Rapture + Tribulation = ?

Revelation Chapter 8 Commentary: Why seven years? Why seven angels? Why seven trumpets? Why seven judgments? Why 1/3 of earth destroyed? Revelation chapter eight takes place after the Rapture of His church! These events are consummated after the rejection of God and His Christ by the inhabitants of earth much like in the days of Noah! His church is removed from the earth at this time! The millenniums of years of Salvation for men are now closed in history! The door of Grace has been concluded! The seven angels represent one day each of creation! The seventh day the Sabbath is included in this week! God worked six days and then he rested on the 7th day! America has come to the point where many are now working on the 7th day violating the Sabbath! Creation has been rejected by many millions of citizens here in America and has been replaced by the Theory of Evolution!  Many are the followers of the atheist Charles Darwin! The seven years of the tribulation and the seven angels represent one day of judgment for each day of the rejection of Creation! The altar in Heaven and the golden censer and the prayers of the saints are worship going on in Heaven! At this time worship of the true God has ceased in the earth! The seventh day of worship is no longer honored in the earth! The Saints have been removed! Each of the seven trumpets represent each of the seven days of creation! One trumpet blows for everyday of judgment to the earth for their rejection of Creation! Why is only 1/3 part of the earth destroyed rather than the whole earth? First Jesus is returning at his second coming at the end of the seven year Tribulation period! Second the present population of the Christians in the earth is 1/3 of the total world population! At the Rapture and the beginning of the seven year Tribulation 1/3 of the earth’s population will be removed! Those resources left behind by the Christians will be destroyed by God so that the unbelievers left on earth can not use those resources! The thirty minutes of silence in Heaven takes place after Christ opens the seventh seal! The inhabitants of Heaven now contemplate the close of Salvation on the earth and the judgments to be released! A moment of silence for the judged! Remember if we do not live to see these events then judgment for every human begins at physical death! So how do I escape! By taking and receiving the one who took your judgment on the Cross at Calvary! By honoring the God of Creation and rejecting the godless atheism of Evolution!  Right now today Jesus is either your Savior or judge! Which is it? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Salvation in Tribulation!

Book of Revelation. Comment: The good news of the coming seven year Tribulation period is that many Jews and Gentiles will come to Christ during this point in the future! They will be martyred by the Anti-Christ but make Heaven and escape the second death! They will be washed in the Blood of the Lamb and given white robes as a covering! Notice when Christ opens the seven seals of the Book judgment is released upon the earth! Yet those that have accepted Christ in the earth are sealed in his blood and are redeemed! You see the question is not about physical death for we will all pass through this event but the real question is what awaits us on the other side of death? Christ has sealed you from judgment if you are in him! So in your life right now you are either sealed in salvation through Christ or you are unsealed in judgment! Is you name written down in the Book of Life? This truth holds true whether in the Tribulation period or before it right now! God’s truth transcends time! God has not changed but we must change! In fact you do not have the power to change yourself but God does! If we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive your sin! Notice here that the angels were instructed to withhold judgment until the servants of God were marked or sealed in their foreheads! The unbelievers will also take a mark on their foreheads to identify them that belong to Satan! So at this time everyone living on earth will have a mark identifying to whom they belong! Two distinct marks that will reveal who they are! No more hiding in the closet! We as a believer are sealed by Christ right now! Sealed for salvation by his blood! The unbelievers unsealed ripe for judgment! So what would these marks look like? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? The homosexual capital of the world at that time! Interestingly today who is promoting homosexuality? The Anti-Christ will be a homosexual! Satan is promoting this in preparation for the one world government leader! So when the death angel passed over these cities what was the sign that caused the death angel to pass over them and spare the residents of the cities? Remember this is Old Testament! You had to take the blood of a lamb and strike the two side posts and the top post of your front door! This blood was in the form of a Cross! Remember Rahab and the red scarlet cloth hung out her window to escape judgment! The mark on the forehead will be in the shape of a Cross and red color but more important they will have the mind of Christ which is internal and eternal! What will the Mark of the Beast look like? His number shall add up to 666! Six is the number of man! I believe the False Prophet will represent Islam! The Trinity of Islam is Allah, the Quran and Mohammad! Allah is a man made God and the Quran is a man made book and Mohammad is not God but a mortal! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

