Birth Abortion Evangelism Revelation 12:1-5

A great wonder in Heaven! A woman has a special mission clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet! The moon or Islam is under her feet! On her head twelve stars representing the twelve apostles and the twelve Tribes of Israel! Verse three is interesting because the word “crowns” used here in the Greek does not mean a King’s crown but a conquerors crown! Then we see Satan conquering and controlling nations in history. Remember Satan offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world if he would bow down and worship him! Then we see Lucifer the fallen angel who became Satan rebelling against God in Heaven with one third of the angels who were cast out of Heaven to the earth! War started in Heaven and continues today here on the earth! Then we see Satan’s attempt to perform an abortion on Jesus at birth. King Herod ordered the slaughter of the babies in Bethlehem! The word “rule” used in verse five means to shepherd a flock not to rule as a tyrant dictator but to lead people into paths of righteousness! Jesus would lead all ethnic groups of people! The rod of iron is Rome! The feet of clay! The early Roman Empire crucified Christ, the Apostles and their followers! However Rome becomes Christian using the same roads they built across Europe to send missionaries and conquer in Jesus name! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The White Wave!

“Depend on it, your dying hour will be the best you have ever known! Your last moment will be your richest moment, better than the day of your birth will be the day of your death. It shall be the beginning of Heaven, the rising of a sun that shall never go down no more, forever!” Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892), Baptist Preacher

Abortion, Gay’s, Lesbian’s & Transgenders!

The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rates fell off! Benito Mussolini  Comment: Here is a quote from the USA Today Network: “New York–U.S birth rates declined last year for women in their teens, 20’s and 30’s leading to the fewest babies in 30 years! The immigrant population generates nearly 25 percent of babies born here in the U.S. each year.” Now you understand why the Democrats want open borders! To cover their sins of population decline so flood the problem created by them with immigrants! China has 125 men for every 100 women in it’s populations! So the 25 extra men for every 100 women are placed into military service! So then they can march with their armies and conquer nations who have a declining population because those nations cannot field a large army to oppose them! So the socialist political left has set consequences in motion for America that threaten our existence as a nation! Trump is trying to correct some of these imbalances such as hardly any manufacturing plants here in the United States! If a war came to America with no plants particularly steel and aluminum we could not produce war materials to defend our nation! I can only conclude the political left does not want America to succeed! Those manufacturing plants are overseas in nations such as China! God has sent President Trump to us to pull us back from the cliff we were about to fall off of! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

I Am That I Am! Exodus 3:14

The Hebrew word for this English phrase is “Hayah”. Strongs # 1961. This Hebrew word is also related to another Hebrew word “Havah”. Strongs #1933. What is interesting is that these words are not nouns but verbs! So they represent an action or initiation of something! The first word describes God as “to exist.” He always was and always will be! He does not fade off into history like men! The second Hebrew word used means to “breathe.” Do not confuse this word with the two Hebrew words used in Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 6:17. In Genesis 2:7, Strongs #5387, the word breath means a Divine inspiration with intellect. The word breath used in Genesis 6:17, Strongs 7307, means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit. Like giving up the ghost! At Creation God the I Am That I Am, initiated his breath into man with Divine inspiration and intellect! At Noah’s flood in Genesis 2:7, the word breath means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit by death! At birth we receive God’s breath! At death we exhaust God’s breath! At Creation our life is established by his breath! We are established with his breath! We did not evolve! So our breath is not our own! So you have to be careful what you say! Some people have bad breath! Do we praise God or curse him with bad breath? Do we exalt God or ourselves? Every good or evil action is initiated with the breath of our words! Again our breath is not our own! Who is the owner of your breath? When Jesus raises us from the dead again one day we will have breath again! Both believers and unbelievers! Remember the story Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man? It is found in Luke 16:19-31. Lazarus the beggar was taken to Heaven and the rich man to Hell. There was a great gulf between the two abodes! The rich man begged Abraham to warn his brothers still on earth to the Hell that awaits them unless they repent! Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his brothers had Moses and the Prophets! Abraham told the rich man that if they will not believe them then they will not believe one though raised from the dead! So God was really telling Moses to tell Pharaoh that I am the breath that all men have! I am the God that breathes breath into men! I am the Creator of all living things! Pharaoh you have not evolved by your own works! Pharaoh since you are using my breath that I gave you do not abuse me in unbelief towards me! Jesus said we must be born again! I second breath or wind! Before being born again I cursed God with my breath! No I praise him with the same breath! Pharaoh rejected the God that gave him breath and he and his army was drowned in the Red Sea! In the time of Noah the world except for 8 souls were drowned in the flood! Remember Lucifer who became Satan the Praise Leader of Heaven? Remember the fallen Angel? He used the breath of God to Glorify God then he used the same breath to oppose God! He rebelled against God in Heaven and was cast down to earth with 1/3 of the angels! Now they use the breath of God to oppose his Kingdom here on earth! Satan has many followers over the generations that have lived since the Garden of Eden! Is your breath used to raise doubts about God or affirm him? After the resurrection of the dead we will have breath again! Some to everlasting life and some to judgment! The Praise of the Saints will be beautiful but the screams of Hell deafening! Remember this! What you did with God’s breath while here on earth will determine your outcome in eternity! You are not your own you have been bought with a price!If I were God I would be reluctant to give mortal men my breath! Very risky! Will they praise me or curse me? With the breath of God Jesus said on the Cross,” Father forgive them for they know not what they do”! Crucify Him! One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Why not start now while you have breath! Worship the I Am That I Am! James and Hamsa Sasse.

