Foundation of Sin! Ephesians 6:12

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in high places.” Commentary: Wickedness is first a spiritual condition not innoculated by the Blood of Christ! It is not an it but a spirit waring against Christ in the heavens and here on earth! This foul spirit Satan wants a Kingdom opposed to Christ! This spirit has a home field called hell! He was kicked out of heaven but believes he has the home field advantage here on earth! Satan has his beginning in rebellion and death and that is where his Kingdom ends! Wicked governments terrorize their own people and then to their neighboring countries! In Ukraine we see the evangelism of death and millions of homeless people fleeing their own country! The sacrifice of Russian and Ukrainian people because evil also demands a sacrifice! If the sacrifice of God’s own son is rejected then the sacrifice of the masses by Satan follows! High places in governments controlling and sacrificing their own people! This is the history of nations! A culture without Christ will turn on its own! Jesus is called the Prince of Peace! Jesus will put the wicked out of business! They must give up their sin or perish! When Jesus came into my life the internal war ceased! There is still a external war from those that reject Christ yet even those waves that rock my boat everyday I know that Jesus calms those storms as he proclaims peace be still! Peace that remains in my soul as he anchors my soul to his love and the sacrifice on the Cross he has made for me! Jesus predicted wars and rumors of war before his second coming! At Jesus second coming Satan will be bound for a thousand years and then the lion will lay down with the lamb! If everything you have is taken away through war remember you still have Christ where he has gone to prepare a place in heaven for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Sin & Repentance! Revelation 2:16

“Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.” Commentary: What is the sword in Jesus mouth? Sharper than any two edged sword dividing and separating the truth from the big lie? Surely God has not said? Jesus separates the sheep from the goats! Some are saved by him and others condemned to eternal hell! He judges the living and the dead! He has power over death raising all mortals from the dead to stand before him! With his sword of his mouth he separates those in either heaven or hell! He created the heavens and the earth! He commended the widow but condemned the rich! He warned the religious yet saved the repentant! He condemns the works of men yet rewards those who live by faith! He will lead the last great battle on earth against Satan and defeat him and bind him for a thousand years! He hands out the martyr crowns for believers! He judges those who persecute the followers of Jesus and the persecutor of the Jews! The sword of his mouth is his words! The Word of God found in your Bible! We live and die by his words! If you want to hear God speak read your Bible! Your soul is weighed in the balance! The balance scale of justice! Do you come up wanting? Miss the mark? He writes his own in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Your sin will either condemn you or save you! All depends on what you do with it? Repent or be condemned! This is not rocket science! To tell God you are sorry is to much for you? To reject the Cross and the suffering Jesus made for your sin is even more cruel than his suffering for your sin! Be wise and come into the love of God as he waits for your decision! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Loss of First Love Caused by Sin! Revelation 2:6

“But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.” Commentary: Notice Jesus said he does not hate the Nicolaitans but hates their deeds! This confirms the entire theme of the Bible that God judges us not by race, gender, economic status, language, cultural popularity, religion but by character alone! However we cannot have the character of God without God! Jesus makes that possible! So who were the Nicolaitans? The name in the Greek means to conquer or subdue people! This is what sin does! This cult group were the descendants of Nicolas of Antioch an ordained deacon! See Acts 6:5. He came from out of paganism into Judaism and then to Christianity! He changed religions many times! He was not afraid to switch religions when he found it convenient! He taught the doctrine of compromise! He believed there was more than one way to God like Christians today who cling to Darwinism and then try to hang on to Christ? Occultism was a major force that warred against the early church! In Ephesus the primary pagan cult was the worship of Diana (Artenis). The Nicolaitans mixed paganism with Christianity. Much like the Hindus do today where every road leads to God including Christianity! Does not matter which road you take all roads lead to the same place! This results with a diluted Christianity with no power and no conviction! It is a worldly kind of Christianity! No borders, no law, no rules anything goes! Homosexuality fine! Gay marriage great! Abortion good! Lawlessness something to be desired! This evil fruit of the Nicolaitans lead to people engaging and approving sin completing Satan’s power over them to conquer and imprison them through the sin that God rejects and died for on a Cross! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Fools & Sin! Proverbs 14:9

