Fear Not! 1 John 4:18

“There is no [fear] in love, but [perfect] love casteth out fear; because fear hath [torment]. He that [feareth] is not [made perfect] in love.” Commentary: Five Greek words are bracketed above. Two different words used for fear! The first word “fear” means a Godly fear or reverence! His love removes fear and only a desire to worship him! True love comes when you discover how much he loves you! What is perfect love? This is attaining your moral end or purpose in Christ! The word torment is not just a temporary punishment but an eternal one! It is a punishment for violating God’s laws! It is called sin! Sin produces the torment! Like Judas betraying Jesus! Hanging himself! There is no redemption in this torment! It is like a ticking time bomb in the soul of those that Christ! Anger is the fruit of this spirit! This produces no betterment in the soul. The next word feareth is a terrifying fear that causes one to flee or run away! No peace only running to and fro with no cure! Many people are running from God with the guilt of their sin! The last word “made perfect” we have discussed before. The love of Christ perfects the love of God in us to return that love to God and man! Our desire and mission is to accept his mission to save men! Take the Gospel to the ends of the earth! We want to share our experiences of the love of God with others. So why would some reject this love? Why would they reject their only Savior? People try to establish their own righteousness! They want to be God! Replace him! Pride before the fall! Self righteous! Like Lucifer is doing! Lucifer who became Satan! Make God in their own image! To try to establish their purpose outside the purpose of God! Producing a hell on earth rather than heaven! I will never forget the cartoon I saw in a newspaper years ago. It was a picture of a caveman with a club over his shoulder walking down a road from a mountain into a valley. The caption he spoke was I fear no evil as I walk through the shadow of the shadow of death because I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley! This is a good example of a man trying to be like God without God! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Fear Not! Luke 1:30

Greek Translation: “And the angel Gabriel said unto her, Fear not do not be terrified, Mary for though you have found seeking it or not favor granted to you by grace alone.” Comment: Mary you did not earn this! You were not even seeking this favor! I decided to give it to you not based on merit! You do not deserve my favor! We lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado from 2012-2016. Just up in the mountains west of the Springs is a small mountain community by the name of Woodland Park. In the midst of this small insignificant community is a great ministry founded by Andrew Wommack! He is about my age that is old! New ministry facilities have been built in this community! We would go up to these ministry facilities for worship! When I walked into these beautiful buildings the word “Grace”, came to my mind! Even if I lived a thousand years I would not earn enough money to pay for this Bible College! The Lord asked me do you want to be a part of something you could never do on your own? That is grace! Here is a key thought about God’s grace! The grace he gives you is always for others! Mary benefited the world through the birth of Jesus! The question is really can God trust you with his grace? Judas proved he could not be trusted! God is trusting you with his grace! If you are faithful in small things you will be faithful in much! Jesus on the Cross asked the Father why have you forsaken me? Nevertheless not my will but your will be done! On my death bed I was trusting Jesus for heaven like the thief on the Cross! After the miraculous healing God had to trust me with the new life he had given me! Could he trust me with a miracle? What was I going to do with it? Live like the devil? Can you be trusted with what God has given you or do you claim it as your own? You are bought with a price! For 20 years Andrew went to work everyday in his low power radio station in the Springs! God saw he could be trusted with small things! If you trust God he will trust you! God had to trust Jesus with Joseph and Mary! Mary could have turned the child over to King Herod for abortion or she could have fled to Egypt to protect Jesus. Mary was trustworthy even at the Cross when most of the disciples fled into hiding! Later the disciples proved themselves trustworthy even unto martyrdom! Can God trust you with his gifts? Can God trust me with the ministry he has given me? In spite of the persecution, mockery and all that comes against us we must be faithful! The ten Nigerian Christian’s that were beheaded this week proved themselves faithful to the end! How about you? James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Fear or Faith? Isaiah 51:12

Hebrew Translation: “Even I, am he that has compassion on you. I have repented that I have made man and have changed my heart and attitude to console you. You can take a deep breath of relief. Why should you fear man when you have reverence for me? Man’s weakness of the flesh shall lead to his death. His descendants are made as the grass that will perish.” Comment: The fear of man is what leads to all wars! The fear of death is what leads men to cause the death of others! Religions are formed out of the fear of death! Islam is a prime example! Martyrdom they believe is their only way to God? So suicide is their means to salvation! Faith is just the opposite of fear! God has made the way for our salvation not by any effort of mortal men! The God/Man Christ God’s only Son provided the sacrifice for our redemption! It is not attained by my own efforts but by God’s grace! So my future is not dependent on me but on what God has already done for me! If we will rest in this promise peace will follow! Jesus has promised to those that trust in him he will raise from the dead! Not to cause death but to deliver us from it! Sin is our real enemy with death it’s consequence! To defeat our last enemy death is what God has done for us! If you cannot get excited about this truth then nothing will excite you! When Christ delivered me from my death bed 45 years ago I have a passion for him that no fire can put out! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Reproach of Men! Isaiah 51:7

