Science & Faith! Hebrews 11:3

Commentary & Scripture: Science concludes not political science (Covid & Evolution), but true science that matter and energy that comprise our universe cannot be eternal! So the cause of our universe has to be outside of ourselves! It has to be created from a supernatural source. Einstein concluded that time is not constant but is affected by movement or motion and gravitational forces. Time also stops at the speed of light! A jet flying through time zones gives a sample of this! God at creation said let there be light! Time for us began here on earth at creation! Time with the motion of our earth and planets and gravitational forces set our clock for us but God exists outside of time! However God entered into time at the virgin birth! At the Cross and the resurrection from the dead! God does not have a birthday or a funeral! Jesus existed before creation as part of the Trinity and was active in creation! True science always supports the scriptures and the scriptures confirm true science! With these things in your mind please observe Hebrews 11:3 “Through faith we understand, that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Conclusion: Evolution is a big lie! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Science & Faith!

We have members in our church that own a trucking company. All applicates for employment must take a lie detector test. Some of the questions are such as : Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? One of the most interesting questions was do you believe there is a God? Most of the applicants said yes and the lie detector confirmed they were telling the truth! However occasionally one applicant would say no! Every time an applicant said no the lie detector would scream that they were lying! Even an atheist is lying when he says there is no God! We have an internal and external witness within us that tells us God exists! God’s creation within us and all around us with the sun, moon, stars, oceans, rivers, mountains, forests, plains, confirms his existence! Our denial only confirms that we are not truthful and his confirmation of our existence is proven by science itself! We have an internal witness and an external witness that we cannot deny if we are honest! Pastor Adrian Rogers, Love Worth Finding.

When Your Faith Becomes a Religion!

The zealous Darwinist himself is testimony to the power Darwinism can have in a person’s life! It is the beloved creation story of the new atheist! And when Christians embrace Darwinism, Darwin typically becomes a rival to Christ: Doubt about his no-design mechanism becomes bad faith, if not heresy. Such a powerful idea as demonstrated by its adherents-must certainly have had an effect on the Nazis. Source: Uncommon Descent, Serving The Intelligent Design Community, December 6, 2020 Comment: So how do 60 million Christians become Nazis in Germany? When the church becomes a pawn in the hands of wicked political men! The Pastors that opposed Hitler were executed! How do 39 percent of Protestants and 45 percent of Catholics vote Democrat here in America! Like in Nazi Germany when your new god is Charles Darwin! When the Pastors across America are muted about this danger by crooked political favors of money through the 501c Tax Exemption! The American Christians are like the frog in the pan of cool water and then the heat is gradually turned on until he is cooked! America cannot be exempt from Darwin when every nation that tried him failed! Replace Christ with any ideology and death comes to any nation! The plague is not our greatest threat to our Democracy it is where the gods of this world replace Christ! Religion becomes a god when any god replaces Christ in any culture! James & Hamsa Sasse,

Faith or Suicide?

Suicide may also be regarded as an experiment–a question which man puts to Nature, trying to force her to answer. The question is this: What change will death produce in a man’s existence and in his existence and into his insight into the nature of things? It is a clumsy experiment to make; for it involves the destruction of the very consciousness which puts the question and awaits the answer! Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Commentary: Suicide awaits those who trust in themselves! You trust in yourself when you make yourself God! Adolf Hitler was a good example! His god was Charles Darwin as was the other Axis Power leaders! Darwin’s Theory of Evolution failed him so suicide was the only answer! Judas Iscariot trusted in money! When the money failed him suicide was his only answer! Death! Without faith it is impossible to please God! Some men try to please God and others themselves! In Christ resides life and the light of men! Faith in Christ brings his light into your life! Faith in the world brings death! Follow the science? Science leads us to the graveyard! Jesus has promised to raise us from the dead! The creator of science has power over science! Where is your faith today? Misplaced trust is deadly! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Faith or Sight?

II Corinthians 5:7 ” For we walk by faith and not by sight.” Commentary: The Apostle Paul learned this truth on the Road to Damascus! He was blinded by the light of Christ! He had to lose his sight for 3 days so he could live by faith! Jesus was already resurrected and had returned to the Father! Paul was persecuting the followers of Christ for he was living by sight! Those living by sight will persecute the people living by faith! Jesus had to intervene! So the biggest persecutor of Christians became the biggest promoter of Christians! He wrote about two thirds of our New Testament! Paul sacrificed his life in Rome hung upside down on a Cross! Joshua and Caleb lived by faith and were the only ones that saw the promise land of their generation ! The rest perished in the wilderness wandering for 40 years! Jesus promised to prepare a place for us in heaven! We by faith receive the promise! David lived by faith! The rest saw Goliath and said no way! David by faith saw Goliath defeated! Christopher Columbus lived by faith! He saw by the scriptures that according to the then world maps there was a continent missing! He presented his case to the King and Queen of Spain! He told them that if he sailed west he would run into this continent! So the Catholics got a one hundred year head start of evangelism of south and central America and western America! So why do people want to tear down his statues? Because he lived by faith according to scriptures and not by sight! Satan lives by sight but the followers of Christ by faith! Satan saw himself as the God of heaven but ended up in hell! Trump re-election was prophesized in 2013 by Prophet Kim Clements! So he saw this by faith and not by sight or by the polls! Adam and Eve lived by sight and saw the forbidden fruit was good looking! Death entered humanity! By faith Christ came to earth to redeem us! His second coming will be by faith! You can only receive his first and second coming by faith alone! James & Hamsa Sasse.