Pay Day! Revelation 22:12

“And behold, I come quickly, and my reward or wages is with me, to give every man according as his work or performance shall be.” Comment: Jesus is returning to earth with rewards for the Saints! Will all get the same rewards? No! Jesus said according to your works! Faith without works is dead! Wait Pastor? I thought we are not saved by our works? This is correct! Not by our own works but by the work of God on the Cross! After we are saved by the work of Christ on the Cross we carry on the works of Christ in the earth! The effectiveness of our works in Christ is a measurement of our rewards received when Christ returns! Remember the parable of the talents? One servant was given five talents and he made ten talents out of it! Another servant was given two talents and he doubled it! The last servant went and buried his one talent and was rebuked and cast into outer darkness! The rebellious servant had no faith to multiply what God had given him! Fear controlled his life! Did not want to risk anything for God! Those that multiplied their talents were commended by God! God has given each of us talents! Some more and some less! If you are faithful in small things I will make you ruler over much! If we disrespect God we bury our talents! If we respect God and the talents he has given us we multiply them to build his Kingdom here on earth! God promotes based on what you did with what he has given you! The little boy gave Jesus all he had! The two fish and five loaves of bread! Jesus multiplied that and fed five thousand! If you will not even give God ten percent of your income can you expect any multiplication? The work that is not burned up in the fire is the work that continues on after you leave the earth! Only the work that started in Christ will continue in Christ! Your good work will follow you! The joy of heaven will be meeting people who have preceded you to heaven and were part of what you began on earth for Christ! Also to meet later those that followed you to heaven that were part of what you began on earth! We are not in competition with each other but just responsible for what God has given us! The world says God helps those who help themselves? God says I help those who help others! Christ saved me and I want others saved! Be part of that! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Light & Darkness!

The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and secure was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.  Adolf Hitler   Comment: Like many today Hitler rejected Christ and embraced Darwin! He rejected the light and ushered in one of the darkest days for Europe and the world with WWII of the 20th Century amassing about 60 million casualties! His atheism was founded in Charles Darwin! He believed in the survival of the fittest! You need racism and war to prove you are the fittest! He believed he could speed up evolution by millions of years by getting rid of the undesirables! Darwinism also swept across America as it is taught as a pseudo science in our Public Schools! The political divide in America is a divide between creationists and evolutionists! All the leaders of the Axis Powers of WWII were Darwinists! The increasing persecution of Jews and Christians here in America by the political left reminds us that the lessons of history are easily forgotten by the next generations! Christ is the light of the world and when you push him out of any culture the vacuum is filled with darkness and death! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Sin & Anger!

One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to take it seriously one must already be mad.  Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) English Occultist & Ceremonial Magician.  Comment: The world is mad at God! Mad at his Word and his Christ! To acknowledge God is to confess your sin! To try to avoid repentance and redemption one must build a religious system that opposes Christ! Satan in opposition to God creates in the minds of men ideologies in opposition to Christ! You can easily reject God by picking your own poison! It could be Darwinism (Atheism), Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Secularism, Humanism or any other idol to replace God! The problem is after you take your poison at the end of the day you still have your sin staring you in your face! Nothing will rob your joy more than sin! Reconciliation to God for your sin brings joy back to your soul that is beyond measure! Then you are no longer mad at God but mad at Satan the author of sin and the cause of death in this world! After Christ has returned the treasures back to you stolen by Satan then you raise up disciples to follow Christ rather than driving them away from God! Jesus said we must be born again! Have you had this new birth where old things are passed away and all things become new? James and Hamsa Sasse.


I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. Mahatma Gandhi   Comment: His argument misses an important point! I have met Christians I do not like. Some Christians do not like me. However no Christian saved me and I cannot save anyone! Jesus is God Mahatma and I are humans in need of redemption! The sin of one saved sinner does not disqualify him for redemption but qualifies him for redemption! Christ died and rose from the dead for all sinners! There will be billions of Christians in Heaven! They did not get there based on their own merit! They got there based on the merits of Christ! If we base our decision on Christ upon the imperfections of saved sinners your excuse will never justify your own sin! Only Christ can do that! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Right Image!

Revelation 22:14  Greek Translation: “Blessed possessing the character of God with the state of their behavior in Christ to do endowed with the quality of Christ with his Commandments enjoined together doing his mighty works with the authority of the Commander that they may have the right with power and authority to take action to the Tree of Life in the spirit and the soul and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Comment: In 21st Century America the word blessed has a different meaning! Sadly even in the church! It means to amass silver, gold, land, stocks, bonds, bank accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts and tip the church with a few pennies! Why did Jesus tell the rich man to sell all he had and give to the poor? Because his wealth had him! His wealth owned him! Why did Jesus say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven? If not careful one day the wealth will own you! The Blessed state is to have the character of God! To do God’s Commandments is to be joined with him in agreement! Disagreement with God is sin! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! We do the mighty work of God yielded to the authority of the Commander! We do not do our own thing! God will never put you in authority unless you are under authority! Are you submitted to your Pastor? He is not perfect and neither are you and me! If you have ever served in the military you will understand this better! Satan did not want to submit to the authority of God so he is building his own Kingdom where he and his followers will end up in Hell! When we partake of the Tree of Life we become like Christ! The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil our ancestors partook of lead to sin and death! We can only enter the City of God through the Gates is by reflecting the Image of God! God has a truth detector! It is his “Word.” If you do not know his word you are flying blind! None of our stuff will qualify us for Heaven! It will all be left behind! Is God your beginning and end? Your Alpha and Omega? In verse 14 the Monk’s Centuries ago when they translated this verse from Greek to Latin it was translated like this; “Blessed are those who’s robes are washed in the Blood.” Jesus blood has conquered death, hell and the grave for you! His blood has cleansed our sin stained blood! As my body continues to perish here on earth I think about the promises Christ has made to me as I trust him with my life! He makes the here and now exciting as I await Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fast Forward Redemption!

