Christmas Forever! Luke 1:33

Greek Translation: “And he shall rule and reign over those that belong to Christ the household family of God from Jacob forever; and his Kingdom of Royal dominion over heaven and earth in the heart’s of men shall have no end with continues victory over sin as the purpose of men is consummated in him!” Comment: So will we be celebrating Christmas in Heaven! Yes! With billions of people and millions of Angels! So what will we be doing when we follow Christ back to earth at his second coming? We will be celebrating the second Christmas! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Lead us not into Temptation!

Pope Francis wants to change this section of the Lord’s prayer to: “Keep us from falling into temptation.” I do not have any problem with this semantics however the word we need to pay attention to is “Temptation.” In James 1:13 it says God cannot be tempted neither does he tempt any man! Why? Because there is no sin in him and he is Holy! Satan is the father of sin and executer of all sin! What did Jesus mean by “Lead us not into Temptation?” What Jesus meant with this model prayer to the Father is lead us not into denying Christ! The only unpardonable sin is to deny Christ! Every other sin can be forgiven! To deny Christ is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit who is part of the Trinity along with Christ! I touched on this topic in January of 2018. You can type in on our search box of our blog, “Hour of Temptation! Revelation 3:10”, and it will take you to this posting. So in Revelation 3:10 what did Jesus mean by keeping us from the hour of temptation? Keeping us from denying Jesus! The 21 Coptic Christian believers who were beheaded last year were kept from the hour of temptation! Christ will give us strength not to deny him! So what are the forces in American culture that put pressure on you to deny Christ! There are many! Popular culture in Hollywood, Political correctness, political left, liberal media and social media, educational teaching of atheism in evolution, humanism, socialism, abortion, racial supremacy, anti-colonialism, gay marriage, lesbians and transgenderism! These are not all but the more obvious! These are the principalities and powers of darkness that will tempt you to deny Christ! So how do we resist the Devil? The same way Jesus did! With the Word of God! It is written man shall not live by bread alone! It is written! It is written! If you do not know your Bible you are hanging out on a limb! An eternity at stake! Jesus came to deliver us from our sin! The only way you can thwart God’s love for you is to deny him! So who would be so foolish? Many! Do not follow them to be separated from God but follow Christ for an eternity spent with him experiencing his love forever! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wake Up Dummy! Luke 1:20

“And behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day these things shall be performed because thou does not have faith, trust and confidence in my spoken words expressing intelligence which shall be fulfilled in this season and time of opportunity.” Comment: Zechariah was a Priest in the Jewish Temple. His wife Elizabeth was also a Godly woman! If anyone had opportunity to be close to God it would be this couple! This was evidenced by Gabriel speaking to them directly!  Zechariah being a Priest had a great knowledge of the scriptures just like you may today. They were getting up in age and probably though God could not use them anymore! When the Angel Gabriel presented Zachariah with the spoken word of God he flinched! He did not believe the words! As a young man I attended Church but did not really believe the word of God! How do you know? Because I would not speak the word of God! I read it and heard it but would not speak it! Like a mute! When the written word was spoken back to Zechariah he did not believe it! The day I believed the written word of God was the day I responded to the spoken word of God! After I got saved I began to speak the Word of God to others who did not believe! Sin is all about not believing the Word of God! You remember Satan’s words to Eve in the Garden of Eden? Surely God has not said you will die if you eat of the fruit of this tree! The Pharisees had a great knowledge of the scriptures but did not believe them when Jesus spoke them to them? When I was a young man on my death bed Jesus came into my room that night and spoke three words to me! “God loves you!” When I believed those three words everything changed! From death to life! From darkness to light! I was raised from the dead! So was Zacharias and Elizabeth for they were long past having a son! John the Baptist became an important part of Jesus ministry! Your season of Salvation will come once in your life! After I got saved I could not stop telling people about Jesus! The Angel Gabriel was telling Zacharias since you do not believe God at his word then you are not going to be able to speak for a season! Hearing is the prerequisite for speaking! If you do not share your faith with others then you really have no faith! Faith that is not spoken is faith that is not believed! There are no Happy Holidays without Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Negative Exposure! Luke 2:34-35