President Trump got it right! Chief Justice Roberts got it wrong! We do have liberal and conservative judges in all courts across America! This includes federal, state and municipal courts! We do have Democratic and Republican judges across America! From the Supreme court on down to the lowest court in America! Every man and woman on the court interprets the law according to their belief about where the law came from? Did the law come from God down to man or did man evolve just making up laws as we went along? Was the law given to us by God sovereign over man indisputable never to be changed? Or did man just create his own laws through the chain of evolutionary development? Bottom line is conservative judges are creationists! They take serious the Biblical model of creation and God’s laws given to man! Liberal judges are evolutionists or atheists believing God has no role in the creation and development of man! God is not sovereign over his creation so we make up our own rules! The best evidence of liberal and conservative judges is the split decisions on the Supreme court and the lower courts! If all are equal under the law then all court decisions would  have the same outcome! They do not! Very rare! Man interprets the law based on the presumption of where the law came from! If the law did not come from God then I must make the law! I must legislate the law since there is no God! Liberals do not recognize the sovereignty of God! This is why they end up working against God! Gay marriage is one example! Since there is no God we can make laws contrary to God’s laws! What happens when we go down this road is we end up with a lawless culture! No respect for authority! Kill cops! Smoke drugs! Open borders and sanctuary cities! Divorce! Open borders and sanctuary cities are a rebellion against God’s sovereignty and National sovereignty! It is the new way of ceding from the union as in the civil war! What are some of the characteristics coming soon in the Tribulation period of seven years headed by the Anti-Christ? No borders! One world government! No laws! Total anarchy! No judges! Every man will do what is right in his own eyes! When Jesus returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation period what will he do? He will judge the nations in righteousness! Judge Kavanaugh was assassinated by the political left because they know if he gets in God may still be recognized as the giver of our laws and sovereign over the universe! So how can I escape God’s judgment? By letting him take your penalty for sin through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Politics and Religion!

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventors of the Jews.” Adolf Hitler “There is nothing more abominable and miserable than religion!” Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What can we learn from the lessons of history? History repeats itself even the destructive parts of it! First what is Bolshevism? It is an ideology or doctrine of the violent overthrow of a capitalist government. It was born out of Russia with the Revolution of 1917 by the socialist communist party in Russia! Millions died in this revolution which really carries on today! The founders of socialism were all Jews! They were also atheists! There founders of socialism were names such as Engels, Marx, Lenin and many more! They along with Hitler and Mussolini were all followers of Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution! Darwin was also an atheist and his theory was based on the big assumption there is no God! Russia, Germany and Italy formed the Axis power against the Allied Nations of WWII. So why did Hitler and Stalin turn on each other during the early years of WWII? Remember Italy, Germany and Russia were all socialists! Dinesh D’Souza best explains how this can happen by examples! In Islam the Shiites and the Sunni’s! In Christianity the Catholics and the Protestants! Even though their doctrines were close yet war broke out among them! Also with the socialists! Here is how they get tripped up! Marx, Lenin, Stalin Mussolini and Hitler all agreed as per socialism doctrine all social classes must be eliminated! However except their own? So why is socialism a proven failure over history still promoted today especially in the American political left? So why does the American left go after Christians and Orthodox Jews? Because our Bible opposes socialism! Let us focus just on one point of socialism because I will go too long on this posting! Why the promotion of the gay and lesbian agenda by the Democrats? It is to destroy a social class! To remove the distinctiveness of gender! How about no borders and sanctuary cities? To destroy a social class of people! What about abortion! Thirty six percent of all abortions are done on African American women yet they only make up 13 percent of the population! To destroy a social class! Why the attack on Christian’s and their business enterprises? Why drag them into the courts all the time? To destroy a social class of people! Why the war on Trump! If the Christians gain ground socialism will be pushed back! The Republican Party is primarily made up of Christians and Orthodox Jews! The Democratic Party is made up of Atheists, socialists and followers of Charles Darwin and his evolution! One half the Jews in America are atheists and the other half Orthodox Jews! The Orthodox Jews vote Republican and the atheist Jews vote Democrat! As long as half the population remains Christian then the socialists cannot win! Why did President Johnson put in the 501c Tax exemption Christian churches? To silence the leadership of the church and take them out of the fight against socialism! So when will socialism win out? After the Rapture of the church! Then a one world government will be formed headed by the Anti-Christ a Jew and homosexual which will last for 7 years with the greatest destruction registered in world history! It will climax with the return of Christ and his reign over earth for a thousand years! Praise God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Why Suffer? Revelation 1:9