“[Fools} [make a mock] at [sin]: but among the [righteous] there is [favor]”. Commentary: It seems like a short verse until you look up the Hebrew root words! Not complicated just the meanings of the words are expanded for clarity! So what is a fool? According to the Hebrew it is someone who is perverse, silly and stupid! Every family has at least one! To “make a mock” means to scorn, ridicule or “make mouths” or a foreign language no one understands! The sinner mocks God and sin! So what is sin? It means to be a law breaker guilty without reconciliation! Did you get that? Without reconciliation! We are all sinners yet some reconciled but others not! So who reconciled our sin to God? The Father? God’s Son Jesus Christ! Remember there are two types of sinners! Forgiven sinners and unforgiven sinners! Forgiven sinners in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell! Now what does the word righteous mean? It means to be right with God in the eyes of God! So how do we get right with God? Repentance for our sin through God’s Son Jesus Christ! Then we positionally find “favor” with God! Favor means God’s goodwill and kindness towards us from a superior to an inferior! Repentance means pride has to go and humility replaces pride! Pride before the fall! The prideful are sinful and the humble are saved! Our attitude determines our altitude! Heaven above or hell beneath! The choice is up to you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

What is Sin? 1 John 3:4

“Whosoever commiteth [sin] [transgresseth] also the law; for sin is the [transgression of the law.] Commentary: The real question is who is sin? It is a spirit that defies the law living in all people! The Apostle Peter said resist the devil and he will flee from you! Resist him with what? The Word of God! It is written! This is why the secular war on the Bible! Sin will destroy God’s expectation of you! Sin is the rebellion against the laws of God! You become offensive to God! The true end of sin is for you to miss your purpose in God! To break relationship with him! Satan’s ultimate purpose! Why is the name of Jesus mocked in our culture? Why is the Bible pushed out of our public schools? Why is prayer resisted? Why the anarchy in our streets? Why the war on authority? It is a war on the Laws of God given to men by God! There are two Greek words that make up our English word “transgress”. A person who transgresses is willingly and purposely not acknowledging the Law! This is why the Orthodox Jewish children here in America are taught the Torah and to memorize the Ten Commandments! They are instructed to learn and remember the Laws of God! To transgress the Law is to live in a state of lawlessness! Without law we have Portland! Minneapolis! LA! To reject the laws of God is to acknowledge gay marriage, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, riots, looting, burning, destruction and the poverty that it creates! Divorce creates poverty! If you approve of those that do these things you are a partner with the law breakers! The church in America is deficient in teaching the laws of God because political correctness has replaced sound doctrine! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! Keep the Law! We have reached a point in our culture where people think I do not need a Savior because I am not a sinner! The church is silent so must be no problem with sin? We have to advocate the Law before we introduce the Savior! However the 501c keeps everyone quiet in the church! We might as well hold cooking classes in our churches! The last mouth piece to acknowledge the Law is the church but strangely muted? The church has to come out of hiding! We can sell books to make millions of dollars but we are selling our culture for a profit! So what does the transgression of the law or sin finally accomplish? Sin is the last nail in the coffin of any culture! Here is a key most people do not understand! Sin will bring forth an independent existence of itself! Sin is a spirit that opposes God! It will send a person to judgment and hell but itself will remain on earth looking for another soul to send there also! Sin is a person! An indwelling evil spirit! The possessed do not know they are possessed unless they understand the reason for their rejection of the Law and Jesus Christ! Jesus went to the Cross for our sin! Why the war on Crosses across America? He fulfilled the Law completely by taking our penalty for sin death upon himself! Then your relationship with God is re-established! Sin no longer separates you from God and you willingly acknowledge and live your life according to the Law! Jesus gives you the power to want to follow his commandments! Repentance acknowledges our sin and rebellion against the Laws of God! Then you become born again with the Holy Spirit instead of Satan leading your life towards heaven to be with Christ forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sin in Congregation!

1 Corinthians 5:11 “But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such a one, no, not to eat.” Commentary: The Apostle Paul gives specific instructions not to fellowship with those sinning against the Commandments of God! You might say well are we not all sinners? We are forgiven sinners because we have repented of our sin and have ceased those sins! True repentance is to reject the sin that God has rejected in us! We have applied the Blood of Christ over our sin and he has forgiven us! I have noticed over the years that is just one sin that dominates us! Not many but one! There is one sin from one Satan for one man and only one God that can remedy it! One sin keeps one God out! He cannot dwell in us because in him there is no sin! If we resist the Devil in the name of Jesus Satan will flee from us! Then we receive his Holy Spirit and the love and peace of God will dwell in us! Remember the Apostle Paul had one sin! What was it! Religion! The Law! Paul could not follow the Law himself yet required others to do that! His Law became Lawless! He persecuted Christians! Jesus fulfilled the Law by being without sin and becoming God’s only acceptable sacrifice for our Lawlessness! No other mortal could ever achieve this work! Only God could do this! When we come to Christ the Law of sin and death is no longer held against us! Jesus satisfied the Law and the anger of God against our sin on the Cross! It is finished! True repentance requires a change! Internal and external! After the Damascus Road experience Paul no longer persecuted Christians but became the chief spokesman for the promotion of the Gospel! One of the most obvious signs you are not saved is that you will persecute Christians and Jews! Every church has sinners just like the world! Some saved and some unsaved! If you are saved in the church you do not have to look for them they will find you! In the world you have to seek them with the Good News! The world will try to sell you their sin but the price has already been paid! The price of redemption is the Blood of Christ on the Cross! Do not let the temporary pleasures of this world rob you of eternal life! Exchange your sin for redemption! Redeem your rewards for heaven! Peace on earth good will towards men! Jesus exchanged his life for yours! Paul exchanged his life for Christ in this earth and also went to a Cross! If you will not suffer for Christ then you do not understand the suffering he made on your behalf! Do you want to trash Jesus so you can keep your hell? Or do you want Jesus to transform your hell into heaven? You can only make that choice! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Sin & Redemption!

