Democrat Playbook!

Control healthcare and you control people! Saul Alinsky (1905-1972) Radical Jewish Revolutionary, Community Organizer of Division, Russian immigrant embracer of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.  His two better known disciples are Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama.  Comment: The Democrat push that they are concerned about your health is a fabrication! It is about controlling your life in every aspect! Taking choices away from you! When anything is run by the government bad things happen! The high cost of health care has everything to do with government control of it! When the private sector takes over in the free market system competition takes over and quality goes up and prices come down! Freedom is choices and the more freedom we have the more choices we have! You can keep your doctor? Ask the Russian people how many choices they have? None! The Democrats want to stay in political power and since they lack good idea’s the only way they can achieve power is for you to be dependent on them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tulsi Gabbard

I sent President Trump an E-mail about two or three weeks ago that none of the Democratic front runners are  any competition for your 2020 Presidential run! However I felt of all the candidates Tulsi Gabbard was the only competition you may have! She is a combat veteran and the brightest of the bunch! I told Trump the Democrats were not smart enough to recognize her! So what does Hillary Clinton do today! Takes a shot at Tulsi Gabbard to try to be sure she does not rise as a contender! This tips me off that Hillary might be planning to get into the race or they are trying to protect the Democratic sacred cow Joe Biden? My hunch is Hillary will be entering the race again! James & Hamsa Sasse.


In the military we call this a ‘Self Inflicted Wound.’ A coward who wants to get out of the military shoots himself in the foot! This is what the Democrats are doing to themselves! The normal way a legal conclusion is reached is you gather evidence and make a conclusion based upon evidence! They have reversed the process! They concluded Trump committed collusion  with the Russians in the 2016 elections and have been on a two year search of evidence to try to prove their theory! They are searching every barn yard and hen house across America! They cannot accept the will of the American people and still searching for an excuse as to why Hillary lost! The American people are sick of this and will vent their frustrations at the polls in 2020 towards the Democrats! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christ! Servant! King!

There is no King who has not had a slave among his ancestors! There is no slave who has not had a King among his ancestors! Helen Keller, Deaf, Mute, Blind, Writer, Author.  Comment: When Helen was introduced to Christ and Christianity she said I knew he was with me all the time but I did not know his name! Helen said her greatest pleasures were curiosity and imagination! We were all made in the image or imagination of God! Curiosity is about the awe and wonder of God! She also said the only excuse humans had for being in this world is to help others! In regards for a Texas school board removing Helen and Hillary Clinton from their text books we must remember we should not change history to fit our prejudices! I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton! I would not consider a role model for my children! However we cannot have a Democrat history book and a Republican history book! History must be reported as unbiased as possible to our children! History must not be changed or the history of people must not be ignored! Even though Hellen leaned towards socialism I believe it was more towards a spirit of helping others not overthrowing present systems of Government with revolution! The strongest case against abortion is Helen Keller! James and Hamsa Sasse.

White Indian Attack!

The Democrats better circle their wagons! Elizabeth Warren is on the war path again! Her DNA test shows she is very much white! Less than I/32nd American Indian! You have to have at least one third DNA to legally claim your racial heritage! The American Indians are really fed up with her claim! Is this her Spartacus moment? Next thing she will claim she had sex with the Lone Ranger! Remember Hillary claimed she was Puerto Rican and other races! The Democrats should probably send Elizabeth back to the reservation! Problem with that is the Indians would riot! What length will the Democrats claim to get elected? American’s are like God they do not look at what you were but who you are today! Salvation is all about you are a forgiven sinner living a righteous life today! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Work of Holy Spirit! John 16:13

