Works W/O Faith? DOA!

The degree and duration of the torment of the degenerate and Anti-Christian people, should be no other than would be approved of by those angels who had ever labored for their salvation, and the Lamb who had redeemed them with his most precious blood. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Mathematician, Physicist and Inventor. Comment: The rejection of Christ began in heaven long before Jesus was incarnated into the earth at his birth in Bethlehem! Lucifer rejected him while he was in heaven and after being cast down to the earth with one third of the angels who followed him in this rebellion continues his resistance here on earth! Satan creates ideologies in men and religious systems that oppose Christ even today! Then the religious rebellion is transformed into political systems and armies that persecute believers in Christ! These people groups also persecute the Jews here on earth! Sadly some atheistic Jews persecute the followers of Christ like Charles Darwin!  Nothing has really changed since the 1600’s! The war between good and evil continues on! The truth is you have already taken a side in this conflict! War started in heaven and continues here on earth! By your personal choice you will either join the Christ of redemption or the Anti-Christ of self works expecting your own efforts will bring you redemption! It is paradox that Satan believes the Word of God yet his objective is the deceive you into not believing the Word of God by lies and deceptions expressed in ideologies of men!  Satan will be the only believer in Hell! The joke will be on those he has deceived to join him there that have been convinced by him to reject Christ! Be a believer headed for heaven forever rather than a unbeliever joined in Hell forever! The choice is yours to make and the outcome of your choice to be lived out forever in the eternity you have chosen!!    James and Hamsa Sasse.

Choosing Good or Evil! Isaiah 56:2

Hebrew Translation: Blessed, happy and successful is the man that works, labors, toils and the son of man that layeth hold unto it; that keeps, watches and guards the Holy Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, on the same day God rested from His Creation and ceased from work. Keeping from polluting it or making it common and committing violence against God’s established law. Also keeping his hand of authority and responsibility from doing evil. Comment: The choice should be easy and obvious but it is not! The first day of the week is Sunday! Not Monday! In early America you could not find a business open on Sunday! If you are trusting in your own works then Sunday is just another work day for you! A chance to make more money! Then you believe the time you have is not a gift from God but belongs to you! All of it! This is an ownership question! No faith in God causes people to trust themselves and their own efforts! God rested on the 7th day so are we greater than God? Do you believe God is looking after you? Then show it! Pressures build as you try to carry the load by yourself! Your health is affected! Do not make Sunday just another day in the week! Do you follow God and His example or do you make up your own rules? I am almost 70 years old and have been walking with Christ for 44 years! The peace, joy and prosperity is beyond measure! I have been retired for 22 years! I have never been a slave to work but God works for me! May seem a prideful statement but not really! I do what I can do but understand I can do nothing without Him! My efforts are futile unless God Blesses my efforts! When I cease from my own labor and rest in Christ each Sunday I leave the results to God! Whether the experiences seem good or not my trust is in the Lord! When I tithe and make offerings each Sunday I am giving back to God what He has already given me! I watch for the Sabbath! I guard the Sabbath! Sorry sir I cannot work on Sunday! We will fire you! So be it! God will provide another job! I prepare for the Sabbath! My soul, mind and body prepare for it! Then I rest in Christ and he renews my soul, mind and body! My thoughts are continually on Him! My expectation is from Him! My reward is in Him! My joy comes from Him! My peace from Him and the relationship to Him! My eternity is framed by Him! His promises are mine! You can please God by making the right choice! Then your remaining choices for the rest of your life will be easy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus Blood Human?

