Organizations without God! Mark 3:5-6

“And when Jesus had looked around about on them with anger, being grieved at the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man. Stretch forth thine hand, And he stretched it out; and his hand was restored whole as the other. And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took council with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.” Commentary: The Herodians were a political organization following King Herod and the Pharisees were a religious organization wishing to restore the Kingdom of David. They were enemies of each other yet when it came to Jesus they got together for the plot to kill him! Enemies become friends in the Kingdom of Darkness to persecute the righteous! Jesus had his own organization here on earth that started with the twelve disciples! Did he have problems with them? Who is going to be the greatest in the Kingdom of God? Me? How about Judas? I will make money off this organization and then betray their leader and just sink it all! If I do not get my way I will go out and shoot some people! Then I will kill myself and get even with you! If I do not get my way I will divorce you! The hell with the children! If my party does not win then I will kill steal and destroy cities across America! I will threaten people in authority to bully them to my way of thinking! Jesus said to forgive your enemies! This was revolutionary thinking to the natural fallen nature of men! Revenge! Get even! Jesus did good on the Sabbath Day! We are to overcome evil with good! Have you ever been opposed for doing good? Like promoting Jesus and the Gospel the good news? If not you have not lived very long on planet earth! It could be a family situation where one member tries to plot against another member trying to recruit other family to their side! Divisions galore! So what is the source of unity? Sacrifice just like Jesus did for you! Not like Satan who sacrifices others for himself but sacrificing self for others! Satan says just join our side and you will win! Sacrifice enough of my enemies and you will have a high political position in hell! Jesus said love your enemies! Jesus asked was the Sabbath made for man or man for the Sabbath? Was the earth created by God for man or was the man for the earth? If man for the earth then you will embrace the Green New Deal! Them you will embrace Darwinism! Every ideology that opposes God! The resources of the earth, oil, gas, water are more important than man himself? To with hold the resources of earth to bring suffering to man? To sacrifice man for my crazy ideology? It is an old story with a bad ending! Jesus said they will persecute you because of me as they did the Prophets! Jesus just kept on doing good before and after the Cross! He is coming back for you! Are you ready to take up your Cross and follow him? James & Hamsa Sasse.

God Removes Racial Prejudice! Acts 10:4, 34

“And when he had looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thy alms are come up as a memorial before God.” Commentary: This Roman Centurion a gentile by the name of Cornelius got a message from God to send for Peter. Cornelius sent forth three of his soldiers to fetch Peter. Peter was also in prayer and received a vision of a sheet let down from heaven with all kinds of unclean animals in it! The Lord told Peter to eat but Peter rejected it because of all the Jewish dietary laws! The Lord responded by saying what I call not unclean is clean! Then in verse 34 Peter replied ; ‘Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” God had to show Peter that he created all things and all people of all races and all genders! So Peter had to be shown his racial prejudice of the gentiles was a sin! Notice however that it was through prayer of both Cornelius and Peter that this error was corrected! If we will look to God our prejudices will be identified and corrected by a loving God! Only God can change the heart of man and no legislation or any government can do this! The change has to be made from the inside out not from the outside in! Only God can do this! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Suffering with God! Revelation 1:9

“I John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom of patience of Jesus Christ, was in the Isle of Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Commentary: Some think since God suffered for us we should not have to suffer for him! Let us look at some of the history of the Apostle John! This is not everything but some highlights of his life! He was the only disciple to die a natural death! He with Peter and James witnessed the Transfiguration! He was one of three witnesses that saw Jesus raise the daughter of Jairus raised from the dead! Jesus sent John and Peter into the city to make preparations for the Passover or Last Supper! He was the disciple Jesus loves as he sat next to him at the Passover meal! He and Peter followed Jesus into the Palace of the High Priest at his arrest! John alone with the women remained at the foot of the Cross at his crucifixion! John took Mary under his care after Jesus death! After Jesus resurrection and ascension John and Peter became the pillars of the church! John suffered under Roman Emperor Domitian along with many Christians! He was boiled in a pot of oil at Rome yet by a miracle survived this! The audiences at the Colosseum who witnessed this miracle converted to Christianity! Since Rome could not kill John they exiled him to the one of three remote Islands at Patmos which was a prison labor camp! There John wrote the Book of Revelation predicting things to come today and into the future! All his persecutions by Satan promoted Christ and his Kingdom! If you suffer for the right things God will promote you! We do not choose persecution it just comes as you follow Jesus! But no human can promote you like God can! Even to eternal life spent in Heaven with your Savior forever! Satan and the world system can only demote you to hell forever! Which promotion do you choose? Eternal life or eternal death? You choose! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Do You Complain to God?

Too many people remind God of their problems instead of reminding their problems of the God they serve! The little shepherd boy David is a good example! Goliath the giant reminded David of his weaponry the spear, sword and defensive armor! David in faith in his God reminded Goliath of the power his God has given him to defeat him! Remind your persecutors of the power Christ has living in you to overcome all the challenges your enemies present to you giving you victory over every false charge Satan your accuser working through people makes against you! Pastor David Jeremiah

Is Caesar our New God?

Government is best when government is least! Thomas Paine, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: I read a publication by Dr. Ben Carson that really hit the nail on the head about our current problems American culture is facing today! He said the biggest problem facing America is about half the population has made government their god! This fatal flaw is full of examples in your Bible and our founder’s of our Constitution designed this precious document to try to prevent a take over by any future government! Our Constitution plainly says our rights do not come from government but from God! Unless their is a spiritual revival in America we will soon be taken over by a foreign power! China is number one in education and America has dropped to 25th ranking! We used to be number one until government controlled schools over decades has degenerated our education system! China will continue to challenge us economically and militarily soon! If America is no good as the political left continues to push who will be left to defend her? Brush up on your Chinese for you may need it soon! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.