Grave Yard Charm! India 1985

Sound appealing? Would any church leader surround his church with a grave yard? Probably would not be a draw for big crowds? Most people here in America today want a grave yard placed out of their sight! In our mission work in India I discovered churches completely surrounded by grave yards? It seemed foolish at first until I spent a few years there and then it made sense! What the British did in India for 200 years was take the Gospel to the people! One of the problems faced there was Hindu’s and Muslim’s taking over a church, desecrating the altar and erecting a temple or mosque over it. This same problem going on in Britain and America today. So the British surrounded the churches with grave yards especially in remote area’s of India! Halloween would have been a big hit there! The Muslim’s and Hindu’s were fearful of grave yards so they left those churches alone! So the British protected their central worship centers while reaching out to the community in evangelism. We discovered this first hand because we rented out an old fellowship hall next to the grave yard and no one would attend our meetings! So we moved our location from the church and Hindu’s and Muslim’s began to attend services! The fear of death is a bondage to men! This is why Easter reminds us and confirms to believer’s in Christ that death has been conquered! He is risen! He who also promises us to raise us from the dead! As I used to walk through the grave yard on my way to worship services I was reminded of my mortality and that Christ who I serve defeated death for me! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and righteousness! Jesus is more than a man He is God! Only God could achieve the miracle of the resurrection from the dead! O’ death where is thy sting? O’ grave where is thy victory? The opposite of fear is love! For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son! Christ will return to judge the living and the dead! No one escapes! Accept the judgment Christ took for you on Calvary! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do You Worship “little gods” ?

Money is a good thing but makes a lousy God! One day it will leave and forsake you! Sex is a good thing but makes a lousy God! One day it will leave and forsake you! Good health is a wonderful thing but one day it will leave and forsake you! Food is a good thing but we should forsake some of it! What dominates your conversation? Money, sex, health or food? Children are a gift from God but remember they are not God! Is Jesus name ever mentioned in your conversation? Is He a curse word or a Blessing? When you draw your last breath on earth what awaits you on the flip side of eternity? Do you utter His name or are you hanging unto something or someone who cannot save you? Your future is predicted by your present! Are you calling on Him today? Do you curse your enemies who you should have forgiven? Do you Bless your enemies? Kiss the Son lest you perish! After my Bible study each day I kiss the pages I have read just before I close the Book! He is the only source of eternal life! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! Your real enemy wants you to curse your enemies which God wants you to forgive them! I will never forget the story of a airliner crash years ago. People were on fire trying to escape the cabin! Some people were cursing God while others were calling on Jesus to save them! If you found yourself in the belly of a whale what words would come from your lips? If you were a Christian in an Iranian prison chained to a cold cement floor would you still Praise Him? If you were a Syrian Christian captured by ISIS who were going to behead you unless you deny Christ what would be your decision? Our very first breath we take we cry! Our breath needs to be changed to Praise to the God who has given us life! Why forsake Jesus when He has never forsaken you even to death on a Cross! Source; Some information provided by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.