“Listen unto me carefully that you understand to discern and know righteousness. For my people are those who know my heart and inner soul of my law. Fear not the shameful displeasure of men neither be broken or despaired of their sinful rebuke.” Comment: The true commentary is we all initially opposed God! Those that have repented understand His righteousness because they understand His forgiveness! Once you understand you have sinned against God you understand His righteousness! Your night brings His light into your life! Those that live in and promote evil do not understand their error and God’s standard! God’s standard is described in your Bible but those that reject His Word reject God Himself! As described in Isaiah sinners will try to shame you and rebuke you for taking the God standard! They will sue you and drag you into court as they did with the Colorado family who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple! Since Jesus is not around to spit in His face, mock Him, plant a crown of thorns on Him, whip Him bloody and nail Him to a Cross they only have you His follower to persecute! Remember on the Cross Jesus asked His Father to forgive them for they know not what they do! Why could not Jesus have forgiven them? Jesus had not yet completed His redemptive work on the Cross! After Jesus death and resurrection the way was open for His persecutors to repent! It would not be smart to reject the only God who can forgive you your sin! I can suffer the reproach of men but I could never survive the reproach of God on Judgment Day unless my Judge was my Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Messianic Prophecy! 700 B.C.

Isaiah 50: 6-11 Comment: Isaiah begins in Chapter 50 asking the Jews why should they be surprised that they are in Babylonian captivity? You dug your own grave! The Lord told them they sold themselves into captivity through your own sin! Your mother is put away and you can never pay your creditors! The answer to their yoke of slavery is through a coming deliverer that has the tongue of the learned! This deliverer has given his back to the whip! His beard is plucked out! He has set his face like a flint to his task! He shall not be ashamed! No one will be able to condemn you although you deserve death! Is there anyone who will fear this deliverer? Walk in His light! He will show you the way of righteousness which by yourselves are not able to achieve! If you trust in the work of your own hands you will lie down in sorrow! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Pride & Shame Proverbs 11:2

Hebrew translation: “When pride with it’s haughtiness, arrogance, rebelliousness, presumptive will taking authority from God in disobedience then shame comes: but with the lowly is wisdom in knowledge, intelligence, insight and judgment from God as your source.” Comment: The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom! My Bible also says the fool says in his heart there is no God! The belief spectrum ranges from there is no God to there are millions of gods! Pride will always be the first cause of sin! Whether in the Garden of Eden or today in the 21st century pride is the root cause of evil. Remember Jesus humbled Himself even to death on the Cross! The international problems of today are the family problems of today! Pride is simply you making yourself God! You trust in yourself rather than God! How many billions of people get up every morning trying to outsource God? Trying to rob God of His sovereignty? Many say if I were God I would do things this way? But you are not God and neither am I. Let God do His job and you do your job! I learned this in the military! If every member does his or her job and does not try to do someone else’s job victory comes in battle! God owns the whole universe of heaven and earth! We belong to Him! One of God’s job’s was to fix our pride and sin! He made a way through His Son Jesus Christ! Accept His pardon and live for Him! Prayer is the best way to let God do His job! We pray and do our job and leave the results to God! This is living by faith! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Hall of Faith! Hebrews Chapter 11

Can you place your name in with those in the Hall of Faith as listed in Hebrews Chapter 11? How do you get there? So what is Faith? Faith is a relationship with God that causes one to be persuaded to trust and believe in the confidence of Divine Truth that produces good works! Faith in a false god will produce destructive works! Islam is probably our best example but atheism with Darwinism ranks right up there with Islam! A Faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ leads to the miracles described in Chapter 11. Faith in Christ makes one confident and free from guilt, doubt and fear! Faith in a false god leads to guilt, fear and death! You have to trust in the one greater than yourself! You cannot save yourself! To trust in yourself is sin! God and His Christ is the gold standard for Faith because there is no sin in them and they have power over death, hell and the grave! A Faith in a false god will send people to the grave! A Faith in the true God will raise people from the grave! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com