John 3:16 Word Study “Son”

Son (Hulos) Strongs #5207. This word in the Greek is specifically reserved for the Son of God and has no other application! There are other Greek words used for son. An example is for adopted sons and daughters. Hulos specifically refers to the male offspring of legitimate parents! We as believers have a likeness to God’s character but we are not the Son of God! The word son used here refers to Jesus special relationship to the Father! Jesus is never referred to in scripture as a child of God! Only the Son of God! Think about this! Jesus was the Son of God before he came to earth! Jesus Sonship did not start at Bethlehem! Believer’s show maturity by acting as the Sons of God! John 1:12. However this word sons is a different Greek word! Teknon (Strongs#5043). Son (Hulos) stresses the dignity and character of the relationship of the Son to the Father but Teknon sons, communicates the fact of a natural birth. Jesus had a Supernatural birth where we are the product of a natural birth! You can see why a Hebrew-Greek study Bible will help us with interpretations of scriptures! Remember Jesus said we must be born again! The word born (Strongs #1080), means God devine nature imparted to us! But when? The word again (Strongs #509), means from the beginning referring back to the Garden of Eden before the fall of man! Here is a side note for you. Every time the son of man is used in the New Testament the word is not translated from the Greek to English! Why? Matthew 8:20, 16:13, 20:28, Luke 22:69, Hebrews 2:6-9

Just One Unpardonable Sin! Mark 3:29

On previous posts we have discussed this important topic! We have discussed what is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Remember these are the words of Jesus speaking in Mark 3:29! Jesus can forgive every sin except one! Would it not be wise to know what this sin is? The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity! To offend one person of the Trinity is to offend all for they are one! Jesus is the only one who can forgive sin because He is God! God’s sacrifice for our sin! When it comes to the virgin birth of Jesus by Mary who came over her to conceive Jesus in the flesh? The Holy Spirit! To reject Jesus Christ is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit! Jesus will be your Savior or your Judge! Which is it for you depends on your choice about Christ! It depends on your choice! Morality is a choice! The outcome of your eternity depends on what you do with Jesus Christ while here on earth! Choose this day who you will serve! God or Satan? Heaven or Hell? As for me and my house we will serve the Lord! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Look Up Zion! Jerusalem! Isaiah 51:6

Hebrew Translation: “Lift up your face, eyes, voice and soul and accept the census taken in Heaven! Look to my lofty Heaven where my rainbow defines my archway to my dwelling place! Look upon the earth that dwells underneath me and my people of Zion! The Heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment. They that dwell therein shall wither, decay and die an unnatural death because of sin! However my salvation of victory over death, prosperity, comfort and safety shall be forever! The forever that is hidden from your sight right now but was before the beginning of the world! Your vanishing point will be your new beginning where my righteousness of justice and honesty shall not be confounded, broken or despaired with fear!” Comment: Isaiah was preparing the Jews 650 years before the birth of Jesus Christ for their Messiah! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Easter Thoughts!

