Revelation under Control! Matthew 16:20

“Then he (Jesus) ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.” Commentary: After his disciples understood that Jesus was the Messiah it would have been difficult for them not to broadcast it! Why did Jesus do this? Because he understood that the crowds who witnessed his miracles would try to rescue him from the Cross! Then Jesus could not rescue them from hell! After the Cross Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Sadly today some in the church are secret service Christians not sharing the Good News outside of the church into their communities? Once you are “Born Again” you will not be able to hold back his love for others that have never experienced his love! The Holy Spirit will enable you to witness to others about Christ at the right place at the right time! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Revelation is to His Church! Revelation 1:18

“I am he that liveth, and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death.” Commentary: These are the words of Jesus given to the Apostle John. This scripture is in red letters! John is in prison on a slave labor camp on Patmos! A stone quarry! The rock pile! Jesus has given John these revelations to his church! Jesus was telling us he was separated from God in the heart of the earth preaching to the captives between the crucifixion and his resurrection from the dead! He is alive by the quickening of his spirit by his Father! Quickened forever continuing eternally forever! Jesus says he also has the keys to hell of the departed souls separated from God! He also has the keys to death that accompanies their condition and position of separation from me! I can with my keys release you from eternal judgment but you must receive me as Savior in this life now! Jesus is whether in heaven, earth or hell his message is the same! If you will receive the revelation of his Salvation everything else will work out! Then as part of his church revelation will continue to flow to you! All things become new! Old things are passed away! His word en-powers you to do ministry in the earth to reach the lost! His purpose of your life is released in relationship to him! He will give you the power and authority to release the captives that are destined for hell and death! Then you do what Jesus did here while on earth! His purpose is released through his church! Are you involved in the harvest? Are bringing in the sheaves? You are either bringing people to God or you are driving them away! Your life reflects either redemption or judgment! Time is short! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Rapture! Celebration! 2nd Coming! Revelation Chapter 19

The rapture of who from where? The bride of Christ is his church taken from the earth to Heaven! Once his church is taken to Heaven the marriage is complete and the celebration begins! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb! All of heaven rejoices together! The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy! Another prophecy completed! So what is going on down on earth as this celebration is going on in heaven? The 7 year tribulation is going on with God unleashing his judgments upon those who have rejected his Son! Then at the end of the tribulation period Christ returns from heaven with the Saints and the angels to war against Anti-Christ, the false prophet and their followers in the last battle on earth called Armageddon! So the celebration in heaven is concluded with another celebration on earth as the foes of God are defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire! Even the ravens celebrate as they are filled with the flesh of men on earth! Then the one thousand year reign of Christ begins on the earth! This is the basic eschatology as outlined in your Bible about the end times! There are many more details found in your Bible in both the Old and New Testament but I am trying to present the big picture to help us understand the end times! The push today in the 21st Century is to try to get you to deny Christ and His Word! These events may not come to pass in your lifetime however you will receive the promises of the resurrection from the dead and living in Heaven to one day receive the completed church rapture! God’s Word is true whether in heaven or on earth! The only thing that would keep you out of Heaven is to deny His Word as presented in the Holy Scriptures of your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus Second Coming! Matthew 24:40-41

“Then shall two be in the field, the one “be taken”, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall “be taken” the other left.” Comment: What we have here is a description of Jesus second coming to earth. The Greek word, Strong’s #3880 for our English word “be taken”, means to receive oneself to who you are associated with. Remember the rapture of the church has already occurred and the seven year tribulation period has concluded with the second coming of Christ back to earth! The ones left behind that have not been martyred during the tribulation period are kept for Christ and his millennium reign on earth! The ones taken are those reserved for judgment! Pastor Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Church, Dallas Texas

