Turn Clock Back!

However one hour will not help me that much! Me and Joe Biden need our clocks turned back about 50 years to make any difference! This would be favorable to me for sure but for Joe it might be better if he just stays where he is at today! Just remind him he is not running for the Senate but for President! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

End of Church Age! Psalm 137:6

O’ Jerusalem if I should not remember thee; let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy! Comment: Where was the first church on earth? Jerusalem! The Apostle Peter was the Pastor of the Jerusalem Church! Where will be the last church? Jerusalem with the return of Christ at his second coming and the end of the church age! The church age was established by Jesus to maintain his body of believer’s in the earth until his return. To ignore Jerusalem is to deny your faith! Your faith began there and will consummate there with Christ’s return! Jesus is not returning to America or Utah or China, Russia, UK, or any other nation except Israel! Do you now understand why much of the world wants to destroy her! If you really have the courage to fight for your faith you fight for Jerusalem! The Crusader’s acted on their faith! They did not live in a theology based theory! This is why President Donald Trump moved our U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem! As Gentile Christian’s let us never forget Jerusalem for if we do we are living contrary to our Holy Scriptures! The time clock of prophecy is set in Jerusalem to go off one day soon! We do not look for the next new ministry on the horizon! We do not look for the next denomination that claims they have more revelation than the last one! We look to Christ and his return to Jerusalem Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

War in Space? Revelation 12:7-9

President Trump says that the nations will one day soon wage war from space and in space! He says the nation that controls space will control the earth! Russia and China are ahead of us in space weaponry! If an enemy can destroy our satellites in space then our communications is cut off! No more cell phones, navigation systems, weather radars, GPS, internet and so on! No navigation systems for our ICBM’s! It would turn our clock back 50 years! Our military would be blinded from seeing military movements against us! The war in Heaven began a long time ago! The war between good and evil! Heaven is where it all started! Part of this war is described in Revelation 12:7-9. Lucifer a Praise angel who became Satan rebelled against God and waged war against God in Heaven! Heaven was not a peaceful place at one time in history! Satan lost this battle and with 1/3 of the angels that followed his rebellion were cast down to the earth where this war continues today! The inhabitants of earth are now caught up in this battle! It goes on to say in verse 11 of Chapter 12 that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony! It also says they loved not their lives unto death! God has given us a way to defeat Satan! Through His own Son Jesus Christ! Another great and last battle is coming to earth with Jesus second coming! The tension in the earth today has everything to do with the two sides preparing for this last battle here on earth! Everyone will choose sides! This last battle on earth is called the Battle of Armageddon! If you reject Jesus Christ you will be on the opposing side! God has given me peace in the earth even though in the middle of the conflict! He can do the same for you! God is no respecter of persons! Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Call on Jesus today! After Christ’s defeat of the Anti-Christ there will be a thousand years of peace on earth! Jesus is called the Prince of peace! Start with His love of forgiveness for your sin and then continue in His love! Love for God and then love for others! My prayer is come quickly Lord Jesus! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Judah Territory! Joshua Chapter 15

Is history important? Without it we have no reference for the future and the promises of God given to us! Without history there is no basis for predicting the future. It has been said that the only thing man has learned from history is that he has not learned from history! Each generation repeats the same errors! History therefore repeats itself. If you go to the ancient Biblical maps of the territory occupied by the twelve tribes of Israel you will find many fascinating facts. Here is just a sampler. Our Savior Jesus Christ was born from the Tribe of Judah. Judah was given territory after the conquest of Canaan. If you study this ancient map some very obvious things are there! The Red Sea completely borders Judah territory. So when Moses crossed the Red Sea with the millions of Jews escaping Egypt they entered the future territory of the Tribe of Judah! The birth of Jesus was in Bethlehem which is in Judah! Now this where it gets even more interesting! Our complete atonement at Calvary or Golgotha was located east of the Road to Bethany and Jericho which is just east of the Kidron Valley. The Romans liked to crucify people along major highways so the conquered population would be able to witness executions so they would not get any idea’s about overthrowing them! Another fascinating fact is the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended to Heaven and where He promised to return at His second coming is on the eastern side of the city and in Judean territory! These are places of great historical events in Judah territory! God is consistent like the sunrise and the sunset! You can set your clock by His Prophetic calendar and His promises to you are as sure as history itself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