2 Peter 3:13 “Nevertheless we, according to his promise look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” Comment: The Apostle Peter is looking forward to the day when the old earth and the old heaven is passed away consumed by fire! Global warming consummation! Just like the old heaven and earth were created by God so the new! Right now you may be consumed with the here and now however that will change because God wants to change you for the new place! You could put criminals in the new heaven but would no longer be heaven! God is preparing his people for his place! Even the old heaven was tarnished by sin! War started in heaven! Lucifer and one third of the angels rebelled against God and were cast down to the earth! So then war began on earth! When the old heaven and the old earth are consumed with fire Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with his followers! Only Christ can prepare us for this new place! How? By transforming us into his image while living in the old earth! The old man has to go! The new man has to come! Jesus said we must be born again! A new birth for the old man for the new place! A worm turned into a butterfly! The image of God reborn into your soul by the blood of the lamb! A sacrifice is required! Then to see the world through the eyes of God! I shared with you some time ago about C.S. Lewis who was an atheist and then got born again! He made an important observation about his conversion! He asked himself why should I think about right and wrong? Why should it matter to me? If I do wrong right stares me in the face! If I do right wrong stares me in the face? If I do right why does wrong remind me of my previous sins? Lewis concluded that right and wrong cannot be an issue to me unless there is someone outside of me greater than me bringing this consciousness before me everyday of my life! The God of righteousness will remind us of our image from him of being good and holy! Satan author of sin and death will try to remind us of our past sins to condemn us! Our soul cannot be fixed by ourselves but requires a power outside of ourselves! The God who made us knows how to fix us! To reject God and his Christ is a vain effort to fix ourselves! Christ defeated Satan for you but you will never defeat him by yourself! Self wars against God! Try to rewind your life without Christ you will only see death! Fast forward your life with Christ and you will be a resident in the new heaven and the new earth! Guilt does not come from God! Satan will always try to hold you hostage to your past! God has ransomed your life with the penalty of death on himself for your sin and has released from the prison of guilt and Satan the jailer of guilt! Redemption is from God and guilt and death from Satan! God reminds us of our future and Satan our past! Remind Satan of his future and of your forgiven past by the blood of the Lamb! James and Hamsa Sasse.

More Monkey Buisness!

There is no God and there is no soul. Hence, there is no need for the prop of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable truth is dead and buried. There is no need for fixed and natural law or permanent moral absolutes. Schools should take an active part in directing social changes, and share in the construction of a new social order. John Dewey (1859-1952), Founder of Progressive Movement in American Public Education. Comment: Public education is not about learning skills like reading, writing and arithmetic! America education has fallen in rank to 16th worldwide! There are some third world countries than do better in ranking! Public education is about social engineering of your children into the Godless religion of Darwinism! Dewey is the product of Darwinism himself! Notice he was born the same year Darwinism began to be taught in Public education! Today 20 percent of high school graduates cannot read! The sexual identity may be questioned of your children by the social engineers of your children in public schools! Then you as a parent may be ordered to give them hormone treatments! So what is the solution! At your level could be home schooling or private schools? Vote conservatives into office in your community and nationally to privatize education with choices! Choices bring competition and the bad schools will fail! As long as you the taxpayer lets the government mandate where your child can go to school bondage will secure their future! School vouchers are another avenue! The only choice right now are charter schools! But the Democrats have been trying to kill this program! They are the best performing schools! Elizabeth Warren wants to eliminate them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Evolution in your Bible?

Romans 1:20 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuses.” Comment: Evolution is not in your Bible! You can try all the schemes to get it there like the gap theory but not Biblical! If you confess evolution and Christ you have divided yourself from God! You got your evolution ideology from another source! Like the Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution! You are banking your future on a theory! The Apostle Paul here in this scripture says we would be without excuse! The only way my sin could be judged with no redemption is to reject the Godhead! Reject the Trinity! The Trinity is responsible for creation and redemption! You cannot have it both ways! Either God is a liar or Darwin is a liar! Either your evolution teacher is a liar or God is a liar! Jesus is the truth? Why? He is God in the flesh! He did not evolve! He has existed forever before the creation of the world! Jesus will judge the world! Jesus witnessed and was active in Creation! Jesus will be active and will witness either your judgment or redemption! Which way it is for you he will be active in! You can follow Darwin to judgment or Christ to redemption! Two roads that lead to very different places! One road to heaven and one road to hell! Why not travel the road less traveled? Do not follow the road most traveled where the masses of humanity follow the road to the abyss rejecting the Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse.