Political Science Again? Just the Facts!

FDA Vaccine Approval History: A typical vaccine development takes 5 to 10 years and sometimes longer, to access whether the vaccine is safe and effective in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantities of vaccines doses for distribution. Source: https://Coronovirus.jhu.Edu/vaccine time lines. Commentary: So when many Americans were reluctant to take the vaccine because it was an experimental drug magically Uncle Joe got it rapid fire approved so he says go ahead and get the shot? What kind of a fool does Uncle Joe think I am? James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Unrestrained Political Power!

” The church has witnessed the lawless application of brutal force, the spiritual and physical suffering of countless people, oppression, hatred and murder, and has not found ways to hasten to their aid? The church is the church only when it exists for others!” Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Executed by Adolf Hitler. Commentary: Do you exist for others or just for yourself? What you do with your time, talent and money will either testify for you or against you! We are witnessing today in America the rise of unrestrained political power! Hitler existed for himself and sacrificed others! History repeats itself! This German pastor existed for others and sacrificed himself for them! The growth in violence across America reflects a people living for themselves sacrificing anyone who might benefit themselves! When a political party exists for itself bad things happen! Everyone becomes expendable! Jesus came to earth from heaven to sacrifice himself for the whole world! If we are living for Christ and others then sacrificing for others should not be a difficult choice! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

The Political Left!

A moral system valid for all is basically immoral! Freidrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) Commentary: So who influenced Nietzsche who influenced Hitler and the Marxist ideology of the 20th Century? Charles Darwin in his publications in 1859. It is an atheistic doctrine from Darwin! The same Darwin today in America is taught to our youth in Public education as a science! What Nietzsche is doing here back in the 19th Century is challenging Christianity with Darwinism! The same battle continues in the 21st Century right here in America! Darwinist challenge Christianity with the Theory of Evolution! We must challenge Darwin with the Holy Scriptures! This is where the church has done a poor job! So the Ten Commandments of God do not apply to Nietzsche? This is how we get hell on earth! So murder is alright? Abortion? So stealing or socialism is alright? So adultery is alright? To dishonor your parents is alright? Idol worship is alright? Only atheists believe they are exempt from a moral code! God has established a moral code for everyone! Do you know the Canadian goose moral code? If their mate dies they will never mate again! God has built this in to his creation! Any ideology that excludes a moral code for living will eventually destroy itself! But many others along the way! We can choose life or death! Life matters! All life! God created all so his standard for living applies to all! A valueless culture is a culture that is built on a valueless ideology mocking the sanctity of life! When life is sold for a price as in abortion with millions in taxes paid to the abortion mills our future is insecure! The wages of sin is still death but life the gift of God! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Political Correctness & Cancel Culture!

The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver works to hide! Hannah Arendt Commentary: Happy Holidays! Obama calls us the Easter people! Political correctness has moved to a new stage now! It is called the cancel culture! Conservative speech is now cancelled off Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter and other platforms! If they do it to the President of the United States who are you? So calling Christians another name to remove their identity through political correctness has not worked so the next stage has come! The ‘Me To’ movement, Facebook, Twitter is the all about me culture not about Christ! So what will be the next stage of persecution to the followers of Christ? Burning Bibles will not be enough for them! Jesus said count it all joy when they persecute you for my name! Remember they are not persecuting you but Christ! If you want the persecution to go away just deny Christ! Then you become a persecutor! Jesus said if you are ashamed of me my Father will be ashamed of you! We are not looking for persecution it just comes with the job of promoting Christ in the earth! All the disciples were martyred except John who was boiled in a pot of hot oil and then exiled to a slave labor camp on the Isle of Patmos where he wrote the Book of Revelation! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If you are in doubt your name is not there! Is your name identified with Christ in any way? Are you in church Sunday? Does his name come off your lips not as a cuss word but praise and honor to him? Honor Christ in the short life you have here on earth! None of us want to spend an eternity in hell with like people who made it all about me rather than all about him! Think about this? What if the Coronavirus is still with us and the world two years from today? All governments have collapsed and we now have a new world order! Will Christ be more important to you then? If he is not important to you today then when? Never? Forever? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Socialism & Political Left!