A King In Zion ! Zechariah 9:9-17

Zechariah predicts a coming King of Zion, the Messiah! It begins with the scene of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Remember Zachariah made this prediction 520 years before it happened! Remember there is no evolution with God! God does not get better with time! He made time and all history revolves around His plans for the redemption of man. His plans are revealed through His Word The Holy Bible. Jesus entry into Jerusalem and the people’s rejection of Him marks the end of Daniel’s 69th week. Briefly Daniel’s 70 weeks is a period of 490 years. This period of time began when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem with the Jews from Babylon after 70 years of captivity. We have a gap of over 1900 years between the 69th and 70th week which is the Church Age. The 70th week will begin with the Rapture of His Church and the 7 year tribulation period and consummated by Christ’s second coming to earth. Zechariah’s prophecy then continues with a discussion of God’s dealing with Israel in the 70th week of Daniel. During the tribulation period Israel will no longer rely on military power but on the Prince of Peace who will exercise worldwide dominion over the entire earth. Conclusion; God stopped the clock so that during the Church Age gentiles would have the opportunity to accept Christ as Savior. This window will not remain open long for long! Why you still have time do not reject Christ but accept Him so you can spend the remainder of your life here and all eternity with Christ and a peace that this world can never deliver to you! When you look back your entire life will boil down to either accept Him or reject Him! Your life here and hereafter spent in Heaven or Hell rests with your choice! Be wise! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Trinity of God’s Grid!

God’s grid includes God’s relationship to us. It also includes our relationship to God. Then the outflow of these first two parts is our relationship with each other! This is sometimes messy but important. The local church is the alternative relationship not found in the world. Our behavior is different which includes love and forgiveness. When you operate under God’s love relationships are maintained. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. In the phrase,”a threefold cord is not quickly broken,” it is clear that Solomon is pointing out the advantages of companionship. Moreover, he presents this illustration to show how God’s mercy provides help to those who depend on Him. Solomon explains further by examples how this concept of companionship is beneficial. He shows that there are definite advantages of working together. He also reveals how terrible the circumstances would be if one had to face adversity alone. Two is better than one! Adam was given Eve! Learn to be a better friend. The alternative society has love and respect for each other. Two can defend each other. A three stranded cord is not easily broken. Notice how God set up His Kingdom with a Trinity! How we treat each other is a witness to Jesus. Do we really love each other? Satan is the great divider! He tries to isolate us all alone in broken relationships. Do we use each other for gain? His Church gives without expecting a return! We can even be isolated and alone in a Church. You can live in a city such as New York with millions of people around you but yet be lonely! Reasons for loneliness; 1. Hurt or betrayed by someone. 2. Too busy to invest in friendships. 3. Mental clock keeps ticking with deadlines to be met. 4. Not wired to be friendly. Bashful or introverted. 5. Do not know how to make a friend. Proverbs 11:– A Gossip ! Good friends keep a secret! However, remember the strength of sin is it’s secrecy! That is why we are to confess our sin and repent. Do not hide things that are illegal. Even in the church culture people are betrayed by using prayer requests as a way to gossip about others. A good friend covers the spots of his friend. Remember our sin is covered by His Blood! You are not a good friend if someone else has to lose in order for you to gain! A good friend will confront you about bad behavior. A friend will not enable another friend for bad behavior. Confront or otherwise both will lose. We are not here to win arguments but have loving relationships. Explain to your friend this is what you did and this is how I feel about it. Do not let sun go down on your wrath! If you are married and not friends you have a problem.In searching for a marriage partner look for a friend! Romance will not last! Good friends stay close to each other even through valley of shadow of death! I found out my real friends after the tragic shooting we had in our church a few years ago. Good friends forgive. Live in community. People are not always like Jesus in the church. Be quick to forgive. Luke 17:3-4. Repent and forgive! Confront or be confronted and forgive. Do not imagine and rehearse confrontational conversations with people who have offended you. Waste of time! Talk to God about problem. Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. message given on Sunday, September 29, 2013.


Sometimes i wish God would have made salvation mandatory instead of optional? You know like paying your taxes is mandatory. I suppose that just like you have tax cheats you would have salvation cheats like Judas! Options are an important part of democratic liberties but when time runs out all options end! Like 2 seconds left on the clock in a football game if you are behind you finish the game in defeat! In a game you have next season but in life we play for keeps! In life the stakes are high and if we do not choose God and His Christ then eternity is a long time to be seperated from them. The options in this life is Heaven or Hell! In Hell you have no otions but in Heaven you still have options. You can choose to stay or you can rebel like Lucifer and join him in Hell! Options are about choices. We choose either good or evil. Choices determine your present future and past. We by our choices are going to serve God or Satan. Choose this day who you are going to serve! This Christmas think about God and His Mercy to give us the right choice in sending His Son Jesus to us! How we can live with love, peace and joy in the midst of a lost and destructive human race! Merry Christmas! James, Hamsa and Anita. GodWhoisGod.com