The father of any child determines the gender and blood type! Jesus carries the blood of his Father in Heaven! If Jesus had human blood it would be contaminated with sin! Jesus had a human body except for his blood! God does not look at our sin whatever it may be but looks on the sacrifice! Is the sacrifice adequate? Is the sacrifice enough to atone for our sin? The same in the Old Testament! The High Priest provided the shed blood of an innocent sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sin of the people! Jesus without sin and his shed blood of God is the only sacrifice that qualifies us for redemption! Not your works not your own efforts but the Divine blood of Jesus Christ! Nothing else! Pastor Joseph Prince

Are You Acceptable? Isaiah 61:2

Hebrew Translation: “To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. The year of delight, favor, love, grace, kindness, as the pleasure of a King blessing his subjects! The year the High Priest’s sacrifices were accepted with the blood sacrifices and death accepted for our sin. The debt is now paid and the petitions or prayer requests are now heard and acted upon. And the day of vengeance when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and God’s rage, revenge and jealousy was poured out upon the sacrificial offering and accepted. Now after this the people can be comforted with compassion as the sacrifice for their sin has been accepted and they can take a deep breath and sigh of relief for their trespasses have been atoned for.” Comment: Today when we accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for our sin this offering of God for God on  behalf of God is presented before the Father and our sin is forgiven. But what of the fate of those who reject the sacrifice of God’s only Son Jesus Christ for their sin? I would rather be a fallen angel in Hell than an unbeliever in the earth! Why? Because then they themselves become the sacrifice in judgment condemned to an eternity with their leader Satan! The one and only unpardonable sin is the rejection of Jesus Christ as their Savior! While you still have breath you can still chose Jesus Christ! But one day the opportunity in the chapter of your life will end! You are only acceptable to God through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! Nothing else qualifies you for Heaven! No works or no efforts of your past, present or future will suffice! The Apostle Paul with all his great scholarly abilities said I only know Christ and Him crucified and nothing else! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Someone Else Baked Your Cake! Isaiah 2:19

“And they shall go into the holes of the rocks and into the caves of the earth as dust blown by the wind, for fear of the Lord, and for the Glory of His Majesty when He ariseth to the terrorism of the Lord’s judgment!” Comment: In Isaiah Chapter 2 God is contrasting His love and peace with the foolishness, pride and sin of man! Why is this important? Salvation means nothing without Judgment! If you leave out the Judgment of God as some modern day preachers do then there is no reason for Salvation? Saved for what? Saved from what? There are two sides of the coin when in comes to the Gospel. Salvation on one side and Judgment on the other side! You will have Judgment without Salvation but you cannot have Salvation without Judgment! Christ took our Judgment on the Cross! The problem with the prosperity Gospel is that it can lead people to believe that their success is based upon their works rather than God’s work! If we leave God’s Judgment out of the equation then good works circles around again and can lead people to a false Gospel! The challenge today is witnessing to Muslims! They do not believe they are sinners! They believe they have no need of Salvation even though they kill people following their Koran! Did you ever notice no condemnation comes from the Muslim community following these terrorist attacks? Why? They believe they are instruments of Judgment for God to remove the infidels! If we do not include Judgment for all men and only present a prosperity Gospel we will not get their attention! James and Hamsa Sasse.

National Emblem!

For my own part, I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen the representative of our country! He is a bird of bad moral character! He does not get his living honestly! Benjamin Franklin   Comment: Dear Mr. Franklin, He only kills for food like you and I. He does not kill for revenge and out of anger! He does not live on food stamps! When I get to Heaven I will explain that one! He is not dependent on the government! He does not get a welfare check! Again explain to you in Heaven! He actually works for a living! He builds his own house! He helps control populations! He has never told a lie! Just like George! Should we have chosen the vulture for our National emblem? He keeps our highways clean! He does not disturb the living! He probably would more accurately represent our government! So you ask me what emblem would best describe the American taxpayer? Road Kills! James and Hamsa Sasse.

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

All of our returning veterans can suffer from this disease! Why does it only manifest itself when our veterans return and not in the combat theater? When they return the threat is gone! Bonnie Gray has some interesting insights into this problem! Combat veterans are trained to survive using their weaponry. When they return home the threat is still in their minds from training, combat experience and long periods of exposure to battle field conditions! So the first thing they do when they get home is buy a weapon for security from the threat! They are depending on their own works to protect themselves! We as Christians also must not depend on our own works! Yes, Faith without works is dead but works alone will result in dead works! We need to allow for whitespace which is simply spending quality time with God in prayer, Bible study and church attendance! God Blesses our work if we rely upon Him and commit the work to Him and through Him! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Suggest you buy her book! The title is: Finding Spiritual Whitespace.