The Gospel for Dummies! John 3:16

There are only two types of sinners! Forgiven sinners and unforgiven sinners! Forgiven sinners on earth and in heaven and unforgiven sinners on earth and in hell. This is the Gospel in a nut shell. If you do not understand this then you do not want to or possibly you could apply for a dummy exemption but you still would be an illegal immigrant in heaven! However God’s immigration policy lets no one into heaven except by the blood of the Lamb! Jesus Christ! We only get cancelled by God if we cancel his Son! God Bless! James & Hamsa Sasse.

One of our India Pastor’s Passed On!

Pastor Daniel in Yercaud India passed on doing ministry throughout these remote villages! We worked with him when we lived there for two years ministering there with him! He was a sacrificial Pastor we understanding by living there for two years! We continued support over the years and now to honor him we support his Son in ministry there! People warned him not to go out to minister because of the Coronavirus! He told people I cannot deny my flock and abandon them because of this pandemic! He caught COVID-19 and passed on late last year! He was 71 years old! When we met in India I was and he was 35 years old! We will continue support there until we pass on! Then we will meet him in heaven! IndiaJesusLovesYou ministry. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Revolution! Politics! Religion!

“Soon after I published the pamphlet COMMON SENSE, in America, I saw the exceedingly probability that a revolution in the system of government would be followed by a revolution in the system of religion! The adulterous connection of the church and state, wherever it had taken place, whether Jewish, Christian, Turkish (Islam) had so effectively prohibited, by pains and penalties, every discussion upon established creeds, and upon the first principles of religion, that until the system of government should be changed, those subjects could not be fairly and openly before the world; but that whenever this should be done, a revolution in the system would follow.” Thomas Paine , Age of Reason, Page 51, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: Thomas Paine was an American hero! He also was a Deist and rejected Christ in some of his writings! However he did say some good things but here at least in some part he got it backwards! We have the advantage of history to look back where he did not! The spiritual revolution is what came first not a political revolution to America! The spiritual revolution began in England and the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1602. Long before 1776! The church and state were wedded together in England causing persecution of Christians! So they fled to America! The church in England was a State controlled church! So how has the church in America become a State controlled church? Through the Democrat installed Lyndon Johnson Senator from Texas then about 60 years ago 501c Tax exemption for religious organizations which shut them up on any political debates! The pastor’s across America got their voices muted! Freedom of Speech removed for money! So what happened in 21st Century America? Because the church was complicit with the State we have a repeat of 15th Century Europe here in America but this time it is a political revolution! Not a spiritual one! Donald Trump entered in stage right in 2016! The vacuum left by the church was filled by the political revolution! Trump did not create the revolution the church created the political revolution! If the church does not change then the revolution will continue! This revolution is a response to our voices being blocked by social media companies! Corruption in government! Open borders! Americans last and foreigners first! Biblical orthodoxy mocked! The church silent on Biblical values promoted in government! The list goes on! Sadly the peoples house has to have a wall now to protect the political leaders from the people while our walls on the southern border are being torn down and our protections removed! Sanctuary cities! Open borders! Anti-law enforcement! The list again goes on! If you do not understand what is going on in America it is because we are in the midst of a Revolution! From the bottom up and from the top down! Once a revolution begins we never know where it will end up? Did you ever try to purchase a gun lately or ammunition for your weapon? Not available! Sold out and orders backlogged for months! Pray for America as the assault on her comes from all sides! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Example of Malice!

Dear Manager of Classified Section of the New York Times: I want to sell my wedding dress! We have been married twenty years and my husband is very angry all the time! He told me I cost him too much money! This dress cost one thousand dollars twenty years ago! It is in prime condition and was only worn once! I am only asking one hundred dollars or I will trade it even for a 38 caliber pistol with at least one bullet in the chamber! Thankyou! Sally

Follow the Winner!

Follow the leader not the loser! Prior to the win of the Super Bowl by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers a team member in the locker room prior to a game came up to Tom Brady and expressed his regret that he did not make the Pro-Bowl team. Brady replied that players who do not win Super Bowls play in the Pro-Bowl games! The Pro-Bowl is for losers! We are after the game that really counts! The Super Bowl! Never settle for second place! Why risk your body and life for a game that makes no sense? Let us together go after the prize! We risk everything for the prize! Why risk everything playing with the losers? Never settle for a substitute prize! Commentary: I follow Jesus because he is the winner! He conquered death, hell and the grave for me! He beat Satan at his own game! Death and destruction transformed into life and victory! My life and purpose was secured by his victory over death and the grave! Mike Tyson was interviewed years ago and was asked his key to success in the boxing ring? He replied the key to winning is when I go into the ring I have to be better than who I am! Great leaders make you better than who you are! They bring out the best in you! Brady makes a team better than who they are! But Brady cannot conquer death! There is only one that has done that! His name is Jesus Christ! Who are you going to follow into eternity? Christ or Satan? Heaven or Hell? Who are you playing for right now? Today? If not you better quickly change teams or sides before it is too late! Follow the winner! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Church Leaders! Time to Sacrifice!

Franklin Graham as of 2020 has a net worth of 12 million dollars! He is considered one of the highest paid pastors in the world who earns an annual salary of $622,252 dollars with additional increments from Samaritans Purse! During the time of his father, he is said to have earned a yearly salary of $450,00 thousand dollars for his work at BGEA. Source: The Commentary: This is why I have difficulty supporting big ministries! Just not enough self-sacrifice from leadership! We have the political elites! The social elites and the religious elites! These ministries have no personal connection with you unless you give big bucks to them! Then you become an elite! They will never be there for your funeral! For your marriage! They do not know who you are! If you passed them by on the street they would not recognize you! It is so impersonal! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! This includes ministries! Jesus could have made billions of dollars healing the sick and raising the dead! He could have published books and made millions! But he did not! We all have to be a good steward of what God has given us! My spiritual leader will never be a millionaire! Jesus ministered to people that had more money than he did! The rich young ruler! Just give me your money and then you will make heaven! No! Give it to the poor! If the Lord tells you to give to a ministry then do it! I do not want your money! I want to help build your spiritual man! Sacrifice is a Kingdom principle! Jesus is our CEO! He owns it all! Let us turn back the clock about 60 years ago here in America! I grew up on a little farm near a little town Pilger Nebraska! The town had about 500 people then! In that town were five churches! We attended a Methodist Church. On Sunday morning these churches were full of people! Then between the little town and our farm about six miles south of Pilger were a host of country churches! What got my attention on Sunday morning when my parents were getting us ready for church was the sound of church bells across the land! The bells are silent now? Every pastor across America of every small church by the tens of thousands was responsible to God and to the church members of that flock! They had a shepherd they personally knew! Not so today! We were tied together community by community by a common bond! Not so today! Our rich heritage is lost today that made America great! TBN has become the Walmart of religion! They are not answerable to you! They do not know you! America is a foreign land today where there is no spiritual connection with leadership of the Pastorate! Just like Washington D.C.! Jesus disciples are numbers on their income sheets! If you wonder why America is fragmenting apart so fast then these are some reasons shown here! Support your Pastor and the small church! I have noticed God shows up there too! He is no respecter of people but whoever calls on his name shall be saved! The elites do not care about the little guy but Jesus does! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.