Progressive Revelation! John 1:1

I turned into our church parking lot yesterday morning and God gave me a Revelation preparing me for what the Pastor was going to say! This has happened before at this church over past three years! I had not received the church bulletin yet and had no idea what our Pastor was going to preach on? It is like this church is standing on Holy ground! My Christian progression over this past 70 years has much to do with this Bible I have been carrying around most of my life! When I was a child in Sunday school it was just a bunch of stories like any other story! Then as I grew it just became a book like any other book! Something to read, forget and move on with your life just like any other school book! Then my Bible became to me a list of Books! Sixty six books all in one Book! Then these books became chapters to me! Distinct and unique yet in unity with each other! Then these chapters had paragraphs! These paragraphs had sentences! These sentences had words! Today my Bible has become the Word of God to me! So powerful! One word can part the sea or calm the storm! Can heal the sick or raise the dead! Can pluck the flaming soul out of Hell! Can call angels down from Heaven! Can deliver you out of the lion’s mouth! Can flood the earth but save you by the same water! Can speak to you in an unknown language! Can slay a giant with a small stone! In the beginning was the Word——–. His word is more precious than silver or gold! It is eternal and immortal for Jesus is the one and only expression of God’s word! No wonder they ban this Book from our schools! Our Pastor Cope brought the message to us out of the Book of Revelation Chapter Ten. In this scripture a “Little Book” is mentioned! This angel or evangelist asked the Apostle John to take this little book and eat it! It was sweet as honey when he put it in his mouth but became bitter when it reached his stomach! When we come to Christ there is no sweeter experience found on earth for it is a Heavenly experience! His love and affection shown to us will last for an eternity! Unconditional love and forgiveness! We experience God’s acceptance to us and for us! Then we carry this love to others for we cannot keep this a secret! It would be selfish! Then we discover over time that this world is not in love with God like God is in love with us? In fact the world is at war with God! This is the bitterness John experienced in this Revelation! John they will boil you in oil! They will intern you in a slave labor camp on the Island of Patmos! The world hates God and the only way to get to him is to attack his followers or disciples! We are defamed, persecuted and killed for his name! Like the recent attack on the Sri Lanka Christian’s! This is the sweet bitter of redemption! What puzzles me most is that God still loves them? Stranger than fiction! Two sides to God’s love! Redemption and judgment! You can have one without the other but you cannot have it both ways! The worst sin on earth is to reject the love of God! In fact the Book of Revelation during the seven year tribulation period is all about God venting his anger on those on the earth that have rejected his love! To reject his word and his son is to reject him! The only news you can trust today is in your Bible! We have a political party who call themselves progressives? Progress towards what? Who? Progress towards Heaven or Hell? Your Bible will lead you towards God because he authored it! There is only one way to Heaven! All other roads lead to Hell! Follow the navigation or GPS which God has given you and it will lead you to Heaven! Follow His Word! I was lost but now I am found! God is looking for you! Are you looking for him? What road are you on? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Judgment Begins When? Revelation Chapter 6

Comment: Well you say from first Peter it says judgment begins at the House of God! That judgment is the persecution against the church by the world! That is the judgment by the world against the children of God! The Judgement in Revelation chapter six is the judgment of God against those that have rejected Christ and his church! It is called the Day of the Lord! It is also called the Judgment of Christ! The day of this event something else also happens! We have the Rapture of the Church caught up from the earth and the same day we have the seven seals opened by Christ to judge the earth in rejection of him! This day will mark the beginning of the seven year Tribulation period on earth involving the conflict between Christ and the Anti-Christ,  the False Prophet and their followers! This Tribulation period is concluded with Christ returning to earth at his second coming with the Saints from Heaven! To set up the 1000 year rule and reign sometimes known as the Millennium Kingdom! Notice in verse 16 the wicked of the earth cry out and say who shall escape the wrath of the Lamb? The sacrificial Lamb of our Salvation has returned to earth as a Lion of Judgment with his second coming!  We will also have Jews and Gentiles saved during this tribulation period but they will be martyred for their faith and some are today martyred in the earth! Billions have people in the earth have lived and died but those that trusted Christ have Salvation and are Heaven right now! Those believers in Christ will return to earth following him at his second coming or at the end of the Tribulation period! So we as believers follow Christ while here on earth and in Heaven after we go there and will return to earth with Christ at his second coming!  Who are you following today? Only one of two possibilities! Following Christ or the Anti-Christ? Heaven or Hell? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Salvation in Tribulation!

