Who Do You Trust? Psalm 86:11

Hebrew Translation: “Teach me by laying a foundation established and erect controlling me which leads me down the road of life. O Lord; I will walk faithfully and stable in thy truth; unite my heart in the totality of my inner nature to reverence and respect your name.” Comment: We like Jesus disciples have struggled with this scripture! Like Jesus disciples we sometimes do not walk stable following him! We waver in faith getting off the road that leads to life! The disciples would sometimes get off the foundation! Their heart was not always united with Christ! Reverence and respect for his name was not always there! Peter denied Jesus even though he told him he would die for him! He eventually did in Rome years later! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We say let the church do it! Let an organization do it! Pay them so I do not have to do it! Our gift’s God has given us cannot be used unless we do what Jesus told us to do! At the feeding of the 5000 Jesus asked the disciples what do they have? The disciples wanted to send the crowd away! We do not have money to feed this large crowd? Cancel the meeting! Send them home! The disciples were perplexed? They can buy their own food! A little boy in the crowd came prepared! He had more than enough for himself! He had a little faith! Enough faith to give Jesus everything he had! The little boy gave his all! He had the gift of 5 loaves and 2 fish! Bring what you have to Jesus! God will multiply it! Let God bless what you have! Really what he has given you! Doesn’t seem like much but enough! He will multiply it to feed everyone! God is greater than what you have! Have you figured this out yet? Do something with what God has given you! With your life! Don’t waste it on drugs and go to work! With the left overs from a miracle you can feed even more people! Twelve baskets full! Israel had twelve tribes and Jesus had twelve disciples! God can build a nation out of left overs! God can build a church with left overs! God has more than enough for your family! He has more than enough for your church! God can bless you if you bring all you have to him! Peter build my church! Do you want to distribute God to the world? Or keep him for yourself? Sow the seed you have! Do not eat your seed! Share and multiply what you have! The rich young ruler was not able to do that? He valued his possessions more than God! I don’t need to tithe and make offerings? The possessions God had given to him he could not give back! If you give to God what you have he will do more with it than you ever could by yourself! The graveyard is full of excuses! Even David who wrote this Psalm waivered at times! Jesus never did! Wait on God but not on anything else! Do what God has called you to do! Help the needy and the lost! Go after those the world has rejected! Pray and agree with God! Jesus had every excuse to quit! The crown of thorns was very painful! The betrayal of his disciples was painful! His back cut open and bleeding was painful! His Cross was heavy! Your will be done! God’s will is not easy! Jesus had no excuses to die for you! Do you have any excuses not to live for him? He gave his all! Can you? Be faithful! Stand up for our flag and take a knee for Jesus in prayer! Pastor Don Wildes, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia

Treasure in Heaven? Upon the Earth?

Matthew 6:19-21 Comment: So what is the difference between earth and heaven? What did Jesus mean here? You might think you know the difference but let us look at the Greek root words used for these two English words! The word earth means the dust part of the earth! It does not include the above ground earth! However we are made from the dust of the earth! We will return to the dust of the earth! All the elements in the human body are found in the dust of the earth! Science confirms the scriptures of your Bible! The word heaven used here is also interesting because this word used here by Jesus means in a physical sense! It means the all embracing heaven beneath which is the earth. What does the word heart mean? It means every thought, reasoning, understanding, will, judgment, designs, affections, love, hatred, fear, joy, sorrow and anger of a human being! We cannot hide our heart from God! This is reason alone to repent of our sin! Misplaced values of the heart will lead to wrong choices! So what did Jesus mean when we put all these three words together? Jesus was saying do not invest your life in dust! Your earthly treasures will perish with your body! Jesus is saying the eternal part of us will never perish! It is your soul, mind and eternal body! Jesus will one day raise us from the dead! To invest treasures in heaven means to invest in souls here in the earth! Use your resources to reach people for Christ! This is why our Pastor Cope Sunday had an emphasis on Vacation Bible School for our children! This is why he had a Gideon’s International speaker at the pulpit to fund Bible distribution world wide! If you go after money and not soul’s you will become spiritually bankrupt! Separated from God! Will your treasure perish with you or grow the Kingdom of God here on earth? Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! James and Hamsa  Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What Does Knock Mean? Luke 11:9

Everyone knows what it means! Come on! Give me a break! I had an old car and the engine used to knock! Not very pretty! Jesus said knock and it shall be opened unto you! We know what he meant but our point of reference could be wrong! The Greek root word used for the English word knock used in this passage of scripture means to overthrow from captivity! So you are knocking on the door to escape from your captivity of sin! When you knock and Jesus opens the door you are not inviting him in for a cup of tea! You are going through a fire escape leaving a burning building named Hell! Jesus is inviting you into His House and you are exiting Hell! Your house will not stand! Remember the four men that carried the paralyzed man to Jesus on a stretcher? The crowd was so great around the house he was visiting that they tore the roof apart to get to Jesus! They wanted the paralyzed man to escape his physical captivity! Notice Jesus was first concerned with his soul! We are exiting our troubles and entering into His Kingdom with protection from Hell and death! How do we as believers knock on the door? We attend church regularly! We tithe and make offerings to God through our local church! We read and study our Bible daily and pray often! Can Jesus hear your knock? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Science and Faith Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Comment: There are a lot of things in this scripture in your Bible. We are just going to make one observation for now. God must have created the heaven and the earth at the same time! So what does science say? Science is in agreement that the earth, sun, moon and planets and stars are all the same age! Science confirms scripture! Arguments come from science about the age of the earth? They agree whatever age it is all the same age! We also know from science that the earth and solar system is dying! Science and politicians try to blame it on man! So what will God do? My Bible says He will create a new heaven and a new earth! No carbon taxes or EPA! No putting coal miners out of work! No shutting down power plants! God has a simple plan but He can do what we cannot do! We need to just trust Him and live in freedom from the bondage of sin and death! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Are You Saved? Ephesians 2:8

