the church would not take up debate on our last presidential election Biden got in instead of Trump! Now the church or non-profits are collecting money for the Ukraine war victims when under a Trump the Ukraine war would not have happened! Understand I have less money to give to charitable organizations with high inflation and 4-5-6 and 7 dollars a gallon gasoline! My gas bill in my van was 600 dollars last month! My house insurance increased from $1000. per year to 1600. dollars per year because of replacement costs because of high priced building materials! Millions flooding across our southern border swamping local communities with costs financial and safety of their communities! Now our president says food shortages are coming! Why? His incompetence! Build back better is not happening! Tear down better is happening with the Biden administration! None of this would of happened or did happen under Trump! Pastor’s in America can no longer hide under the 501c if America is going to survive as a nation! Even though Trump gave them an exemption from the part of the 501c banning political endorsements they played it safe and we now are all in peril! If this next 3 years under Biden is not a lesson to them then they will never learn! Will we survive? I do not know but look up to Christ for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Game is On! Bible Study

The game is not over but it is on! So when is the game over? When every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! I want to give you the ancient nations as listed in our Bible and then i want you to see the modern nations that make up those ancient nations today! Let us start with the Persian Empire. The nations today that make up the Persian Empire are Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan! So when you read end-times prophecies in your Bible they include these nations! American’s have you already noticed something? It was the Persian Empire that attacked us on 9-11. Our wars in the Middle East since have been with the Persian Empire! President Obama pulling us out of Iraq and the treasures gift to Iran has strengthened the Persian Empire! Thankyou America says the Islamist! Russia or God and Magog have been strengthened thanks to Hillary Clinton’s reset button with Russia! They have since taken territory and are one of two major players in the Middle East including Iran now as America is on the decline! However there is a bigger picture at home in America! I like the Greek translation of the word Magog in the Book of Revelation! The word translates as an Anti-Christian party! Is that like the Democratic party? I want to wish you a ? Hold it! Is it a happy holiday? Season’s greetings? Happy stocking filler? Tensile holiday? Music festival? Sorry! I remember now! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Civilization and France! Battle of Tours 732 A.D.

We owe a debt to the French people as leaders of the Crusades against Islam for over 200 years! Because of your efforts and sacrifices we have Western Civilization and a Christian America! We are reminded that the Arab name for all Crusades spanning over 500 years regardless of nationality was “Franj.” The Battle of Tours in France was one of the most decisive battles in history! Abd-ur Rahman the Muslim general with his 600000 man army conquered all of Egypt, Syria and North Africa. In October 732 A.D. exactly 100 years from the death of  Mohammed the Muslim armies entered into Europe. The Frankish army was made up of Gothic Germanic tribes who became the French today met the Muslim armies in battle! The Muslims who invaded France destroyed palaces, churches and murdered thousands! The Francs lead by Charles Martel, known as the Hammer led France into battle. They routed the Muslim armies and captured and killed Abd-ur Rahman! The Franks were the first to learn that the terror of the Arab Muslims can only be neutralized by a greater counter terror! This counter terror has to be a super terror to strike fear into the hearts of Muslims so that they give up their aggressive mentality for fear of death! If only one or two French citizens had  side arms in these attacks in Paris the outcome would have been very different! I try to persuade my Christian friends here in America to arm themselves for what is coming here! Right now they dismiss my warning but after President Obama lets in 10000 Syrian refugees they will figure it out! Our condolences to the French families as we share your suffering and encourage you that our hope is in Christ! The German and French soccer game in Paris where some of the attack took place reminds us of history as the Germans and French fought together at the Battle of Tours in 732 A.D. to drive out the Muslims from France! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do You Want a Front Row Seat in Heaven or Hell?

To get a front row seat at a NFL playoff game or the Super Bowl it may cost you 10 thousand dollars! In Heaven your seat has already been paid for but you have to claim your seat! If you have a reservation in Hell you earned that all on your own by denying your sin and Christ’s atonement! There is an increasing number of Christians being martyred for their Faith in Christ today! If you miss the rapture of the Church you will have a second opportunity during the 7 year tribulation period. However during the tribulation period in history you will pay with your life for professing Christ! If you deny Christ before you die and before the rapture and tribulation period you will have a terrible outcome separated from God forever living in the midst of a great furnace! Things are heating up on earth so cool out with Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church In The City