Greek Translation: “Now when the breath of God blows on you at the reality of my appearing he will show you the way into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear with the ear of the mind, that shall he announce to you things to come.” Comment: Jesus was not talking about fortune cookies here! The Apostle John also went on to write the Book of Revelation! Want to know the future? Do not go to a palm reader! Read the Word of God! Yes! Your Bible you never open! Most of the Church avoids the Book of Revelation? They pretend it does not exist? Is the church interested in the future? Does your future interfere with God’s plan for your life? What makes the Book of Revelation challenging is that John makes many references to Old Testament prophecies out of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms and others but he does not reference these scriptures! So if you are not a student of the Old Testament it will be hard for you to understand! Remember the Old Testament prophets predicted the time and place of the arrival to earth of our Messiah! Hundreds of years before! They also predicted events today in the 21st Century! Tim Clement was probably the best prophet I have seen in my life time! I first met Kim back in the early 1990’s when he came to our old church Harvest Cathedral in Macon Georgia. After hanging around him and his  piano a few minutes revelation would begin to come to you! Kim went on to prophecy in 2007 a leader by the name of Trump would come to power to turn America back to God! In 2013 Kim prophesized his first name “Donald!” This is why the left hates Trump so much! He is God’s choice and not their choice! Kim’s video’s are all on YouTube so you can check them out for yourself! Kim has gone on to the Lord! Kim was not a 50 percenter! Will it be Hillary or Trump in 2016? Even the Gamblers in Vegas can hit on this one! Kim did not divine for money! He was the real deal! God can use you just like Isaiah, Ezekiel and Kim! Remember that old song, “The future is not ours to say?” A big lie! We choose our future by accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ! God has predicted the future because he has written the future! Is your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life? God has spoken his word through his written word (logos) from the pages of your Bible! Our future is our choice! Speak the Rhema or spoken word from his written word and the life of God will come to you! God will then dwell in you and you will speak the things he gives you! Excitement will come to your life! An eternal purpose will come to you! To see the future before it happens and to then see the newspapers report these events and confirmed through history is about as exciting as it will ever get for you! Are you bored? Get on with God! James and Hamsa Sasse.


Now Hillary is blaming white women who listen to their white husbands and voted for Trump? How many excuses can she manufacture to explain her loss? First it was Putin and now American women particularly white women! What color are you Hillary? If tribalism is alive and well in America then Obama would never have been elected and you should have! There is something deeper here and more profound! Hillary you lost because the socialistic agenda of Obama was rejected and you attached yourself to him by association of ideology and you lost! Had you moved toward the center right you could have won! Now the Democrats running for election in states this November are saying all these companies giving millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises to the American worker are under a big conspiracy by Trump? They are saying you should give your money to the government rather than keep it yourself! The Democratic party is all about equal outcome! That is give us your money and your power and we will push socialism with equal outcome for everyone! Regardless of your work ethic or ability you will end up with the same outcome as the bum down on skid row! Give up your choices and we will choose for you! HealthCare! Public schools! Welfare! The Republican party is just the opposite! The party of equal opportunity not equal outcomes! Less government! More choices! More jobs! More income! Fewer taxes! Fewer regulations! Socialism is only popular because no one has lived in a real socialist country such as the Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela! Remember Burnie Sanders took his wife on their honeymoon to Russia about 50 years ago! I could never fall in love with failure! The left has run out of excuses for their failures to the American people! If we can replace the Democrats with Republicans we can increase the prosperity of Americans among all classes of people! Let us not turn back the clock to the failed socialism nations of the present and past! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Water Boarding!

What is it? It is a swimming stroke taught at a summer swimming clinic? Democrat Schumer says she is connected to water boarding tactics to get terrorists to talk! Gina Haspel would be the first women director of the CIA! Is that a problem for Chuck Schumer? Just because Hillary did not make it does not mean you need to stop all women from promotion? Chuck Schumer forgot to mention it was the water boarding of terrorists that got us the information to find Ben Ladin! Of course the Democrats do not want us to punish terrorists or illegals but only American citizens! The United States of America is becoming the Illegal States of America thanks to Democrats like chuck! Chucky Cheese! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Basket of Deplorables!

How did Hillary know she was referring to NFL players, coaches and owners? Is she a prophet? What is behind this spirit of trashing America? Why would you bite the hand that feeds you? Should we change the name of the NFL? How about the IFL? International Football League! Would this make the left happy? Get rid of Nationalism and go global? This is what this fight is all about! The push for the move to a one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will see this predicted in scriptures! The push is expressed in illegal immigrants rights, no borders, sanctuary cities, single payer health care system, no voter I.D. laws, mockery of National Anthem and more! One of the biggest clues is the promotion of homosexual behavior! My Bible says the Anti-Christ will have no natural affection for women! The one world leader during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a homosexual. Today there are two things simultaneously going on! We have those who are preparing for Christ and His Kingdom and those who are preparing for the Anti-Christ and his Kingdom! These two Kingdoms will clash in the Apocalyptic last war on earth during the 7 year rule of the Anti-Christ! The war will be against Israel. Why Israel? Why would the armies of the earth surround Israel for this last battle with God Himself? Remember the Church is raptured! Why more hate against the Jews? Because Israel produced the Messiah! So which Kingdom are you for? Where is your loyalty? God or Satan? God knows where we stand right now and all of us will stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat of Christ! He will either be your Savior or your Judge! Let it be clear where I stand! “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.