We looked at the word grace previously used in this passage now we will look at the word saved. So what does saved mean? Saved from what, who, when,through,by and the list goes on! Saved from your boss? They say real joy is putting your milk carton on the breakfast table in the morning and there is a picture of your boss on the milk carton listed as a missing person! Is being saved dependent on me? I can be a good driver but a reckless driver can kill me! Can i be saved from financial ruin? How about working? Still i can be fired or laid off! Saved from bad health? Stop smoking but you could still get lung cancer! Saved for what purpose? Do i need to be saved from people or for people? Saved from a terrorist or for a terrorist? To be saved using the Greek root word in this scripture means to be saved from eternal death! To be delivered from physical death! To be healed and restored to health! To be saved from danger, loss and destruction! Where is the evidence that you are saved? This is the most important question you will ever ask! Where else in the Bible do we find the two words grave and saved used together? Genesis 47:25 “The people of Egypt told Joseph thou has saved our lives let us find grace in the sight of your Lord and we will be Pharaoh’s servants!” The best evidence you are saved is you will be a servant! Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Book of Jasher? Joshua 10:13

The Book of Jasher is mentioned in the Book of Joshua and in 2 Samuel 1:18-27. Many believe the Book of Jasher was inserted because Joshua wanted to reference other sources to authenticate the event. The Book of Jasher is one of the apocalyptic Books. The Book of Jasher was left out of the canon of Scripture, however God directed the authors of Scripture to use passages from many extra-Biblical sources in composing His Word. The Book of Jasher contains 91 chapters. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Love Requires Trouble! Trouble Requires Love!

If love dwelleth not in trouble, it could have nothing to love! But its substance which it loves, namely the poor soul, being in trouble and pain, it has thence cause to love this its own substance and to deliver it from pain, that so itself may by it be again beloved! Jakob Bohme (1575-1624) Comment: Jakob Bohme was a theologian but was also sometimes considered a mystic! He wrote a lot of books but was sometimes disciplined by the Lutheran Church in Germany. Any theology has to be compared against scripture. His writings do invoke thought! My first thought was did God love us more after salvation than before? No! What happens is we love Him more after salvation! God loved Adam and Eve before sin! God’s love was the first cause for everything and I believe did not require sin to initiate His love! If you have any thoughts about this please contact us. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Most Misinterpreted Scripture In the Bible! Matthew 7:1

A poll was taken among unbelievers and they were asked what word comes to their minds when they hear the word, “Evangelical Christian.” A overwhelming majority said the word that comes to their mind is; “Judgmental.” Most of them quote Matthew 7:1 to support their views. What is lacking here is for them to read the rest of chapter 7. It is always easier to be critical of others sin than our own sin. We treat others sin different from our own. There is a big difference between judging and evaluating someone. We get discernment from God’s Word! The Greek word used for judgment in verse one is the word,”Krima.” It means to judge, condemn and execute. Like Jesus was given at Calvary. We can say something is wrong without judging. We can take a moral stand without being a jerk. We need not be evaluator and chief. We do need to draw the line on impure thoughts and actions. Cool parents are bad parents! You are not your children’s best friends but you are in authority over them and responsible to God for them! We set boundaries in our family for their safety. Judgmental people are constant fault finders. They think your problems are because God is out to get you for your faults. They are always looking for the wrong and not what is right. They always remind others of their past mistakes. We all have flaws and need Christ. Following are a list of opposites judgment verses evaluate; Judge-emotional anger. Evaluate-restore them (kindness). Judge-Pride (better than you). Evaluate-I want to help (Grace). Judge-stay away (fear). Evaluate-restore them (Kingdom). Verse 2- Same way be judged. Give-away get back. Forgive-forgiven. Heal-healing. Pour out Grace abundantly! John 8:3-6. Woman caught in adultery. What did Jesus write on the ground? No one knows? Maybe the names of the ladies the Pharisee’s were seeing? They knew all about the law yet guilty. Older left first. Why? Maybe more to remember? Sometimes when we get older we forget how broken we were before we came to Christ. Don’t get over your salvation! Where are your accusers? Jesus asked her to leave her sin and stop it. Jesus gives us an invitation to take up our Cross and follow Him. We want to pray for two groups this morning. The worst kind of abuse is spiritual abuse. Spiritual leaders who abuse the flock. These people are hurt the deepest. We need grace not judgment. Forgive! We need ocean’s of Grace! New way of living. Judgmental people assume the worst in people. A product does not know it’s purpose. Only the designer or creator knows a products true purpose. Find your Creator and learn your true purpose in Christ! Source; Sermon notes taken from message by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, given in Colorado Springs, Colorado on August 11, 2013. Thankyou.James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com