Greek Translation: “And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, behold, this child is laid for a foundation for the fall and the resurrection of the body from the grave of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also): that the thoughts and reasoning of many hearts shall be revealed what was hidden.” Comment: Simeon prepared Mary for many things to come! Even the miracles Jesus would do would be spoken against? Even today many speak against our Christ? The sword would pierce Mary’s own soul as she watched the Crucifixion! Jesus would expose the thoughts of many hearts! Jesus came to expose our sin! Then to save us from our sin! Christmas is all about the Salvation of humanity! Something we could never do on our own! Christmas is a solid case against our guilt and then an unearned acquittal of our guilt! However some like King Herod, Judas and many today thought that by their own efforts they can hide their sin from God! So foolish as to get rid of the only one who could save them! Sin is a strong addiction! It brings out the worst in us! It compliments evil! Confession is difficult because people are in love with themselves but not God! It is all about making yourself God! You decide who lives or dies rather than dying to self and let God live in you! All false religion is about making yourself God! God became a human to make us fit for Heaven! Without Christ no amount of human effort will ever make us fit for Heaven! It will only prepares us for Hell. No one can forgive you except God himself! Just like a negative film it takes light to expose the true image! We were made in the Image of God but only His light can expose and correct the imperfections in our image! Let God see you through the blood of His Son! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Self Inflicted Cost!

There is a God and He is good, and his love, while free, has a self inflicted cost: We must be good to one another! President H.W. Bush (1924-2018) Comment: So what is God’s self inflicted cost? The manger and the Cross! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas & Taxes! Luke 2:1-7

The Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus got up on the wrong side of the bed one morning and decided the whole world should be taxed! This taxing was first made by Cyrenius governor of Syria! They must have been Democrats! So poor Joseph had to get on his donkey (hybred vehicle), along with his pregnant wife Mary and ride down to Bethlehem! Mary was also taxed along with Jesus still in her womb! The politicians played an important role in getting Jesus down to Bethlehem to be born fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies! Then another politician named King Herod who wanted to kill the baby Jesus caused them to flee down to Egypt for a couple years to fulfill more prophecy! Then after Herod died they moved to Nazareth where Jesus became known as the Nazarene! So the good bad and ugly of politicians helped to complete God’s promise of a Savior to the world! Many politicians today here in America try to stop Jesus second coming! Their strategy will help promote his second coming as they play the fool! The best way to celebrate Christmas is to understand no one can or will stop Christ from completing his mission to earth! No one can stop his love for the world even by changing his name to Happy Holidays! Rest in his peace and joy this season knowing all is well because of Christmas and Easter! Because his second coming is as sure as his first coming! Only his life and death can assure you of eternal life now and forever! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh!

What was done with these gifts? What did Jesus do with these gifts given to him by these Kings of the East? Since Jesus was only about two years old his parents Joseph and Mary had to decide! Did they give them to the poor? They were poor themselves! Did they give them to Herod paying taxes on them? Did they distribute them to a local charitable organization in Bethlehem? Did they give them to the local synagogue? They used these funds to finance their trip down to Egypt to escape the clutches of King Herod! They used these funds to live in Egypt for two years and returning to Israel after Herod died! Joseph used the funds to set up his business as a carpenter in Nazareth! God will always make a way for his people when there seems like no way! You say no way my friend? He is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by him! Wise men still follow him! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Politics & Christmas!

