Price Too High?

Matthew 19:29-30 Jesus words: “and everyone that has forsaken homes, or brethren, or sister, or father or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. But many that are first shall be last, and many last shall be first.” Commentary: These are hard words! Jesus was really saying love me more than anything else! Not to abandon your responsibilities but put me first! Let your love for me be first as my love for you is first! Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all he had and give to the poor and then follow me! Too much stuff will distract you from God! When you follow Jesus some people will abandon you! Yes even family and friends! Count the cost! The Apostle Paul who wrote about two thirds of our New Testament at the end of his life found himself languishing in the dungeon of a Roman prison! Many of his friends even in the ministry abandoned him! What did Jesus say? I will never leave you not forsake you! Only he can raise you from the dead! Only he can save your soul from judgment! He created you! He redeemed you! He will deliver you from death and the final judgment because he took your judgment upon a cruel Cross! Jesus `paid the highest price one can pay for your freedom! His love is greater than we can imagine and requires from us the same love he has for us! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Transubstantiation! Matthew 26:29

Perhaps you will say, I see something else, how is it that you assert that I receive the Body of Christ?…Let us prove that this is not what nature made, but what the blessing consecrated, and the power of blessing is greater than that of nature, because by blessing nature itself is changed… For that sacrament which you receive is made what it is by the Word of Christ. But if the Word of Elijah had such power as to bring down fire from Heaven, shall not the Word of Christ have power to change the nature of the elements?… Why do you seek the order of nature is the Body of Christ, seeing that the Lord Jesus Himself was born of a virgin, not according to nature? It is the true Flesh of Christ which was crucified and buried, this is seen truly the Sacrament of His Body. Before the blessing of the heavenly words another nature is spoken of, after the consecration the Body is signified. He Himself speaks of His Blood. Before the consecration it has another name, after it is called Blood. And you say Amen, that is, it is true. Let the heart within confess what the mouth utters, let the soul feel what the voice speaks. Saint Abrose of Milan (340-397 A.D.) Comment: This doctrine has been a Catholic doctrine for hundreds of years! We have to look at two words used in verse 29. The word kingdom in the Greek can include both Heaven and earth! That is it can mean God’s rule over the earth and His rule over the Spiritual eternal Kingdom in Heaven! Remember part of the Lord’s prayer is on earth as it is in Heaven! The other word used in this verse is the word new! The word means qualitatively new! That is the old man has become a new man! The Old Testament has a new quality! It has become the New Testament! The old Heaven has a new quality! It has become the new Heaven! The old earth has a new quality! It has become a new earth! Everything changed at the Cross! A change took place in me when I came to the Cross! The changes are still taking place in me some 45 years later! It is a continual work! A daily reformation! Are we going to take Communion in Heaven? How about at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? Some say well we will not because we will be with Jesus! Is Jesus not with you right now? Jesus said this do in remembrance of me! Do we need to remember what He has done for us in Heaven? When I take Communion here on earth what do I remember? I remember how bad I am and how good God is! I remember the price He paid for my sin! I remember I deserved death and He gave me life! I remember how hopeless and lost I was and He rescued me! Will I forget these things in Heaven? No way my friend! You see His love for me changed everything! His love for me caused me to love others! If I am that valuable then others must to valuable too! My same motivation to worship Him on earth will be the same motivation in Heaven! Ever Communion Service renews my relationship to Him! It is like being born again again! Paul warned us not to crucify Him again! We are to examine ourselves before Communion! Paul meant we are not to continue sinning after Communion! Whether the elements of the Communion are the actual Blood and Body of Jesus is not the issue with me! We can reject Christ even while taking Communion! Our heart can be somewhere else! Away from Him! So how can we test any Theology? Does the Theology move us closer to Christ or farther away from Him? If Communion causes me to feel free to sin because my slate will be clean at the next Communion Service then we have a license to sin! Does your love for Christ want you to please God and forsake your sin? Why did Lucifer rebel against God? Lucifer a created being like us that was the Praise Leader of Heaven and forsook his position and was cast out of Heaven with 1/3 of the Angels who became Satan? Lucifer looked at his job as a position only not in relationship to God! It was just a job and love was absent from his relationship to God! So self moved on the throne of his heart and rebellion followed! We attended a large church in Colorado Springs for 3 years. Pastor Brady Boyd had the congregation take Communion every week! This was a lot of work for there were about 5 thousand members! So what did this do for me? It brought to my remembrance more often what Christ had done for me and what He is doing for me today! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Promise Made 700 Years Before Birth of Christ!

Isaiah 1:27 Zion shall be redeemed by the price I will pay! Your ownership will transfer back to me! Her converts will turn back to me and depart from evil. Righteous will be the evidence that they have a restored relationship with me and with men! (Hebrew Translation)

Abortion Child Sacrifice! Leviticus 18:21

Planned Parenthood? What a sweet name for an abortion mill! It is kind of like calling Hitler and the Nazi’s a Jewish orphanage! With 60 million children sacrificed since the Roe versus Wade 1973 Supreme Court decision why do Christians let this go on? This is the biggest contradiction of our Faith in my lifetime. When the Supreme Court ruled in 1859 that African Americans were personal property of slave owners Christians rose up in America and elected Lincoln as President and went into a civil war! I believe Christians today have lost their will to resist evil! Pastor’s in America today with the exception of very few ignore this atrocity and continue with their popular cultural Gospel not to offend our government and lose their 501c exemption! Abortion is about money and should the Gospel be the same? Jesus said something about the love of money is the root of all evil! To stop the tax payer funded Planned Parenthood is going to cost Christians in America a sacrifice! It will require the shutting down of our government because Obama will veto any measure to defund Planned Parenthood! Contact your senators and congressmen and request they let the government shutdown if required to defund this organization! If your Pastor has the mute button on about this issue find a Pastor who is unmuted by our government! A price is always required by Christians to resist evil just like our Savior on the Cross! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Thirty Pieces of Silver by William Blain

“Thirty Pieces of Silver” Burns on the traitor’s brain; “Thirty Pieces of Silver! Oh’ It is hellish gain!” Comment; Our future is not for sale! The price has been paid! Thirty Pieces of Silver the price of a slave! No longer a slave to sin! Free at last! James and Hamsa Sasse.

State Of The Ruin The Union Speech!

What can we expect? More of the same! Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! Blame, Blame, Blame. No responsibility taken for anything. Lies, deception and unfaithfulness to American’s. Betrayal! Foreign Policy and Domestic Policy detrimental to American’s. He also wants to be a hero to the Muslim World? We as American’s will pay a big price for this one! The great divider is busy! How can I end on a positive note? Trust God! Every foundation that we have learned to trust here in America is coming down! If we trust any foundation other than Christ in these last days fear and terror will move into your soul! James Sasse.

Buy One Get Everything Free!

This is better than buying one and getting one free! If you were the only person on earth God still would have purchased your Sin on the Cross by His Blood to set you free! Christ has given you freedom from Sin, guilt, condemnation, worry, stress, insecurity, fear, doubts, regrets, uncertainty, poverty, regrets, sickness and bondage! Christ has made you free to live in Holiness, peace, joy, love, security, assurance, blessing, richness, health, and freedom! The cost of our freedom came at a great cost to Christ on the Cross! His yoke is easy and His burden is light! Source; Pastor Charles, Bangalore India.