The Persecutor Becomes The Persecuted! Acts 9:29

“And he spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him.” Commentary: Saul of Tarsus who became Paul previously had been a persecutor of the church! He participated in the martyr of Stephen! After his conversion to Christ on the Road to Damascus he became a persecuted Christian! A good lesson we can learn here in the life of the Apostle Paul. In life there are two sides of the coin! You will either be persecuted as Christians or you will persecute the followers of Christ! So which team are you on? Following Christ leads to persecution and heaven but to persecute Christ and his followers leads to hell. I was once a persecutor of Christ but now a follower! Which are you? When the truth of Christ is revealed and the lies and deceptions of Satan are exposed conversion follows! I am only a critic of the church when they depart from the scriptures to conform to popular culture! Promotion of abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, transgenderism, lesbianism and other sins opposed by God and his Holy scriptures! State controlled churches through the 501c tax exemption trading freedom of speech for money! I am not a self appointed judge of the church or anyone but I can echo what the scriptures declare! Yes if you promote the scriptures they will want to kill you! However this life is short but eternity forever! The church will never be perfect and neither are we it’s members! Remember the seven churches in the Book of Revelation? He commended them yet said I have somewhat against you! You have left your first love for the world! Jesus is the judge of the living and the dead! If anyone is able to speak for you on judgment day it will be Jesus! If I deny him and his scriptures here on earth what hope do we have? None outside of him! Promising to raise us from the dead! Forgive our sin! Again are you are either a persecutor or the persecuted of Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Save the Planet? Genesis 1:1

You hear this from the far political left all the time! It sounds like a broken record! Remember God created the earth before man! God created the earth for man! God did not create man for the earth! The earth worshipers or the Green New deal folks are Darwinists! In their ideology through the fake science of Darwin they become atheists! If you really want to save the earth then unless the souls of men are saved by Christ death and destruction rule the earth! Look at our most recent atheist/Darwinist Putin in Ukraine! The destruction of earth began in the Garden of Eden when Satan deceived Adam and Eve into believing a lie about God their creator! The same lies he presents to the Darwinists today when they believe the final solution is to punish man for harming the earth with $7.00 dollar a gallon gasoline! God created the minerals in the earth for the benefit of man not to punish men for their usage to make for a better life! Without God men will destroy everything and the benefits he has given them! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Lust Problem!

A young college girl was driving home for the Thanksgiving break. She was an attractive girl with great mental abilities! It was late only 100 miles from home yet she began to tire and needed a rest break. So she pulled off the road to a Waffle House for some coffee! Right across from the Waffle House was a nice Hotel. A man staying at the hotel walked over to the Waffle House for a late night snack. He noticed her beauty so before he left he went by her table and smiled at her and dropped his hotel room keys in front of her and then left for the hotel. She was perplexed? What to do? Then she saw an old truck driver fat, no hair or teeth and went up to him and smiled at him and dropped those keys off to him and left! The man at the hotel was waiting in the lobby for her! It got later and later so he gave up got on the elevator to return to his room! He opened the door and sitting on the edge of the bed was an old fat ugly truck driver with just his under shorts on! Pastor Robert Jeffress.

Just the Facts! COVID-19

As of Aug 30, 2021 we have 7218 reported deaths as a result of the COVID-19 vaccination! About 369 million doses have been administered. After being vaccinated 4493 have died of COVID-19. Since the start of this Chinese plague 740718 Americans have died from COVID-19. This number exceeds the 1918 pandemic where 675000 Americans died and we are not out of this present pandemic! Jesus had a lot to say about pandemics and the Bible covers this topic in detail! Please read! Pandemics are prophetic! My Bible says it is vanity to trust in man! I am going to trust in God rather than man as millions of Americans who have lost or will lose their jobs because of the Biden dictator regime! Everyone here in American is under a Constitution that protects us from tyranny and gives us the freedom of choice in these decisions without the forced intrusion of government! For those who are forced out of work because of government directives have a redress to the courts and compensation by our government for unconstitutional mandates! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Hindu Priest! Matthew 6:33

If God can speak through a donkey he can speak through anyone! My wife Hamsa was a young widow living in India with her two small boys in 1965. I was a sophomore in high school in 1965. Her future looked bleak there with not much hope of a future! One day a Hindu Priest came to her door and told her he had a prophetic word for her future! She was reluctant to listen for she was a Christian not an idol worshiper! The prophecy was this:” In two years you will go to America! You will meet a God sent man to you and marry and you will have two more children, two girls that will complete your family! Your God, your Christ tells me this and reveals these things to you!” In 1967 Hamsa was on an airliner traveling from India to America! She put a fleece out before the Lord and said whoever this man is the first thing he will do when we meet is invite me to church! Many men invited her to the movies, dinner, dances and other social functions in those subsequent years. I had just completed college in Denver in 1972 and honestly went to college to avoid the Vietnam war! My prayer was for the Lord to send the right person into my life! Read Matthew 6:33. Both of us were asking God to find us a spouse! In 1972 I invited Hamsa to church the first time I ever met her! A God arranged marriage is a lasting marriage that will stand the test of time! Let God arrange your life not only in marriage but ever aspect of your life! Put him in your driver’s seat and he will guide you safely home! By the way I joined the military in 1975. James & Hamsa Sasse.