Using Jesus for political points during Christmas time irritates me a little bit! The Democrats use this same trick every Christmas saying we should be compassionate to the illegal immigrants because Jesus was an illegal immigrant? Jesus according to the biblical record was not an illegal immigrant! Joseph and Mary were citizens of Israel. They were of the tribe of Judah and lived in Nazareth! Israel was under Roman occupation during this time in history as was much of the world! When the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus made a decree that the whole world should be taxed (Luke 2:1), Joseph and Mary had to return to their home town of Bethlehem and register for the taxes! Raise taxes? Caesar obviously was a Democrat! In the Old Testament Micah the prophet predicted the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem some 700 years earlier in history! So Caesar played a part in this prophecy some 700 years later! When Joseph and Mary with the baby Jesus fled down to Egypt to escape the late term abortion program of King Herod who killed all the children two years of age and younger to get Jesus you could call that illegal immigration! Why do Democrats throw Jesus under the bus every Christmas? Why do they promote open borders and sanctuary cities? They are in hopes of politically legalizing the 11 million illegal immigrants here in America so they will become Democrats and vote for them so they can hang on to political power! This is there real moral high ground? I want all Democrats to have a Merry Christmas but do not do it spreading lies and fake news about Jesus! I only ask for honesty! The Biblical record is clear if you will read it! Jesus did not break the law becoming an illegal immigrant but fulfilled the law by taking our sin on Himself as our Savior! We are to be compassionate towards the illegal immigrants simply because God is compassionate towards us by incarnating Himself in flesh and being a baby born in Bethlehem as a Savior for all mankind that has ever or will ever live! I will not become a criminal because you say Jesus was a criminal because the Biblical record makes it clear that He never sinned! That is why He was the only sacrifice that could appease God for our sin! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas for Dummies! Luke 2:11

The shepherds got the hell scared out of them when the angel appeared to them in the middle of the night on a lonely hillside while tending their sheep! When the Holy smoke cleared out of their campsite from the lightening bolts they bowed their faces to the ground expecting to be incinerated! The sheep headed for the hills. The laser light show was on full display! All bowel constipation disorders were miraculously healed! The angel told them to chill out! You cool cats need to cool down! Relax! Good news guys! This is not the end of the world! Their hopes were somewhat dashed! I want you guys to hit the trail back to Bethlehem! There is a new guy just born in Bethlehem! His first name is Jesus and his last name is Christ! I have heard you use his name sometimes when you talk to your sheep! This is the real deal dudes! You sheep dogs are highly favored this night! None of the smart people in your neighborhood know about this! He is born to you this night as your SAVIOR! He will save you from yourselves! He is your SAVIOR at his birth, at the Cross, at the resurrection, at his ascension and when he comes back to earth the second time! He will be your SAVIOR forever! He will send you the Holy Ghost! You boys look puzzled? You got too many wooly balls in your heads! Now get packing for Bethlehem and see your new born King! Hey guys! Merry Christmas!

Christmas Message from the Martyred! 150 A.D.

Since we find it recorded in the memoirs of the Apostles that he is the Son of God, and since we call him the Son, we have understood that he proceeded before all creatures from the Father by the power of his will…. and that he became man by the virgin, in order that the disobedient which proceeded from the serpent might receive its destruction in the same way it devised its origin. For Eve, who was a virgin and undefiled, have conceived by the word of the serpent, brought forth disobedience and death. But the virgin received faith and joy when the Angel Gabriel announced the good news to her that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon her and the power of the highest would overshadow her. Therefore, also, that which was begotten by her is the Son of God. Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.), Early Church Father and Apologist, Martyred in Rome 165 A.D. Comment: This is why Jesus said we must be born again! We as descendants of Eve can never live right before men and God! It is impossible because we were conceived by our ancestors who believed the word of Satan rather than the Word of God! Sin produces sin! We cannot just be born once! The virgin birth makes it possible to be born again! The choice is up to you! You can believe your ancestors or you can believe the Word of God! Why not choose the best Christmas gift this Christmas and receive the Savior born in a manger and  sacrificed to redeem your life from Hell and separation from God forever! Justin Martyr paid the ultimate sacrifice to get this good news to you! The truth is costly! Never forget it! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.