Psalm 119:6 “Then I shall not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy Commandments.” Comment: Let us look at the word “ashamed” in the Hebrew. First this word has the opposite meaning of trusting God! The word means to be deceived, confused and then disgraced! Sin is a deception! It is presented to us as an alternative to God by Satan. When you work sin into your life you work God out of your life! Satan replaces God as your master. Satan promises you life but delivers death! He will try to influence you to trust in your own ways! When David trusted God he slew Goliath and the enemies of Israel! When David disrespected God and his commandments his affair with Bathsheba brought public shame and then the baby died! We become very different people when we no longer trust God but ourselves! The word ”Commandments’ we have previously covered however there are different aspects of this word. A commandment is like a contract to the deed for the purchase of a property. If we fulfil our part of the contract then the benefit is executed to us. This was the principle of God’s covenant to Israel. If you keep my commandments then I will bless you and defeat your enemies and bless your land! The problem was men always broke the commandments of God! The same problem today! So God had to sacrifice his Son or himself to execute his promise of redemption for us! God was ashamed of us but in his love for us took our shame upon himself to death on a Cross! Sin should be more offensive to us after the Cross than before the Cross because of the great cost to God! The real purpose of sin promoted by Satan is to shame God! When our shame is removed by God from us by repentance we are free from shame and begin a new life with no guilt of the past and promises of a good future here on earth and in heaven! As the Apostle Paul said we should not repeat the same sin and crucify Christ again! True repentance requires a change! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Death Before Sin?

The Fossil record is a record of disease, sin and death! Palaeontologists have discovered carnivorous activity with cancerous tumors and thorns in the fossil record! The evolutionist claim that there were millions of years of death and bloodshed before Adam sinned does not hold water! When we put millions of years of time into the Bible like this suddenly portions of scriptures make no sense. Death could not have occurred because of Adam’s sin because death was there before his sin. Hebrews 9:22…without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness… What would the shedding of blood have to do with the forgiveness of sin if death preceded sin for millions of years? Source: Creation Ministries International Comment: Science and the fossil record verify the scriptures of sickness, disease and death after the fall of Adam through sin to the whole world! By one man sin entered into the world (Romans 5:12-13). Charles Darwin an atheist claimed according to his Theory of Evolution that the world is a story about the survival of the fittest? The fossil record shows everything dies according to science! So who is fittest? No one! Not the plants, animals or humans! Sin was initiated by man against God and the consequences have been with us throughout history! What you do with your sin has everything to do with your future! Deny it or repent of it! I have been forgiven of my sin through Christ who died for my sin! He has promised to raise me from the dead! What does that mean? I will still die a physical death! Flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God! My physical death will prove I am a sinner saved by grace! Raised up from the dead into eternal life to be with Christ forever! You can also have this promise if you will trust Christ with your sin, sickness and death and not claim the sin that separates you from God! Repent of it! Own it then give it to Jesus! Confess your sin and he is faithful and just to forgive you your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sin & Anger!

One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to take it seriously one must already be mad.  Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) English Occultist & Ceremonial Magician.  Comment: The world is mad at God! Mad at his Word and his Christ! To acknowledge God is to confess your sin! To try to avoid repentance and redemption one must build a religious system that opposes Christ! Satan in opposition to God creates in the minds of men ideologies in opposition to Christ! You can easily reject God by picking your own poison! It could be Darwinism (Atheism), Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Secularism, Humanism or any other idol to replace God! The problem is after you take your poison at the end of the day you still have your sin staring you in your face! Nothing will rob your joy more than sin! Reconciliation to God for your sin brings joy back to your soul that is beyond measure! Then you are no longer mad at God but mad at Satan the author of sin and the cause of death in this world! After Christ has returned the treasures back to you stolen by Satan then you raise up disciples to follow Christ rather than driving them away from God! Jesus said we must be born again! Have you had this new birth where old things are passed away and all things become new? James and Hamsa Sasse.