Islam & Nazi’s!

Mohammed knew that most people are terribly cowardly and stupid. That is why he promised two beautiful women to every courageous warrior who dies in battle. This is the kind of language a soldier understands. When he believes that he will be welcomed in this manner in the afterlife, he will be willing to give his life, he will be enthusiastic about going to battle and not fear death. You may call this primitive and you may laugh about it, but it is based upon deeper wisdom. A religion must speak a man’s language. Heinrich Himmler Comment: How come Mohammed never mentions what the women get if they die bravely in battle? Do they get two handsome men? Since Mohammed had nine wives and he said all other Muslim men can have four wives they are too busy sharing their husband with other women here on earth! Who would want this to continue in the afterlife?

Hitler and Evolution!

Hitler used Evolutionary Theory to justify racial supremacy! Here is a quote from Adolf Hitler:”If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such a case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousand of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile.” Mein Kampf, Page 223. Comment: Here are some quotes by Winston Churchill about the World War II conflict; “The outcome of this battle determines the survival of Christian civilization! If we fail then the whole world, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age! The loss would be more sinister and perhaps more protracted by the likes of perverted science(Evolution)” This perverted science is taught in our government run education system across America! It diabolically opposes Creation and the universe as created by our God as revealed in our Bible! Evolution taught as true science can be used to justify abortion, infanticide, filicide and senicide! And not least genocide! Notice Hitler went after the Jews! Why! Their Bible is about a creative God that opposes evolution! America right now has politicized abortion with tens of millions of children slaughtered! But it went one step further in Nazi Germany! It was militarized with the Nazi’s! We are only one step away from abortion being expanded to all categories of life! Children cannot fight back in the womb so who will protect them? God is watching us who claim His name of righteousness over evil! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Violence on the Left!

The political left is desperate! They have lost the ideology debate! They have lost the political debate! Trump won! So what is the left for the left to do? Shut down free speech and debate! Attack those they disagree with! Label us Nazi’s, Fascists or white supreme folks if you happen to be white! Sadly they really believe they are victims! In their quest for a pseudo justice they commit crimes against humanity and their fellow Americans! The very crimes they accuse us of such as Nazi’s and Fascists are the very tactics they use against their fellow Americans? The American left needs a strong dosage of sanity! If they will return to the Faith of their Founding Father’s peace will once again dwell across our land! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Roman Colosseum 80 A.D.

The largest amphitheater in the world was built in Rome in 80 A.D. The average attendance was 65000 people! Nice but few Christians know how it was funded and who really built it? Emperor Vespasian funded the project from the spoils taken from the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 A.D. Remember Jesus prophesized the destruction of the Jewish Temple! Also the Colosseum was constructed by 100000 Jewish prisoners taken to Rome from Jerusalem! So what happens in this Colosseum? Over the next 300 years millions of Christians are martyred including Jesus Disciples who wrote our Holy Bible! Buried under the catacombs of Rome are an estimated 8 million Christians! So what can we conclude from history? Many things but importantly when Jews die Christians die! Whether it be WWII and the Nazi’s or other history. God promises that if we Bless the Jews He will Bless us! If we curse the Jews we will be cursed! Let us keep this in mind as President Obama pushes the Iran Nuke deal that the consequences to Israel and the Jews will have consequences to the Christians here in America and around the world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.