Want Attention?

If you are socially starved during our pandemic rather than travel and risk COVID infection try this! Go to your toy section of your Dollar Tree or Walmart and get a few bottles of bubble blowers! You remember as a kid the little bottle of soap and the ring you would dip into the soap and blow bubbles! Then your family can celebrate together the new vaccine coming by blowing bubbles at each other! This is Biden’s plan to slow the spread! Send every congress and senator one so together at the Presidential inauguration they can all blow bubbles to celebrate! Then if you really want attention take one to your store shopping or your waffle house or your church and just blow some bubbles into the air! Tell the cops this is your way of celebrating the holidays and coming new year! You have to come up with inventive new ways to get attention these days!

Really Want Socialism?

The late Rudolph Rummel, the demographer of government mass murder, estimates the human toll of 20th Century Socialism to be about 61 million in the Soviet Union, 78 million in China and roughly 200 million worldwide! Yuri M. Maltsev November 2, 2017.

Want Peace?

You will have peace to the extent that you have God, but the further you are away from God the less you will be at peace. Thus you may measure your progress with God by measuring your peace or lack of it. Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) German Theologian Comment: Jesus is called the Prince of Peace! Why? He being God made peace with God by reconciling our sin unto himself! To be right with God requires our sin against him to reconciled! Once that is accompliced only peace with God remains! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Want to be Loved?

There are many who want me to tell them of secret ways of becoming perfect and I can only tell them that the sole secret is a hearty love for God, and the only way of attaining that love is by loving! You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; and just as you learn to love God and man by loving. Begin as a mere apprentice and the very power of love will lead you to be a master of the art! Francis de Sales (1567-1622), French Theologian.  Comment: My Bible tells me you reap what you sow! My Bible tells me he first loved us! God who loves us more than any human was rejected and despised of men! So much he went to the Cross for us! Twenty one centuries later his love is still rejected by the majority! So understand that your love and the love of God living in you may be rejected by men! Still it is worth the investment to love because there will be a harvest of souls for your investment! Satan may discourage you as he did to Jesus through his own disciples before and after the Cross but Jesus never gave up on them and he will never give up on you regardless of what men do to you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What Jesus Wants for Christmas?

Well, it is Jesus birthday so what does he want? Since I was a little child I always was asked what I want for Christmas? The gifts were for me! I though it was all about me! Jesus gave us the greatest gift but what do with it? Do I treat the gifts as precious? Could I give Jesus more of my time? The time is not mine because he created time! Could I give him gold like the wise men? The streets of Heaven are paved with gold and besides the scriptures declare he is more precious than silver or gold! Could I pray more? He is interceding for me right now at the right hand of the Father! Could I love him more? He first loved me! Could I live for him? He gave his life for me! Could I put sinners under his Christmas tree? Could I put the lost souls of this generation under his tree? Could I present worms turned to butterfly’s under his tree? Could I help to populate Heaven and earth with Saints! Forgiven sinners? Only by his power and grace! Can I do anything without Jesus? I can sin and live a selfish life away from him! I can work death instead of life! Because of him I do not have to do that! I think the best thing I can do for Christmas is receive his gift of Salvation and eternal life and share his gift with others! Happy Birthday Jesus! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Case Against Socialism Isaiah 62:8

The Lord has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Surely I will no more give  thy corn to be meat for your enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine, for which thy has labored.  Comment: I know what the socialists will say! Well Jesus said to love your enemies! Right? Let us look at the Greek word “Agape”. This Greek word is not found in Classical Greek but is only used in revealed religion! Here is the key to this word used for our English word love! This word when used is not doing what the person loved desires but what the one who loves deems as needed by the one loved! This is central to understanding what Jesus meant! Jesus love is not based on what we want but on what we need! If people wanted Salvation then the whole world would be saved and we could close up our churches and go home! Most people are not in love with God but with the world and themselves! Ever try to sell someone what they don’t want? Like selling a comb to a bald man! However I was blind but now I see! So the Jesus standard of love is to give people what they need not what they want! Socialism is all about people getting what they want! Free stuff! Do not have to work for it let someone else do the work! Theft! Why did God invent work? Work is a sacrifice! God’s whole Kingdom is built on a sacrificial system! Work is a sacrifice! Jesus sacrificed himself on a Cross for us! God worked 6 days in creation and rested on the 7th day! Should he expect less from us? God has made provision for those who cannot work! Work is the only vehicle that brings out our gifts God has given us! We love our enemies by sharing Christ with them! It is tough because most do not want him! They trust the world and themselves rather than God! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Love of Money! Ecclesiastes 5:11-17

This is what happens to those who love money more than God! The following are the five characteristics of people who are in love with money; 1. The more they have the more they want. 2. The more they have the more they spend. 3. The more they have the more they worry. 4. The more they have the more they lose. 5. The more they have the more they have to leave behind. Pastor David Jeremiah Comment: Solomon was the richest man that has ever lived on the earth! He had 700 hundred wives and 300 concubines or girl friends! If anyone knew the deception of wealth he knew! Learn from him who had it all but in the end he said it was all vanity! That is to no purpose! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. I admire Pastor Jeremiah for his transparency in taking a Biblical stand on money, sex, Heaven and Hell. He is not a politically correct politician in the pulpit! He has my respect! Jesus offended the rich but had compassion on the poor! Judas lost his soul because of a love for money! Jesus told the rich man after he bragged to him how he keeps the law perfectly that he lacked one thing! Give all you have to the poor and come and follow me! But the rich man went away sad because his possessions had him! They owned him! Do not hang on to what you cannot keep! The way to keep money from owning you is to give it away! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Joy Set Before Him! Hebrews 12:2

What is the difference between love and law? Jesus came to fulfill the law though love! If the only God you know is law then your attitude is I HAVE to obey and keep the Commandments! Even though you are miserable you have to do your duty! We must be in church on Sunday and keep the Sabbath! When we discover the love of God through Christ our attitude changes about worship! Now I WANT to keep the Commandments! I want to please God! He loves me and I do not want to disappoint Him! I love Him because He first loved me! I obey out of love! My attitude now is to love other’s as He has loved me! I take joy in suffering for other’s as He suffered for me! My present and future is in Him so I no longer have to store up stuff for myself! I can joyfully share what I have with other’s! I no longer have to store up anger, hate and worry to be released on other’s for He has taken it away and given me love to replace it! I am free now to do the Father’s will. Jesus endured the Cross with joy! Why? Because He loves you! He knew the return on His sacrifice would redeem billions of souls! However had the return only been you He would have done it! The same joy is available to you but you must forsake the things that are taking your joy away and take up your Cross and follow Jesus! Why not begin this journey by attending a Easter Service this Sunday! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com