The word compassion means to suffer with! Do you see the word passion in compassion? The first use of the word compassion used in our Bible is in Exodus 2:6. Pharaoh’s daughter saw the baby Moses drifting down the river in a basket! She had compassion on the baby and rescued him! The word used here means to have pity and spare! However there is another Hebrew root word used for compassion that really got my attention! This word is used in 1 Kings 8:50 and 2 Chronicles 30:9. The word means the tender mercies of the womb! Moses was a deliverer of his people and the fruit of the womb! Compassion was born! Just as Jesus death was an act of compassion so was His birth! You cannot separate Christmas and Easter! We were not born to die but Jesus was!  We die because of sin but Christ is sinless! So Jesus suffered for us and with us at birth and at death! He took our death upon Himself so that we could live! His resurrection nullified our death! Satan threw the yellow flag with the penalty of death for our sin but Jesus protested the penalty and threw the red flag reversing the decision! The penalty on the field of life is reversed! Our new resurrected life is a 1st and 10! A fresh start! Born again! A second chance at life! His blood defeated death and has won the day and life for us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sharing Your Faith in Military!

As a young man I found this a very challenging endeavor! For conformity sake the military has a method of challenging anyone who stands out different from the group! This is taught from basic training on throughout your career! Anyone who does not socially conform is singled out and made an example! The purpose is to bring uniformity in a combat unit! So if you are the only guy carrying a Bible around in your hand you could be a target! So your faith is tested by the group! I always tried to do my job well not to disgrace my Lord! There are also rewards for staying true to your faith! Forty years later many have come and gone, retired or died but I still have my faith in Christ! I want to prepare you for the words coming here for they do not use King James English in the military! In fact you will learn some new words in the military! Your vocabulary will grow but not in a nice way! Harold was your typical G.I. who was rough in character and got into a few fights down at the base club! A heavy drinker he used some words that were unkind! So the military unit sent Harold on me as their attack dog! Harold said, “Sasse I don’t believe that virgin birth crap in your Bible! Why would God pull down his pants and rape Mary so he could have a son named Jesus? I would never serve a God who sexually molested women!” Harold you were born not because God had sex with your mother but because your father or another man had sex with your mother! Whoever had sex with your mother I wish they would have not done so! Harold which came first the chicken or the egg? Who gives a F——-! Harold as hard as it is to believe God created you! God created everyone! Our first parents Adam and Eve were created beings! That is God was the first cause for everything we see here on earth! Harold I hear you use Jesus name a lot around here! Jesus Christ was not a created being! He pre-existed creation! Jesus has always and forever will exist! Jesus is part of the Trinity! The Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity and is the active agent on the earth until Jesus returns to earth at His second coming to earth! In order for God to redeem His children from sin His Son had to be incarnated into human flesh in the earth! The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus who already existed in Heaven into Mary to give us the Savior on earth! God had to become flesh! God did not have physical sex with Mary! That is a myth Harold! Jesus birth was as miraculous as His resurrection from the dead! God will never violate our will! Mary invited God to perform this miracle! Jesus will only come to those who invite Him into their lives! He will never force Himself on anyone! Does that make sense to you Harold? Maybe? Harold you and I are both sinners and need a Savior! Harold would you like to make Jesus your Savior? What you have been taught about God is a lie! Read your Bible if you want to know the truth about God! He loves you Harold and proved it on the Cross! He died for your sin! He arose from the dead to give you a new life! Born again! If you accept Him He will change your life today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Grace Alone! Ephesians 2 : 8-10

While the soul is in mortal sin, nothing can profit it; none of it’s good works merit an eternal reward, since they do not proceed from God as their first principle, and by Him alone is our virtue real virtue! Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582 A.D.) Comment: Jesus said we must be born again! Not just born once but twice! Do you celebrate your second birth? You should know the date if you have had the second birth! James and Hamsa