Last Days? Genesis 49:10

When Joseph spoke to his sons about the last days what did he mean? The Hebrew word for “last” is like a man rowing a boat and backing into the future. History repeats itself! Jesus said he is the same yesterday, today and forever! The Hebrew word “days” is a period of time where light shines into the darkness! Like the birth, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! His second coming and the rapture of the church will also be points of light! The world remains in darkness because they persecute Christians and Jews and reject their Messiah! Political and religious ideologies that reject Christ turn the world into death and destruction! Abortion, transgender and homosexual movements celebrate death instead of life! Do not bite the hand that feeds you! God is your creator of life and to reject him is to replace him with death! Paganism is nothing new to the earth but a new thing to 21st Century America reaping destruction to our culture and nation! Jesus is the light of the world and the cure to sin and wickedness that destroys any nation! At Jesus second coming he will return to Israel and the forces of evil that try to destroy Israel so Jesus has no place to return to will not succeed! God will win this war against him and his Christ so who will you follow? Him or the losers? James & Hamsa

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