Greek Translation: I John, who also am among you a brother of the same womb (Born Again) and companion in tribulation. In tribulation of being broken, squeezed, crushed with the pressure of a burden upon my spirit in a confined space (Prison). And in the Kingdom of God under all circumstances with endurance towards people. I was in the isle of Patmos, for the Word of God and for the testimony being a witness, certifying and declaring Jesus Christ.  Comment: Suffering by the world brings death! Suffering by God has brought men Salvation! John suffered for a testimony of Jesus Christ! Suffering in Christ brings purpose in your life! To live is Christ and to die is gain! We have an interesting story about India. We spent two of our three years there on a remote mountain village named Yercaud in South India. They had an old English church up there that had the graveyard surrounding the church! I explained in a previous post why the British did this. Since I had to walk through the cemetery to get to the front door of the church I noticed some of the grave markers. There were two grave markers of a missionary couple from England that spent their whole life preaching the Gospel in India! But I noticed next to their graves was a little grave marker of a four year old girl. This was their daughter who died of malaria while ministering to the people of India! I wrote there names down and then inquired of the elders of the village if anyone knew about them? An old man in the village told me the story his grandfather told him many years ago. This couple had a powerful ministry bringing  hundreds of Hindus and Muslims to Christ! They had been appointed to a three year mission work to India. However after their daughter died there they spent the rest of their lives ministering in India! They decided their daughter’s death would not be in vain! Her sacrifice was not to be wasted! Jesus said, “This do in remembrance of me!” As we take the bread and the cup let us remember he did not let the cup pass from him! A sacrifice was provided to you for your Salvation! Remember him when you are suffering for he has never forgotten you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Witness of the Jews! Isaiah 61:9

  1. And their seed, offspring, family and race will be perceived and known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people, nation and tribes: all that see them shall recognize and acknowledge them, that they are the seed that the Lord has blessed.  Comment: Salvation has come to the earth through the Jew! We need to be reminded of this because if forgotten history has shown us that even the church has been guilty of the persecution of the Jews! Yet congregations are very seldom reminded of this? If we are not taught the whole truth and nothing but the truth then error can enter into the church! The world will never have any problem persecuting the Jews! Did you ever observe that a right theology by the church leads to the persecution of the Jews and the church! Bad theology leads to the church  persecuting the Jews! Jesus a Jew was persecuted by the Jews not because he was a Jew but because he claimed to be God! Would the Messiah not be God? The 1st Century Jews knew the scriptures but they believed their Messiah would be a world political leader who would conquer the Romans and the world! Much like the Anti-Christ will do in the future here on earth! The true Messiah conquers through love! A sacrificial love demonstrated on the Cross! So the Jews ignorantly offered up the sacrifice that would save the world! A Jewish sacrifice offered up by the Jews! Many Jews will turn to Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period in history! The Jewish Anti-Christ will set up his world reign from the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem! The False Prophet will set up his co-reign with the Anti-Christ at Rome! The False Prophet will be the one world religious ruler! My guess is it will be Islam! The Church will have been raptured by then! When the Anti-Christ proclaims he is God the Jews recognize their error! Jesus said many false Christ’s will come! A Jew who hates the Jewish Messiah has been deceived! A Jew who loves the Anti-Christ has been deceived! A Jew or a Gentile who loves the Jewish Messiah has found the truth! Your defense against the false Messiah’s of this world is the Word of God! Read it, hear it and proclaim it! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Ten Lost Tribes Myth! Revelation Chapter 7

This myth is sometimes referred to as the “British Israelism.” This myth is also anti-Semitic because it tries to deny Israel their homeland! Genesis 12:3 was never repealed! So in Revelation Chapter 7, we see 144000 Jews redeemed during the Tribulation period 12 thousand from each of the 12 tribes! Some of these tribes are in Israel today and some are living across Europe the United States and other countries! Many are migrating back to Israel. So the scriptures of your Bible will always expose the lies of the doubters! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Anti-Semitism in Europe