Political Science Again? Just the Facts!

FDA Vaccine Approval History: A typical vaccine development takes 5 to 10 years and sometimes longer, to access whether the vaccine is safe and effective in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantities of vaccines doses for distribution. Source: https://Coronovirus.jhu.Edu/vaccine time lines. Commentary: So when many Americans were reluctant to take the vaccine because it was an experimental drug magically Uncle Joe got it rapid fire approved so he says go ahead and get the shot? What kind of a fool does Uncle Joe think I am? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Is the Beast the Bat? Revelation 13:16-17

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And no man might buy or sell, save he that hath the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Commentary: Bats are mammals and are worshipped in some cultures as gods! The vampire bat sucks blood from it’s victims! They are the only mammals capable of extended flight! They hunt at night and hide in the day! They carry plagues such as the Coronavirus to humans! They bring death and destruction! So since this pandemic businesses have been forced to close not able to sell and buyers not able to buy! Government mandated closures have bankrupted thousands of business companies! People are losing their jobs and incomes by refusing vaccinations! Children and adults cannot go to school without masks and vaccinations! Freedom by fear is being lost by democratic societies around the planet! Pastors are going to jail for holding a worship service around the planet! Our Constitutional freedoms are being suspended maybe lost forever! Compliance is the only thing accepted! People are shooting each other over arguments about masks! You cannot travel without proof of vaccinations! Fake vaccination cards out of China are flooding the world markets! So what kind of a mark are you going to have to take to prove you are vaccinated? The Mark of the Beast? His number or his name? When will the banks require proof of vaccinations before you can deposit or withdraw money from your account? How about Visa Cards? What will they do to the Christians who refuse to take the mark? When will the governments of the world join together as a one world government to ensure complete compliance? When will the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet enter the scene to lead this socialist movement? Here in America our Constitutional freedoms are being eroded everyday through this pandemic along with democratic governments around the earth! Freedom of choice is threatened across the globe! Has the beast or the bat become a man? Some falsely believe things will return to normal? Fat hope! Biblical prophecy is on steroids today! Read the Book of Revelation and then look out your window! We have arrived! The handwriting is on the wall! The bat and the owl have made a deal! Why consume each other when together we can consume the mice or the people! They are food for our consumption! Governments and private business are wedding together to become one! No one will escape their grasp! Will you as a Christian take the mark? The Mark of the Beast? If you trust Christ not government or the private sector then you have a future eternal in the heavens and will come back with Christ from heaven to join him in the last great battle on earth during the seven year tribulation period! Then Satan defeated and bound for a thousand years and enjoying peace on earth reigning with Christ here on earth after you left earth and when you return! Our hope is in Christ because everything else will fail you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Second Death? Revelation 2:11

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Church: He that overcometh shall not be [hurt] of the second [death].” Commentary: Notice this warning is to the church! To overcome is to have victory! Victory over what? Sin! There is a sin unto death! Everyone dies once but sadly some die twice! You do not want to be in that crowd! So what is the second death? It is a life eternally separated from God! In this state you are conscious of your existence! The Apostle John speaks of the second death in three other places in the Book of Revelation! They are Revelation 20:6, 20:14 & 21:8. Please read and study these scriptures on the second death! Those in Christ will never experience the second death because Jesus paid the price for your second death on the Cross! It is only those who reject Christ that will experience the second death! A place where the worm dieth not and the fire is never quenched! For those in Christ he has prepared a place for us in heaven! If you were to fill out a change of address card before you die what address would you enter? Heaven or Hell? Again there are forgiven sinners in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell! The difference is what they did with Christ! To accept his grace or reject him! We stand or fall with what we do with the Savior! He is either our Savior or judge! He took your judgment on the Cross do not try to do his job! You will forfeit heaven for hell! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Marxism & Evolution! Survival of the Fittest!

Labor is the source of all wealth, the political economists assert, and it really is the source-next to nature, which supplies it with material that is converted into wealth. But it is infinitely more than this. It is the basic condition of all human existence, and this is such an extent that, in a sense, we have to say that [labor created man himself]. Source: Frederick Engels, The Part Played by Labor in the Transition from Ape to Man. 1876 Commentary: The Marxists got it ass backwards! God created man and gave him labor to be productive! For purpose! God worked himself in the creation of this world in six days! Then rested on the seventh day from his labor! Sunday is about resting from our labor just as God rested! The Darwinists or evolutionists in history oppose God and his creation manufacturing an ideology that has proven the most destructive ideology known to man! This same ideology is carried on today in America by the political left pushing Marxism and all anti-God ideologies! Look for the sources of all ideologies! We have our Bible and the scriptures proven since the beginning of time! Marx and Engels and Darwin have themselves only as the basis for their theories! James & Hamsa Sasse.