My political sentiment is inclined toward the left and emphasizes the socialist aspects every bit as much as nationalistic ones! Adolph Eichmann, SS Nazi Leader and Organizer of the Holocaust. Comment: Socialism throughout history has always been on the political left! There is nothing wrong with loving your country as a Nationalist but the destructive part of Nazi Germany was socialism! Just as in Russia, Communist China, Iran, North Korea and the list goes on! What would be an example in the American left policies that remind us of the holocaust? Abortion! Nazi’s called themselves the National Socialist Party! You can put pro-nouns in front of socialism but it is still socialism! Examples are Democratic Socialism? Christian Socialism but buyer beware! Jesus said to help the poor and they will always be with you! However you take the money you have earned to help the poor you do not steal money from someone else to do that! That is socialism and our National debt puts us at the edge of bankruptcy because of these left policies! How you vote this November will determine the road we choose to go down! Prosperity or poverty! James & Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Political Street Revolution!

We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection! Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister. Commentary: As American corporations give money to ANTIFA and promote its Marxist ideology to tear down and destroy everything sacred to America they have to understand they are also destroying their own future! Like Nazi Germany the only thing left of America will be ashes! If as Americans we do not resist this movement as we have all tyranny over our history we will have no future for you, your children and grand children! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Your Calender & Political Correctness!

Our calendar is based upon the birth of Christ! All the years before the birth of Christ have traditionally been designated B. C. (Before Christ) and those after his birth as A. D., an abbreviation for the Latin term Ammo Domini which means “In the year of our Lord.” Some historians have adopted an alternative dating system, referring to B.C. as B.C.E. (Before Common Era). The change was made to mask the Christian basis for the dating system and presumably make it more palatable to non-Christians! The mere designation is unsatisfactory on several levels. In the first place no “Common Era” exists! It cannot be found in any history books or a dictionary! It is just made up! If there was a common era it did not begin in the Year One! It probably began around 1500 A. D. when ocean exploration connected the world into a global trading system. On the cognitive level, B.C.E. and C.E. repeat the same letters in the same order making the distinction harder for the eye and the mind to group them in the traditional system that uses all different letters. To understand the meaning of dates, the reader may have to stop and consciously translate the letters. They kept the Christian system but attempted to obscure its historical origin, a curiously anti-historical act. Now we have the competing dating systems. Source: Yahoo Answers. Comment: What is the point of this non-sense? To reduce the name of Christ to the word common! How many ways can a culture figure out how to reject Christ? Happy Holidays! More fake news! Some do not want the name of Christ uttered from the lips of the culture! They do not want to hear his name! His name is above all names! Every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord and every knee must bow! The dilemma for man is you will either confess his name in heaven or hell depending on what you do with his name while on earth! You will bow to him from heaven or from hell! Which Kingdom you belong to depends on what you do with his name in the here and now! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Political Twister Scriptures!

Tis the season for the scripture word scrabble political twisting of God’s Word for political gain! We are in the 2020 election cycle where Satan quotes scripture as he did to Jesus at his temptation! Here is one scripture I have seen over the past fifty years that is used to support socialism or government take over of your entire life! The scripture is Acts 4: 34-35. Here it is: “Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold and laid them down at the Apostles feet ; and distribution was made unto every man according to his need.” Comment: Notice the collection made was not given to the government! It was given to the church! The collection was not given to Caesar or King Herod but to the church! The government has tried to replace the church with social welfare programs which has piled trillions of dollars of debt over our nation! So instead of looking to God people look to the State! This is intentional for those that want to stay in political power! However Jesus did say render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and unto God what belongs to God! I have noticed over the years that those who rob God of their tithes and offerings have no problem cheating on their income taxes! Pastor James Kennedy has a good YouTube video he produced back in the 1990’s on the promotion of socialism by twisting scriptures! If those who really believe of separation of church and state then the state should get out of the churches business and the church get out of the States business! Another example is those politicians who claim that Joseph, Mary and Jesus were illegal immigrants? They use this lie to promote illegal immigration! Caesar woke up one morning who must have been a Democrat and decided the whole world needed to be taxed! Joseph and pregnant Mary had to return to their home of residence in Bethlehem Judea to register to pay their taxes! They were citizens of Bethlehem Judea of Israel. It is fascinating that hundreds of years before the birth of Christ at Bethlehem that the Old Testament prophets predicted he would be born in Bethlehem! They also gave the time of his birth! So who woke Caesar up and prompted him to tax the whole world! It was his greed yet all things work together for those who love God and are called according to his purpose! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com