This Explains Florida School Massacre!

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is a Muslim and Democrat who is reluctant to jail youth! Go to YouTube and type this in the search box; This is about a 10 minute video which will explain his ideology that put our children at risk in our schools! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Lent Season 2 Corinthians 5:17

Greek Translation; “Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new quality never before accomplished and a fully restored man that God has created. Old things are passed away and all things have become new.” Comment: What things are passed away? Our sin has passed away! It passed away on a Cross over two thousand years ago! Sin died on the Cross with Jesus! It was nailed on a Cross never to rise again! Sin is defeated forever! Man was raised from the dead without sin! A new creature uninfected by sin! Born again! A restoration that has nothing to do with men but everything to do with God! The only sacrifice that is perfect and everlasting! Man’s efforts have failed but God’s work won the day! A victory that is not seasonal with every new game but eternal! No rivals! It is not a victory that is waiting for the next war but has defeated all foes past and future! A trophy that will not rust with time but the timeless redemption of all ages! Heaven and earth will pass away but not our Christ! He will create a new Heaven and a new earth to go along with your new life! Awaken to your new reality that had been hidden in time! Do you want to trade in your old model for the new model or do you want to hang unto death? Do you want to exchange your sin for righteousness before God? Righteousness that He purchased for you! Do you want to be wrong with men and right with God? Free at last! You cannot have it both ways! Heaven or Hell not Heaven and Hell. As we enter into the Lent season think on these thoughts! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Medal of Honor! Vietnam 1968

“I wear this medal for my fellow American’s who died along side of me in this combat engagement! It was easy to earn this medal however to wear this medal for them, the one’s that sacrificed their lives to defend me and my unit is the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life!” Staff Sergeant Drew Dixon, U.S. Army, Chau Doc Province, South Vietnam, January 1968

Democratic Party Leader Descriptions!

Black sheep, queers, guys, orientals, wild Indians, girls, policemen, manholes, chairmen, handicapped, man projects, menkind(Kind of like men but not sure), Womenkind(kind of like women but not sure), retards, gifted children, race baiters, uneducated, cultureless, oldies, blondes, white liers, flippy, Jew downs and black listed! Comment: Just thought I would use my free speech guaranteed by my United States Constitution! The more words the left tries to ban the more I will use because no one will ever shut down my free speech or take my gun away! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Love & Success!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) Comment: I have found in life that when you find your highest purpose in life to love God and man you can do anything else and you will be happy! The joy of the Lord is our strength! Our purpose is not dependent on circumstances but takes joy in serving others reflecting the image of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning to Churches & Synagogues!

If all schools across America arm their staff and provide more security guards then the soft targets will be reduced! Then the only soft targets left are churches, synagogues, entertainment venues and shopping malls! Suggest you increase security in your Halls of Faith to protect your people! America is becoming the wild west again and we must dress accordingly! Do not allow people with backpacks into your congregations! Have the screening done before they enter your building! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Guns Are Not The Problem!

Really? I was raised on a farm in Nebraska 50 years ago where weapons were owned by every farmer to protect their livestock from coyotes wolves and other predators! I learned to shoot a weapon and hunt when I was 10 years old! After moving to Colorado in the 1960’s I purchased my first rifle for hunting when I was 16 years old! Then we never had any school shootings! None across the United States! I remember one student got expelled from school for a week from smoking a cigar on school grounds! So 50 years ago millions of weapons were available to residents of America just as they are today! So something else has changed? Policemen were not murdered everyday on the streets of America like today? Remember policemen are armed with weapons and they are still murdered everyday on the streets of America trying to enforce the law! So what has changed? Something internally has changed in the American culture? I believe there a many reasons! The breakdown of the American family is a big one! No father in the home to guide the children! A casting off of religious values removing the 10 Commandments from our schools and removing prayer out of our schools! The effort to sanitize our culture from any symbols of God in the market place! If God is taken out of our schools then the vacuum is filled with guns! As our nation abandons Christian values anarchy fills the void! If policemen cannot defend themselves carrying weapons who are you? The changes that have to be made have nothing to do with guns! They have everything to do with returning America to the Christian God Jesus Christ and if this is done then America will truly be great again! James and Hamsa Sasse.