How would the city of Corinth compare today with a modern city? Corinth was the first frontier outpost. It was a prosperous city. Caesar’s Roman army retirement community live there. It was located on a key east-west trade route. The poor got rich in Corinth! You might say all the lotto winners lived there. The displaced Jews lived there because Caesar kicked them out of Rome. Sexual perversion was rampant in Corinth. Somehow money and sex are always linked together? The Temple of Aprodita had 1000 temple prostitutes as part of their worship. The Temple of Apollos had nude statues of male prostitutes. Corinth was much like American culture today with sexual brokenness. When Paul walked into Corinth people were celebrating the Isthmian games which was the ancient Olympics. Corinth had athletic training centers much like Colorado Springs does today. The people of Corinth celebrated strength, independence, intellectualism, materialism and public debate. The Greek orator’s debated constantly. They all figured it out they did not need God! 1 Corinthians 2:3-5. Paul says I was not with you with enticing words of man’s wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power. That our Faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God! Can God raise up people in a corrupt culture? America is becoming more secular. Heathenistic cultures trump pleasure over purpose. The message of the Crucified Christ is not popular in America just as it was not in Corinth 2000 years ago! But it is still really good news! Polite people did not talk about the Cross in the 1st. century. The worst criminals were crucified. How do you message people about the Cross? The cross was cruel and ugly punishment. Jesus was tortured, beaten, bloodied and murdered! He died the lowest kind of death. It goes to say the Cross is foolishness to the perishing. Why did God choose death to redeem? The wages of sin is death! To the saved the Cross is the power of God! Are you grateful for the Cross? The Cross is central to belief. The Cross is entry to everything. The Cross destroys the wisdom of the wise! Intelligent people say that if God cannot answer all my questions then I will not follow him! My adopted son Abram is a very intelligent little boy. His grandfather was a nuclear physics engineer! Sometimes Abram will ask me questions that are deep and thoughtful. Sometimes I do not know the answer to his question. God came to save us and not answer all our questions. Corinth had some of the best minds of that era. They were intellectuals, philosophers, Romans, Greeks and Jews. Preaching Christ was foolish to the gentiles. The Jews expected a military Messiah. What do you want to hear? I want to be skinny and rich! American and Corinth cultures say “Blessed are the smart and the strong, Blessed are the ambitious, God helps those who help themselves!” Superman has arrived! It is me! Jesus said,”Blessed are the poor in spirit,meek,merciful and kind.” The Roman government of Corinth ruled by fear and intimidation like many governments do today. Why did Jesus submit to the tyranny of the Roman government and the Jews and go to the Cross? To show the world a new way to use power! The world uses power to rule over people. Watch an NFL game. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent to try to dominate one another! Competition is to fight for power! Dominate others! Get power to defend yourself! Buy armies and men and women to rule over others. When Pilate had Jesus on trial he told Jesus he had power to condemn Him to death or release Him. Jesus told Pilate I lay my life down and unless my Father gives you power you cannot touch me. Christ goes to the Cross to use power in a new way. Christ gave His life for people and not to rule over people! God has given us power for people in service to people and care for them. Jesus became a nobody to save everybody. Jesus is calling the marginalized and the down and out. Not to manipulate them but release them from the bondages of sin. The nobodies are being invited in. Discover a new way of being powerful. Everyone can belong! No disenfranchised! The Cross is where you start and finish. No substitute for the Cross! All must come to the Cross and believe! Source; Sermon notes taken from message given by Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given on Sunday January 5, 2014.


Sometimes i wish God would have made salvation mandatory instead of optional? You know like paying your taxes is mandatory. I suppose that just like you have tax cheats you would have salvation cheats like Judas! Options are an important part of democratic liberties but when time runs out all options end! Like 2 seconds left on the clock in a football game if you are behind you finish the game in defeat! In a game you have next season but in life we play for keeps! In life the stakes are high and if we do not choose God and His Christ then eternity is a long time to be seperated from them. The options in this life is Heaven or Hell! In Hell you have no otions but in Heaven you still have options. You can choose to stay or you can rebel like Lucifer and join him in Hell! Options are about choices. We choose either good or evil. Choices determine your present future and past. We by our choices are going to serve God or Satan. Choose this day who you are going to serve! This Christmas think about God and His Mercy to give us the right choice in sending His Son Jesus to us! How we can live with love, peace and joy in the midst of a lost and destructive human race! Merry Christmas! James, Hamsa and Anita.

Cross the Goal and Win! Romans 10:4

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. The word, “End”, in the Greek is translated, “Goal”. Think about a footbal team? They have a playing field with a goal line, goal posts with uprights and a cross bar. To win the game they need to cross the goal line to score points. Their goal is set on the goal line. The law had it’s goal set on Christ! Every human who tried to score on the law lost! You remember that old song, “I fought the law and the law won”! Only at the Cross was the law defeated because it could not stop Christ from scoring for us! His righteousness won the game and beat sin! Sin could not win because sin was not on His team called Trinity! On mortal teams sin was on both sides and all teams lost. So join Christ’s team and let Him lead block for you into paths of righteousness! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.