“A Jew cannot be a true patriot! He is something different, like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief–even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for the Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed the prominent Jewish bankers.” Kaiser Wilhelm II, German Emperor, (1859-1941) Comment: Adolf Hitler did not wake up one morning and decided that he hated Jews! The German culture over about 400 years was set up for this! It started with Martin Luther! When his revelation of “Christ Alone”, spread across Germany and Europe he thought the Jews would get on board! They did not! He was angry about this and his resentment went to printed words across Germany! This hatred spread into the following generations! This leads us to another important question! Can a Jew be Anti-Semitic? Absolutely! This seems like another contradiction but true! We know from our Bible that the Anti-Christ will be a Jew! So not only can a Christian be Anti-Semitic but also a Jew! How does this happen! Biblical ignorance leads the way! Remember Jesus our Jewish Messiah was hated by the Jews! So much they had him Crucified! However without the crucifixion there would be no Salvation for men! So the Jews that hated him helped to bring the Salvation of men! The Russian Revolution and the rise of Fascism and Nazism was a political ideology promoted by atheistic Jews such as Charles Darwin, Engels, Marx, Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin and others that set the stage for WWII. So the world has a choice to either follow the Jewish Messiah or an atheistic Jew who opposes the Jewish Messiah! Life really boils down this this choice! Which Jew will you follow? One choice leads to life and one choice leads to death! Salvation of the world has come through the Jews! However being Jewish does not guarantee your Salvation! Only following a Jew named Jesus Christ! We know from the Book of Revelation that many Jews will come to Christ during the seven year Tribulation period of history! Why? Because when the Jewish Anti-Christ sets up his world reign over the world in the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem he will turn on the Jews and set himself up as God ruling from the Jewish Temple! Then they will realize they have been deceived by this false Messiah! Satan is the great deceiver and he started his work in the Garden of Eden! We all need spiritual discernment which is available through your Holy Bible! For those that study his word there are no surprises and deceptions are exposed! Through our Bible we see the love of God to man and why he had to sacrifice himself for our sin! Our Bible was written by Jews! All of these Jews both Old and New Testaments point to our Jewish Messiah! Who do you say he is? Your eternity weighs in the balance! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Christ or Anti-Christ? Daniel 11:36-37

Verse 37: Neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers (Jewish), or the desire of women (Homosexual), not regard any god (Atheist): for he shall magnify himself above all. Comment: In verse 36 it says he will do marvelous things against the God of gods! Marvelous here translates miracles and astonishing things! This prophecy explains the promotion of the gay agenda in America and around the world! As we prepare to meet Christ as believer’s the world is preparing to meet the Anti-Christ! Atheism is also on the rise in America and around the world! Another preparation for the Anti-Christ! The Orthodox Jews have to be very careful here! Daniel was a Jew and trying to warn them! The orthodox Jews are still waiting for the Messiah? Ben Shapiro says we are looking for a world political leader who would be their Jewish Messiah! I have warned him that the one world Jewish political ruler that will appear 7 years before the return of Christ will be the Anti-Christ! This is how the Jews will be tricked into believing this guy is the real deal! Being Jewish they will let him into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Tribulation period! The Othodox Jews would never accept a homosexual however like Hitler it could be hidden from them until he sets himself up in the Temple and at the 3 1/2 year period of the 7 year Tribulation period sets himself up as God! Hitler’s homosexual gender was hidden from the world until his medical records were released in 2009! So which Jew will the world follow? Christ or Anti-Christ! People have and are making their decisions right now! Homosexual and atheistic behavior are Spirits of death! Let us look at the facts: “Studies have found that GLBT youth attempt suicide 3 times (300 percent) more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts! Transgender people have a 30-40 percent higher rate of suicide!” Source: Health Place 2018  Jewish atheists such as Karl Marks and Frederick Engels were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths! Also the Jewish atheist Charles Darwin who Hitler worshipped is also responsible for tens of millions of deaths! Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is built on the premise there is no God! So things must have happened this way? The atheistic abortion practices here in American are responsible for 57.76 million babies being murdered since 1973! Today in America 1.3 million babies are aborted a year or 3562 babies per day! Our choices have good or bad consequences! Christ knows who are his own here in the earth! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If it is he is coming back for you as Savior! If not he is coming back as your judge both the living and the dead! Choose this day who you will serve! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

U.S. Constitution & Trinity!

Our American government is patterned after the Trinity! We have one government yet 3 branches! So is it with God’s Kingdom! We have one God yet 3 person’s! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The reason the Trinity is one is because there is perfect unity between them with no sin! Any human government will never have perfect unity because of the sin of mortals! Our Heavenly Father is the Executive Branch of the Trinity! Jesus is the Judicial Branch as the Supreme Judge! The Holy Spirit is the Legislative Branch as the writer of the Laws (Bible). Remember the Angel’s were divided into 3 branches with 3 different functions! Gabriel the messenger angel. Michael the war angel and Lucifer the Praise angel. Lucifer became Satan and rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven into the earth! Now we have to deal with him here! However God through His Son Jesus Christ has given us the power to defeat him! The work of Satan is to overthrow families and our Constitutional government patterned after the Bible! He uses rebellion and violence! There is a declared war today on the political left to overthrow our form of government and replace it with a Marxist socialist system! An effort to install a one world government with no borders! The one world leader of this one world government will be the Anti-Christ! It will last for 7 years with the return of Christ to earth! If we as Christian’s are going to sit along the side lines and bench ourselves we will lose this war! Remember that old Gospel song? Stand up Stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the Cross! Popular Christianity today is to ignore this war and pretend it does not exist? If we decide not to fight for freedom we will lose this war! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com