Book of Revelation. Comment: The good news of the coming seven year Tribulation period is that many Jews and Gentiles will come to Christ during this point in the future! They will be martyred by the Anti-Christ but make Heaven and escape the second death! They will be washed in the Blood of the Lamb and given white robes as a covering! Notice when Christ opens the seven seals of the Book judgment is released upon the earth! Yet those that have accepted Christ in the earth are sealed in his blood and are redeemed! You see the question is not about physical death for we will all pass through this event but the real question is what awaits us on the other side of death? Christ has sealed you from judgment if you are in him! So in your life right now you are either sealed in salvation through Christ or you are unsealed in judgment! Is you name written down in the Book of Life? This truth holds true whether in the Tribulation period or before it right now! God’s truth transcends time! God has not changed but we must change! In fact you do not have the power to change yourself but God does! If we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive your sin! Notice here that the angels were instructed to withhold judgment until the servants of God were marked or sealed in their foreheads! The unbelievers will also take a mark on their foreheads to identify them that belong to Satan! So at this time everyone living on earth will have a mark identifying to whom they belong! Two distinct marks that will reveal who they are! No more hiding in the closet! We as a believer are sealed by Christ right now! Sealed for salvation by his blood! The unbelievers unsealed ripe for judgment! So what would these marks look like? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? The homosexual capital of the world at that time! Interestingly today who is promoting homosexuality? The Anti-Christ will be a homosexual! Satan is promoting this in preparation for the one world government leader! So when the death angel passed over these cities what was the sign that caused the death angel to pass over them and spare the residents of the cities? Remember this is Old Testament! You had to take the blood of a lamb and strike the two side posts and the top post of your front door! This blood was in the form of a Cross! Remember Rahab and the red scarlet cloth hung out her window to escape judgment! The mark on the forehead will be in the shape of a Cross and red color but more important they will have the mind of Christ which is internal and eternal! What will the Mark of the Beast look like? His number shall add up to 666! Six is the number of man! I believe the False Prophet will represent Islam! The Trinity of Islam is Allah, the Quran and Mohammad! Allah is a man made God and the Quran is a man made book and Mohammad is not God but a mortal! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Two Beast’s!

There are two very different beast’s mentioned in the Book of the Revelation! That is there are two different Greek words used in this Book used to translate our same English word “Beast.” Why is this important? Because if you think the four beast’s described around the Throne of God is the same Beast in the” Mark of the Beast” mentioned later in this Book you will not understand the scriptures! This is why I suggest if you want to be a student of the Word and show yourself approved then get yourself a Hebrew-Greek Study Bible! I have several but my latest I got on Ebay for 10 dollars! Used but not a single mark on the book? It sat on a Book shelf or in a storage container for 30 years! It is well marked up now! So how many different Hebrew words in the Old Testament are used to translate our English word “Beast”? There are seven different words from the Hebrew! Let us pick up on the two Greek words used for “Beast” in the Book of Revelation. The first word used in the description of the four beasts worshiping around the Throne of God is Strong’s #2226. This word translates as a living creature created by God and the images are of a lion, calf, man and an eagle. The word for Beast used to describe the “Mark of the Beast” is the Strong’s #2342. This word in the Greek translates as a viper or poisonous snake! So the people during the tribulation when they take the Mark of the Beast on their foreheads will look like they are snake bit! You may know people today who act like they are snake bit? So when your critics who want to challenge your faith ask you how can both of these beast’s be the same for God and Satan you will have an answer! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who is Worthy?

Revelation Chapter Five: Commentary; Good question! I am glad you asked! It seems challenging for most to ask this question and more challenging to get the right answer! God does not give us multiple choice questions! You either know or you do not know! Do not feel bad this question seemed to be challenging in Heaven! The question in Heaven was answered by asking who was not worthy to open the seven seals of the Book to pour out judgment upon the earth! Notice some honorable mentions of those not worthy to open the seals! The Father was not worthy! The Holy Spirit was not worthy! The angels were not worthy! The twenty four elders were not worthy! The four beasts were not worthy! No man in heaven and on earth or under the earth was worthy! No King or priest in the earth was worthy! In our natural state all men on the earth are fit for judgment! All have sinned and come short of the glory of God! So who is our sin against! Our sin is against the Father! Our sin is not against the Son but the Father! Christ sacrificed himself on the Cross to reconcile you to his Father in Heaven! Christ provided a way of escape from your judgment! He took your judgment on the Cross! This is why the Father has rendered all judgment unto the Son! So only Christ in Heaven was worthy to open the Book after taking it out of the Father’s right hand and loose judgment into the earth! Judgment on who? Those that have rejected Christ! If we reject Christ then our sin expands not just against the Father but against the Son! This is an unreconcilable sin! This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and the complete Trinity! You have now gone over the edge with no return! Now we have committed the unpardonable sin! Jesus said of Judas who betrayed Jesus it would have been better if this man had not been born! Why did Jesus say this? Because Judas chose to reject the only one who was going to take his judgment on the Cross! Had he not been born he would not have made a choice for eternal separation from God! However had Judas not betrayed Jesus someone else would have! You or me! This is why evangelism is so important as Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Do not let the popular culture try to conform you into being silent about Jesus! Shout his name from the roof tops! Jesus will either be your Savior or your Judge! James and Hamsa Sasse.